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Thread: Spice and Wolf II

  1. #41
    I think Dianna sold the pyrite to Horo. Notice the large feathers?

    Whether she's trying to help Lawrence or hinder his efforts to crash the market, though, is anyone's guess.

  2. #42
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Everon
    I think Dianna sold the pyrite to Horo. Notice the large feathers?

    Whether she's trying to help Lawrence or hinder his efforts to crash the market, though, is anyone's guess.
    Though Horo now knows about Dianna's existence through the letter, I doubt she actually knows what Lawrence is planning. Even Amarty, who's been trading for a good while, only recently learned how to buy with credit.

    I'm sure it was Amarty who bought the pyrite, and gave the feathers to Horo as a gift. It also shows how he's already buying with credit, and his confidence shows he (thinks he) knows what he's doing, supporting previous remarks that he's a prodigy on the regarding trade.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #43
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No need for market speculations when the exchange is already closed:

    Episode 6 - Mazui

  4. #44
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I fell for Horo's acting hook line and sinker, just like that idiot Lawrence. I didn't think that those feathers were Deanna's either, I also figured that Amarty had simply gotten them for her, but not from Deanna. At least I was correct on what Lawrence believed Horo's "Sorry" was about, even if it was just as incorrect.

    Horo and Deanna's plan failed to yeild the results that Horo wanted because Lawrence was too freaked out about the thought of losing her, and Horo didn't believe that Lawrence would get so freaked out that he wouldn't talk to her.

    But it wasn't just Lawrence in a panicked state, since Horo did go to Deanna to ask her to lie to Lawrence so that he would still travel with her to Yoitsu. If Horo felt she needed that to convince Lawrence, so she must have been deeply worried herself.

    I suppose we all should have had more faith in Horo.

    I bet Amarty either said something snide about Lawrence, or indirectly insulted Horo's fur by saying how great the thing he had bought her was.

  5. #45
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I already had a hint of what was going to happen when Holo touched the feathers. She definitely is not the type to do that, so it felt very unnatural.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    But it wasn't just Lawrence in a panicked state, since Horo did go to Deanna to ask her to lie to Lawrence so that he would still travel with her to Yoitsu. If Horo felt she needed that to convince Lawrence, so she must have been deeply worried herself.
    This was what saved the whole outcome for me. It showed that Holo does indeed care for Lawrence the same level he does for her, maybe even more. The other thing that made it such a perfect outcome was the fact that Lawrence would have won regardless of Holo's assistance. If Holo was not there, the Bird God would have given the stones to Lawrence, and Lawrence would have utterly crushed Amarty. The last bit about Amarty having offended Holo (which I imagine is very easy to do considering the smug shota's personality) also absolved Holo of being deceptive (and evil).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I suppose we all should have had more faith in Horo.
    You just had to say it. Now I feel guilty.
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  6. #46
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think Lawrence could have said a bit more after it was all over. The best the dude could get out of his mouth was I still want to travel with you. As much as he got scared of losing Horo he still couldn't be honest to himself or her. Though by now Horo probably knows how dense he is, even without the reminder he literally gave her.

    All in all how this little escapade ended was a bit abrurpt. It just suddenly was over and all was good before you knew it. Just a little bit of a letdown considering how agitated I was feeling watching it.

  7. #47
    Horo having heard that Lawrence might want to mate with her is all she needs.

  8. #48
    I think the fact that he got scared at all is a sign that he's not confident enough in her to settle down with her or anything like that (for now). Like Lawrence, we all basically got trolled into thinking Horo was a weak-willed, emotional wreck willing to chase after shiny baubles and attention from some random kid rather than stick with her long time (relatively) travel companion. I feel kind of bad for assuming the worst of Horo. Once she went all 'Gimmie a baby and all' I took it as evidence that she was a typical immature whiny brat anime girl who had to have a guy jump through hoops for her periodically or else she'd bolt on him. It didn't fully dawn on me that she might have regained her composure so quickly after her outburst and had faith in Lawrence and his companionship.

    After this event I found myself somewhat annoyed with Lawrence for spending his time and effort running around trying to ensure Amarty failed in his effort to buy out Horo's debt. From my understanding of the situation with the contract Horo would have been under no mandate to stop traveling with Lawrence even if Amerty was able to produce the coins. She would have just been freed of her 'debt' to him. By behaving like Horo's companionship could be bought or sold like that I felt that he kind of cheapened her to a common spoiled brat-dere. I was mildly surprised she wasn't more angry with him over this lack of trust, but perhaps she is also wise enough not to call him out on something she herself did just few days earlier.

    I suppose one good thing that came of this is that Lawrence discovered how far he would go to keep Horo around. They did kind of glance over the implications of his lack of confidence in her willingness to stay with him without some sort of prodding or dick waving but at least now they should both be more aware of how much he wants them to stay together.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 08-13-2009 at 03:30 PM.

  9. #49
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    After this event I found myself somewhat annoyed with Lawrence for spending his time and effort running around trying to ensure Amarty failed in his effort to buy out Horo's debt. From my understanding of the situation with the contract Horo would have been under no mandate to stop traveling with Lawrence even if Amerty was able to produce the coins. She would have just been freed of her 'debt' to him. By behaving like Horo's companionship could be bought or sold like that I felt that he kind of cheapened her to a common spoiled brat-dere. I was mildly surprised she wasn't more angry with him over this lack of trust, but perhaps she is also wise enough not to call him out on something she herself did just few days earlier.
    You seem to forget that Lawrence believes that Holo misunderstood his intentions, and therefore hates him on false grounds. Lawrence probably wanted to show Holo how much he cared for her by spending his time and effort running around trying to keep her with him. It is his way of showing his sincerity to a Holo who he believes lost trust in him. Lawrence repeatedly pointed this out when he said that he has confidence in their relationship, if it weren't for the recent events. I'm pretty sure Lawrence doesn't think that Holo can be bought with money, proven by his final leap of faith in the end.

    The best way to have solved the whole issue is for Lawrence to simply approach Holo and talk to her, but as Holo points out and Lawrence admits, he is a dense bastard. He is definitely not the type to go all passionate and confront her. We do see him try and hesitate several times though, which is indicative of how strong his feelings are, practically overriding his own base character.

    As you said, the lack of trust went both ways. Holo also asked the Bird God to lie to Lawrence, because she did not trust him enough to keep traveling with her without an existing destination. Holo should have known better, especially since she supposedly has already regained her composure at that point.
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  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Lawrence probably wanted to show Holo how much he cared for her by spending his time and effort running around trying to keep her with him. It is his way of showing his sincerity to a Holo who he believes lost trust in him.
    That sounds a bit more calculative than my impression of it. Running around desperately trying to win the gamble was the only thing Lawrence thought he could do (as dictated by his dense personality centered on trading alone). He was afraid of losing Horo and did all he could to prevent that.

    While it technically sounds like the same thing, there's a difference. It's like the difference of a man jumping between a bullet and his love interest instinctively compared to a man pondering that if he jumps between a bullet and his love interest, the woman might be thankful to him.

  11. #51
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I did not mean for it to sound calculating. When I said "his way", it does not have to be purely mental, but also heavily emotional. It was quite obvious that Lawrence was driven by emotion. It just so happens he expressed those emotions by trying to win the trading duel.
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  12. #52
    I get the feeling that Lawrence was pretty much using his all to win this duel. While the same for Amarty as well.(maybe not since he didnt really use his family power to do it)

    Therefore in a duel with the stake being all your monetary worth and pride, Horo must have felt quite good.

    BTW, about pyrite, I have found some before and dug it out of the rocks that embedded it. It does look like bling. Now about the wolf god... where can I find one.

  13. #53
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    Hmm. I think Horo didn't care much about being the prize or being the girl that is being contested over. Remember after Lawrence and Horo fought, Horo came to her senses. And all through out the days he was helping Lawrence beat Amarty. So she is more of an accomplice rather than being a price.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  14. #54
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    You seem to forget that Lawrence believes that Holo misunderstood his intentions, and therefore hates him on false grounds.
    The thing that really kicked this off was the marriage contract that Horo and Amarty signed. When Lawrence saw Horo's message with Amarty's financial status. With that, he was ready to talk with Horo, and was already believing Horo still likes him despite their recent fight. After that, he saw the marriage contract, and that's how the ball got rolling.

    I think Horo went a bit overboard with that one. Like she said, she intended it to be something to simply trigger Lawrence to come barging into her room demanding and explanation because she didn't want to approach him instead. That plan backfired.

    As much trust as Lawrence had in her, I doubt any man seeing such a thing after a fight like that would think she was just playing with him. A marriage contract would state something like Horo consents to being with Amarty. Add that with the duel Lawrence and Amarty settled with, you get:

    "Horo will marry Amarty + Horo will be free if Amarty wins."

    From that, the only way out for Lawrence was to beat Amarty, as that part is the only part with IF involved.

    In short, Horo played a bad joke. I wonder if she even forged that entire contract without Amarty's knowing.

    Also, wasn't Amarty meant to be some kind of genius? It's a bit unbelievable that Horo figured out Lawrence's plan while he didn't. And he was being all smug and all at that stand when he had nothing to counter with. That kid's arrogance is unjustified. It's that very attitude that probably made him say something to tick Horo off.

    By the end though, I was just relieved Horo and Lawrence were back to normal again. In contrast with the first series, this romantic interaction was very tense. We've blown past six episodes already, and it's only been one arc.

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  15. #55
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I agree that Holo went overboard, considering everything that happened.

    Amarty is a smug prick who apparently offends gods. Enough said.

    Holo has been alive for hundreds of years and has spent the most recent of those with Lawrence. It is only natural for her to figure Lawrence's plan out, while the prince shota did not.
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  16. #56
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #57
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A really nice episode after the recent emo arc. Quite a dreadful feeling city, though.

  18. #58
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm rather glad to see a medieval city that is exactly what I would expect one to be: dreary, muddy, brown-colored (timber and stone), cramped, oppressive with a hint at nefarious deeds afoot.

    The chemistry is certainly back between Horo and Lawrence. Lots of cute shots of Horo, and even Lawrence managed to get her heart a fluttter. She tried to lure him into it, and her quiet "hmmph" noises were amusing. Lawrence caught her off guard by not playing into her game until she got distracted by their wordplay.

  19. #59
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It's the first I've noticed, does Horo always add "-kaya?" at the end?

    The chemistry was very entertaining to watch, but I don't think I understood everything behind those jokes. I might download SFW to make a comparison.

    The part where Lawrence says "Until you stop doing things" seems especially significant, but means nothing to me.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    It's the first I've noticed, does Horo always add "-kaya?" at the end?

    The chemistry was very entertaining to watch, but I don't think I understood everything behind those jokes. I might download SFW to make a comparison.

    The part where Lawrence says "Until you stop doing things" seems especially significant, but means nothing to me.
    She doesn't always, but she does it quite often. But then again, maybe she does always add that at the end of questions.

    At first I thought it was Amarty under the cloak and stuff, until Horo said it was a she.

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