Alternative title: Ōkami to Kōshinryō II (Japanese), 狼と香辛料Ⅱ (Japanese)

Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Goddesses, Juujin, Seinen

Plot Summary:

Craft Lawrence is a traveling merchant, hauling all sorts of trade goods to various places on his horse-drawn cart.

One day, after a brief stop in the village of Pasroe, he discovered a young woman who had snuck aboard his cart. She named herself Horo, wolf goddess who watches over the harvest of wheat. Indeed, she does sport a pair of wolf's ears and a wolf's tail.

Lawrence, despite his skepticism, agrees to travel with her to her homeland, Yoitsu, a place far to the north. Together, the pair overcame the travails that confronted them in the city of Passio, and then again in Rubinhagen. As a result, they came to understand each other better, and the bond between them deepened.

Now, the pair, in search of information regarding the whereabouts of Yoitsu, are approaching the town of Kumerson just as a festival gets underway. What adventures await the pair? -AniDB

Links: Official Site, ANN, AniDB, AnimeNFO
