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Thread: Princess Lover!

  1. #21
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    More princess lov'n

    AoShen - Episode 2

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #22
    Damn beat me to it, oh well.

    Can wait to see the upcoming duel.
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I like how they censor panty shots still (rather well done this time with the subtle shadows) but show Charlotte in that very compromising position. I would think that panty shots are a little more innocent than having her legs wrapped around his waist.

    Who is he kidding, Teppei didn't recognize Slyvia from her movements, he recognized her sizable personal assets.

    Jokes aside, I like that Teppei can tell so much about a person from their swordplay, and he comes off as more of a Yanki with his fighting prowess and great desire to ride motorcylces to school. Meanwhile Seika (Emiri Katou playing another spunky twintails) isn't impressed with him at all, but it looks like he will join her club on Charlotte's advice. Hard to miss Charlotte's expression when Teppei said that he had a fiancée, much less that she is apparently Charlotte's close friend.

    I can't be sure if her motives are pure or not though. It would be to her benefit to separate Teppei and Slyvia since she appears to be very interested in Teppei, but then again, Slyvia is her friend and she probably wants to help her as well.

  4. #24
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Man, this episode's plastered with "Just reminding you this anime is sourced from a H-game."


    Charlotte's intentions seem pure enough for now, since everything's just starting off. It should get more complex down the track when Teppei and Sylvia start getting more friendly and act more like a fiancee pair should. Since I see Charlotte as a good natured person, she'd only start any foul play when she's threatened. i.e. when Teppei becomes more distant from her.

    For now, where she has the upper hand where it counts (spending time with Teppei), she's more than happy to help out her two friends.

    AoShen would've been good to archive for their HD vid if they didn't cut the credits and preview...

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #25
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    From the preview, it seems Teppei is going to use a katana to fight Sylvia. I wonder if he will get his ass handed to him while using a fencing sword first, before the maid arrives with the katana. I hope they actually reach a conclusion this time, even if it is Teppei who loses. I hate ties since they seem to make the whole fight/struggle/duel pointless.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Hard to miss Charlotte's expression when Teppei said that he had a fiancée, much less that she is apparently Charlotte's close friend.

    I can't be sure if her motives are pure or not though. It would be to her benefit to separate Teppei and Slyvia since she appears to be very interested in Teppei, but then again, Slyvia is her friend and she probably wants to help her as well.
    When I read this I immediately thought of Sekai from School Days which in turn raised the idea of a yandere/nice boat ending. As crazy as the idea seems given the way the show looks to be going I can't say I would be totally disappointed if Charlotte (or maybe Yuu) ended up overcome by unrequited feelings towards Teppei and decided to brutally eliminate all competition. Charlotte even has the pink hair and aloof yet bubbly and idealistic outlook that Euphemia had. Ah fantasies....

    Anyway, after this ep my mind is pretty much made up that I like Charlotte, she radiates good fun and has the kind of attitude I love to see in anime girls (not freaking out about the pseudorape position). She also doesn't seem the type to let her negative feelings seep out and bring down people who are mostly unaware of them but it's still too early to be totally confident that she will hold it togeather.

    So far the development path for her character seems fairly open, at least compared to Sylvies rather straightforward and probably narrow 'thaw out the ice maiden' path. Down one path I can see Charlotte continuing to be a supportive influence trying to help nudge Teppei and Sylvie together while building a platonic friendship with Teppei despite a her own romantic interest in him. Down another path I can she her slowly descend into melancholy/depression at being stuck in Teppei's friend zone as he works towards thawing out Sylvie, eventually letting her emotions spill out into her relationship with both Teppei and Sylvie and finally culminating with Teppei 'saving' her by choosing her over the reformed Sylvie. Or something completely different could happen *crosses fingers for nice boat*.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 07-15-2009 at 12:30 AM.

  7. #27
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Currently for me it's:

    Charlotte > Sylvie/Yuu > Seika.

    Alternative subber:

    Gleam - Episode 2 (720p)

    Hopefully this comes with the preview and ED. By leaving the OP but cutting the preview, AoShen doesn't look like they're compromising with ordered chapters.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #28
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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  9. #29
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I just checked. Gleam's release does come with a preview and ED (who'd cut out the ED anyway, it's a feast!).

    Personal thoughts: Gleam knows their English a bit better (there IS nobody vs there ARE nobody etc), but their release gives me a headache for some reason. AoShen's font looks better too.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #30
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    I'm sorry for the relatively low content question:
    Is Aoshen worth watching for a speed-sub? because I've been refraining myself from downloading their release.

    Is gleam alright too, for those who tried both?

    I've been a tad unlucky in picking my fansubs lately. So I'm a little more cautious.

    I guess that if the discussions started quickly after aoshen's, it could be a positive sign towards their subs, but I also know that a good show tend to create addicts that can overcome bad subs... and peacefully wait for a better release for rewatch.

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  11. #31
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, even though I said Gleam knew their English better (or just had a better QC), they don't capture the "feel" enough. It's more formal than what I'm used to as well (whether or not that's appropriate to emulate "posh" school language is up to you, or those who understand Japanese enough to judge).

    edit: I take that back. It's no more formal than AoShen after watching AGAIN.

    If it means anything, I like AoShen's release more. Gleam's fine though, and recommended if you must watch the ED/preview.

    As for archiving, AniYoshi might be interested in this, but they've yet to release anything.

    (Note: I think I do tend to be more biased towards versions I've watched first, almost like that's the "correct" version which everything else measures "up" to, so see for yourself. I'd like to see what others think too, to find out how biased I really was)


    On episode content, I picked up the size difference between

    ARIMA and

    on the blackboard when he introduced himself. Just to show no one really cares about Te- who? as long they recognise his family status.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Wed, 07-15-2009 at 10:34 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #32
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Charlotte = Slyvia > Yuu > Seika

    (@Yuki: I've been having problems with Sekai vs Seika too, every time I write it or think it)

    Personally, I'd be just as happy with either one at this point. Charlotte has her wonderful sides, and Slyvia does as well. Completely different, but totally equal. If Teppei could have both, he should! Probably won't happen, but one can hope.

    Charlotte needed someone who didn't see her as what she is (a real princess), but as who she really is. She plays around with him, but her genuine disappointment shows how much she really needs someone like Teppei. We don't know if even Slyvia provides her with the kind of interaction she needs, but they both use pet names for each other (Sylvie and Charlo), so there is a good chance. It turns out even better for Charlotte, because Teppei turns out to be from a family where her hopeful relationship would be accepted by her family and peers.

    Slyvia needs him in a similar way. She's cold, reserved, but also as Teppei pointed out, really has no one she could consider her peer. She fights weakly so that she can fit in, rather than doing her best. She's almost too polite. Slyiva needs someone like Teppei to break her out, and force her to let loose some of the time, before she either breaks under the pressure, or falls further into a distant relationship with everyone around her.

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I like this show even more after this second ep. Quite theatric in a good manner, very dynamic and the characters aren't certainly colourless. I've always liked characters who have personality and do what they want to do instead of just trying to follow the flow (which might be the stereotypic normal Japanese way in trying to blend in).

    I don't really have a preference now between Charlotte and Sylvie. Charlotte indeed proved to be a playful character. A good thing. The maid is then the proper honours student type? I can't really see any chances for her in this show unless Teppei at some point starts to think he needs to change and become a serious businessman and leave all the games behind for good. It's hard to say yet what Sylvie is like without a sword in hand but Charlotte certainly wouldn't want Teppei to change at all, judging by this episode.

    In any case I'm very much looking forward to the sword fight in the next ep.

  14. #34
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I just don't like Princess characters who aren't tsundere. Especially if they are all touchy and already like the main character from the beginning. There is just no sense of conquest in it.
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  15. #35

  16. #36
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wow, Seika is a bitch. Not the good tsundere type either.

    She denounces Teppei for being brash and uncultured, and using his name to throw around his influence and corrupt young ladies (none of which is true, except for his lack of etiquette). Seika comes out and displays her truly ugly character. She projects the image she has onto him from some unrelated prejudice, and she herself is using her own name like a badge of honor and judging him because of his family name alone.

    No matter what excuses she comes up with, or even as the tsundere "taming" process continues, I highly doubt that I would like her character the same way I like both Sylvia and Charlotte.

    Seika's ugly character betrays her standing within the social club. I was hoping that Teppei or Sylvia would respond with how unslightly and judgemental she was being. Seika was everything she's ever accused Teppei of being.

    The sword fight was shorter than I expected, but seeing Sylvia freak out when Charlotte ended up riding on top of him made up for it. I wonder if Charlotte ending up in a compromising position will be a running gag every episode?

  17. #37
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Oh Yuu <3.

    I like her more with every passing episode, the part where she instantly asked someone to bring her Teppei's sword the moment she heard of the duel was great.

    I agree that Seika is a total bitch, she is definitely my least favorite character right now.

    So far it's Yuu > Charlotte = Sylvie >>>> Seika.

    I really wonder if Charlotte is completely innocent or does she really do all of those things just to tease Teppei.

  18. #38
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Charlotte is definitely doing those things on purpose. The question is whether she is doing it for fun and making them look like accidents, or is she trying to drive a wedge between Sylvia and Teppei so she can step in? Since the first two times occurred before she knew that Slyvia and Teppei were betrothed, it is far more likely the former than the latter.

    Charlotte is calculating, but excellent at playing innocent. They spun around a couple of times to land on the desk last episode...where she immediately wrapped her legs around him. Here, she landed on top of him, and rather than get off, she proceded to bounce and incite Sylvia further. She's very skilled at playing coy.

  19. #39
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    I agree, Yuu is growing on me as well. I felt kinda bad for her, watching the other three entering the party and her being left out all alone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Wow, Seika is a bitch. Not the good tsundere type either.
    I concur. Terrible tsundere.

  20. #40
    Wtf? I thought Teppei was gonna perform some sword stuff at the party. But all he did was dance. What happened to Yuu's speech about doing something he knew.

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