In short, English is a messed up language, where rules don't apply at all (think of all the words with silent or non-silent letters spelled in similar manners), and American English is even more messed up, because most people care about proper language use even less. It's no wonder that English is one of the hardest languages to learn, we make things up as we go along.

"Synergy" - just a buzz word used in business and technology to make the speaker sound more intelligent.
"Go forward basis" - Of course the majority of actions where this is used will be done from now on, why else would you identify a problem and its solution!
"green [insert noun]" - A good portion of the time, the project or process isn't even remotely environmentally friendly. It is just slapped onto everything because of the whole Global Warming/Climate Change fanaticism the media and politicians are on lately. Call whatever you are doing, "green," and everyone is all onboard for it.

Those are the only three I can think up off the top of my head, I know there are a lot more that are slipping my mind.