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Thread: Last season's top 3

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  1. #1
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Last season's top 3

    So this thread is now stickied so it can provide an alternative to the recommendation thread

    I hope everyone drops by as each season ends to let us know what they followed and how much they enjoyed, so that future members who pass by may have an idea of what shows to watch should they give that old season a chance



    - Only post complete seasons, the objective of this thread is to help users find good anime and not anime that has been good so far. If it was that awesome, you can post about it in the next season.

    - There's no need for lengthly descriptions ( that's what we have ann, anidb and wikipedia for ) but do try to concisely describe what made that particular show worthy of entering your top 3

    - There isn't any need for a specific order between the three you choose but make sure to make visible distinctions should you feel like adding some "honorable mentions"

    - Should you be the first to post about a new season, make sure to mark what particular season you're posting about with the title of your post (eg. Spring 2009)


    - As not to make a mess of things the purpose of this thread is to simply post your top 3, NOT to comment on other member's choices or on any other subjects.

    Spring 2009

    A new season is starting, an old season is ending ( i feel nostalgic all of a sudden )

    What do you think were last season's top 3 animes?

    Personally i didn't care for most of them but there were a couple who caught my attention

    1- K-ON! - Extreme moeness, and everyone who's watched it knows exactly what i'm talking about. Hoping there will be a sequel with more Yui and Azu-nyan

    2 - Full Metal Alchemist - The first episodes were very quick paced but that's understandable and they were still very enjoyable to watch.

    3 - Eden of the East - Very slow at times but the mystery never ceased to keep me interested and the main character was pretty entertaining and original

    Honorable mentions:

    Dragon Ball Kai - It was nice to watch the classic once again, even if the groups subbing it are all crap

    Basquash! - The main character is an idiot and completely annoying at times but there are some pretty entertaining episodes and even with all its flaws it still keeps me interested
    Last edited by Archangel; Thu, 04-08-2010 at 10:00 AM.

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