I would only count shows that ended this past season. To me, it makes no sense to include series that are still ongoing (I have had several series sour very badly on me in the past), and even if it was 52 episodes, it still ended last season. So for consistency's sake, that's the way I am going to do it.
Note: OVAs and movie continuations don't count as "ongoing."

So in no particular order:

Regios. A pleasant surprise for me. I caught up from later on, but it was really enjoyable. Though there is a lot more story to tell, Felli alone would make the series awesome. The animation wasn't top notch, but the fights were entertaining, the love...hexagon(?) was interesting, and the story left me confused as hell but begging for more.
@MFauli: It is a refreshing change from the glut of moe show after moe show, bland (Valkyria) or otherwise disappointing (Soul Eater anime) shonen series. It wasn't a power-up series, Layfon was already absurdly powerful. He hides, locks down, or otherwise handicaps himself. The audience and the citizens of Znuellni get to slowly discover how powerful he is.

Eden of the East. Same more or less. A lot of depth, interesting characters, and plenty of mysteries to go around. Very pretty animation, clever humor, etc.

I'm going to hold off on a third for now, because I just started watching Sora o Kakeru Shoujo, and it is damn entertaining. (Itsuki <3). It'll be either this or Hatsukoi Limited for final spot.