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Thread: Canaan

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    Canaan gets 3 movies starting in October

    says that they're just gonna be the show, only put into 3 movies :\..

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  2. #42
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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  3. #43
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Alphard is so sexy. I thought Canaan was impressive in the way she fights, but Alphard (at least the way they each are now) completely blows her away. I suppose we could say that Canaan is at her lowest right now, thinking she's lost Maria, and remembering how Alphard stole Siam too. Hatred has literally blinded Canaan. Alphard on the other hand, is recently freed and seeing whatever plan she has develop quite nicely is probably close to her peak. She even gets Canaan dogedly persuing her for entertainment.

    Maria continues to be impressive in her own way, relentlessly persuing new friendships. I am a bit surprised she got over her massive shock so quickly, but as she said, it isn't like she didn't see who Canaan really was, she just chose to see what she wanted to. I thought she'd take at least one more episode. Maria has seen just a much death around her from whatever virus is returning here in Shanghai that she is the only survivior from. While she really shouldn't have viewed Canaan in the way she did, it's perfectly understandable.

    I love Liang Qi's disturbing admiration of Alphard. She's toeing the line of creepiness. Her cutesy dress just reinforced that feeling even more.

    While I still kind of hate characters like her, Hakkoo's reaction to the little magic show was really cute.

  4. #44
    Yea, her performance went downhill against Alphard after that incident with Maria. At least Maria wants to see and talk to her again, probably to give Canaan a piece of her mind. I wonder what this new chick can do, since she has been stalking Mino and Maria.
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  5. #45
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I'm surprised her sensing ability directly deteriorates when her presence of mind wavers. You can actually see the red in her eyes flashing instead of simply turning on, like an old faulty light bulb.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  6. #46
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    It kind of makes sense when you think about it. After all, synesthesia is where you can use multiple senses with each other. Heightened senses might be one side effect, but the main deal is the integration of signals, which is controlled by the brain.

    If she's mentally unstable from all the hatred, her dulling abilities are believable, if not expected.

    What all that reveals too, is how much she relies on her natural talent, while Alphard's a soldier trained the good old way. It's actually a good thing for Canaan, since it means she can potentially reach an even greater height.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 07-27-2009 at 09:20 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  7. #47
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    gg- Episode 5

    Quote Originally Posted by gg
    As some of you may know by now, BayTSP has been sending out letters to the ISP’s of people who downloaded Canaan. This also happened last summer with Kara no Kyoukai 1-3. The only way for us to really prevent this would be to quit releasing Canaan on torrent entirely. If you’ve gotten in trouble with your ISP and wish to avoid getting in trouble again, we suggest you try using XDCC transfers on IRC or try using DDL sites (ie: lolipower, animetake, kuroba) instead of torrenting.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #48
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I'm still convinced that Maria is more of a key to everything than anyone on either side realizes. Yun Yun may die without medication, but if they're infected with some variation of the Ua virus, wouldn't Maria's body be filled with all manner of antibodies that can kill the virus, being a survivor herself?

    From what we've seen so far, all Liang Qi and Alphard see Maria as is bait for Canaan. Alphard might see her as more than that, but she keeps very quiet on what she knows, and it's obvious now that a lot of Borners know Liang Qi and no one higher up the organization. Liang Qi sees them as disposable tools anyway.

    I do wonder how Hakko survives. She doesn't seem to be under the thumb of Liang Qi, or anyone else involved with Alphard for that matter. Still, they surprised us with Yun Yun being a Borner, so who can truly say how involved she is?

    Maria's pacifism is annoying, but it's hard to deny that most people cannot endure under her onslaught of goodwill. I still can't believe she's sleeping with a bloodsoaked stuffed animal...

    More smexy Alphard next week, and Maria and she finally meet.

  9. #49
    Nice episode. I enjoyed how Mino and the dude were just throwing insults at each other.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  10. #50
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Wasn't Alphard just rescued from CIA's clutches? How can she walk around at an anti-terrorism summit like that? You'd think CIA would snatch her away again in no time, especially considering how much attention she gathers. Doesn't compute, or am I missing something here? Is she even the same person that was being transported somewhere as a prisoner in the beginning of the show?

    I guess Canaan now understands better what manner of a person Maria is. Just like Maria now understands better Canaan. The misunderstanding between them went both ways, after all. It wasn't only Maria's fault.

  11. #51
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Wasn't Alphard just rescued from CIA's clutches? How can she walk around at an anti-terrorism summit like that? You'd think CIA would snatch her away again in no time, especially considering how much attention she gathers. Doesn't compute, or am I missing something here? Is she even the same person that was being transported somewhere as a prisoner in the beginning of the show?
    They were definitely the same person, so the only conclusion I can come up with is that the CIA doesn't actually know what Alphard looks like. Back in that episode, the men were surprised that the head of Snake was actually a girl.

    If they weren't returning from the capture, but were transporting her from one facility to another, then it doesn't make sense.

    I was initially surprised to see Maria hugging that bloodstained toy like that, but it does well in symbolising she's embraced the other side of Canaan.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #52

  13. #53
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I didn't like this episode at all. The building was taken over far too easily. If CIA still doesn't take a clue in the next episodes, this series will turn really miserable. After all, both the terrorist women should have now their faces very well known indeed. I was also wondering why there aren't 10000 Chinese soldiers storming the place already, but I suppose the terrorists had told the officials beforehand they have already released the virus into the building, thus keeping everybody away.

    But considering it is China, there should still be 1000 properly equipped troops already on their way. And they shouldn't be asking as many questions as those blistering fools who were already slaughtered by the terrorists.

  14. #54
    Canaan - 06 - [gg]

    For the gg fans among us. Not much to say about this ep except that Canaan apparently stole Alphards name.

  15. #55
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Shamelessly copied from RandomC:
    Quote Originally Posted by A Ryllharu by any other name is just as versed
    Alphard was the “land of hope” to terrorists. Siam was training her to work for terrorists. Her families remaining assets were going to help fund the group while she becomes their leader. Canaan is the “land of hope” to everything else. Remember that before Siam was killed, Canaan worked as an assassin too. We already knew they both had the name of Canaan from an earlier episode with Canaan’s Siam flashbacks. Alphard introduced herself to Canaan as “Canaan.”
    Disregarding the blatant stupidity of the security forces, and the over the top American President (which made me smile), I liked this episode. This sort of huge blunder had to be done in order to get the plot moving. Should it have been done with more finesse? Sure.

    Only Alphard's face should be known, and I have to question that. She's more well known as a prominently wealthy woman of middle-eastern royalty and the head of the Daedala Corporation than as a terrorist. Back in the first episode, the guy driving the truck said that, "You couldn't see the truth 'cause your expectations were too high." No one expects that the leader of the Snakes is a woman, much less one so young and attractive. They expect some bearded, Ali Al-Sarches type leader who looks like he really has years of experience. No one would believe Alphard would have started out as young as she actually did.

    As for Liang Qi, she is publicly known as the glasses-masochist's secretary. Of course she is the real leader of that local syndicate, but when she's always introduced as his secretary and only seen lazing about because he would never actually ask his boss to do anything for him, they don't think anything of her either.

    Watching Maria abused was kind of tough. She is a genuinely nice person, and watching Liang Qi beat the shit out of her just because she knows it will make Canaan angry was mildly disturbing. In the end, that scene strangely made me respect Alphard all the more. She wasn't too pleased with it either, and seeing her as a terrorist denounce violence for violence's sake was strange. She certainly deserves all the respect she has, though Liang Qi might betray her in some sick twisted love sort of way, given how she clenched her fists. Alphard is just fighting against the belief that she is inferior to Canaan because she never does anything for her own sake, she's just following some plan that some group laid out for her.

    I think Hakkoo came out the most interesting however. She doesn't seem nearly as tied to the organization as even Yun Yun was, she may even have escaped their influence completely. She also appears to have one of the strongest Borner powers we've seen yet. With only a few words, she probably came pretty close to killing Minoru. She certainly disabled him for a considerably length of time.

  16. #56
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Only Alphard's face should be known, and I have to question that. She's more well known as a prominently wealthy woman of middle-eastern royalty and the head of the Daedala Corporation than as a terrorist.

    As for Liang Qi, she is publicly known as the glasses-masochist's secretary.
    I think you are disregarding three things here. The top world leaders were attending the conference and it happened in China. And the company responsible for the security was represented by Alphard and also by Liang Qi (and the glasses guy, but who gives a shit about him). Under such conditions they can't just waltz around with highest access codes without everybody having documented excessively well who they are. And since this is China where the owner of a company producing a bad product may get executed, you can bet those two women have no way out with clean papers.

    If they do, well, like I said, it will be pitiful. I hope they will need to accept the responsibility and become completely underground terrorists. I'm sure they have an escape plan.

  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    As much as I agree with you having valid points, this is a series that has had a boy squeeze into a 3 inch (7 cm) hole and shoot a gun out of it.

    Realism is not really a factor here.

    Alphard's men (or herself directly) shot everyone that saw her walking to the control room. Everyone else only saw the chibi-Liang simulation. As far as this anime is concerned, no one (alive) knows Alphard's face as the leader of the Snakes. And in the words of another anime star, "Screw the rules, I have money." Alphard and her corporation had enough money to host and provide security. They are a well respected company for some reason, and in a city that is apparently as corrupt as Canaan's Shanghai, that seems to be all that matters.

    If it was meant to make sense as you say, the MP should never have gotten infected in the first place. While you are not wrong, I think you will be disappointed because the circumstances never took realism into account in the first place.

  18. #58
    The sight of seeing Maria get beaten around was not a pleasant one. I felt like destroying Liang Qi just for doing that, but luckily, Alphard stopped that little charade from continuing. It was also interesting that Siam trained Alphard and named her Canaan too before finding another person to take on that role. Lets see what Canaan (and Mino) can do when they arrive.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  19. #59
    ANBU Captain Killa-Eyez's Avatar
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    Doesn't the name Maria Oosawa ring ANY bells??
    And Alphard.... Man... She's hot..

    Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
    Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.

  20. #60
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Killa-Eyez
    And Alphard.... Man... She's hot..
    actually i really like that green haired chick, who doesn't talk. shes banging hot D:

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