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Thread: Bleach Chapter 364

  1. #21
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    And now we undergo another year where the Vaizards fight everyone before we go back to see how Ichigo and co. are doing =P
    haha, yeah. We will see ichigo next July!

    "They finally arrive" It's about damn time...I was about to write off the chapter until the last few pages. I read naruto first, then bleach and bleach always seems to go bay way quicker.

  2. #22
    man chapters like this really remind me of why i force myself to read bleach every week. if i wasnt sure this manga would go back to crap next chapter i'd be really excited. i'm glad things happened the way they did this chapter. the shinigami were having too easy of a time.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by RasenDori
    the shinigami were having too easy of a time.
    Getting owned? lol

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by mr3vi1m0nk3y
    Just because they weren't all captains in SS doesn't mean they dont have bankais now. It has been a few hundred years at the least, I'm sure they picked up something in that time. Also not that strong? Where are you getting that from?
    True, but that doesn't mean they have gained strength either. My view is that they capped 100 years ago and never got any stronger. The way Shinji was fighting Grimmjow made it seem like it was both no problem for him and that they were capped in power.

    And where do you get the idea they are strong? There has been no proof at all.

  5. #25
    I knew there was no chance Halibel died. Ice of all things to indicate death is pretty damn obvious.

    Besides, she's too hot. Kubo would never let her die just like that. She'll be part of Kon's Valley of the Goddess harem soon enough.

  6. #26
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Chancellor
    True, but that doesn't mean they have gained strength either. My view is that they capped 100 years ago and never got any stronger. The way Shinji was fighting Grimmjow made it seem like it was both no problem for him and that they were capped in power.

    And where do you get the idea they are strong? There has been no proof at all.
    That doesn't make any sense if you've been plotting revenge against someone you know is strong like Aizen I doubt you're going to be sitting on your ass eating cheetos for 108 years. They must have done some training somewhere along the line. Also where are you getting the capped thing? From what I remember shinigami are the ones who peak at a certain point and stop gaining "strength." At least that's what I think Aizen said somewhere, which I thought was his whole reason for making arrancars. The whole point was to push past the limits on shinigami by adding the powers of a hollow.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by The Chancellor
    Getting owned? lol
    i wouldnt call reducing all of those forces to just 3 arrancar without any serious casualties "getting owned"

  8. #28
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RasenDori
    i wouldnt call reducing all of those forces to just 3 arrancar without any serious casualties "getting owned"
    Except that aizen and co + the 3 arrancar and posibly allon are the only ones that matters, they also got that hollow and wonderweiss.

    On soul society side they lost all the vice captains except for the fatty, soi fon is done, ukitake and shunsui appears to be done, i doubt ice kid has anything up his sleeve, fox guy will probably get one shotted again and kira is busy healing the others, only captain available to fight is captain Yama and uhmmm.... thats it? yeah, i think we can declare then owned.
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  9. #29
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    You forgot to mention the vaizards. Despite the fact that SS would probably have them executed on sight I think they might make an exception in this situation.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by mr3vi1m0nk3y
    You forgot to mention the vaizards. Despite the fact that SS would probably have them executed on sight
    According to everyone else, unless old man general himself goes after them, no one can even catch them to be executed in the first place.

  11. #31
    I also assume that since SS has learned the truth about Aizen tricking them, that they understand that these guys should not be executed and killed. At least the Captain Commander guy should know this much.

  12. #32
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    you'd also think that since Ichigo came out of nowhere and stormed their city, they'd be asking questions.

    "So, you say your trainer was Uruhara? the same guy who invented the 12 division as it is today, and who has vanished shortly after several of our top men were banished due to what now seems a diabolical plot of an evil mastermind? that's nice, I guess. there's no need for us to meet him and exchange information. also, you have the same name as one of our former top shinigamis. some of the old guys recognize the name. are you maybe related? Nahha, it's not a big deal".

    seriously, SS has so much re-evaluating to do,and the funny thing is, that they had the time to do all that. they just decided to stick to the old way of fighting first, and asking questions later. obviously, it worked so well in the past incidents.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by UChessmaster
    Except that aizen and co + the 3 arrancar and posibly allon are the only ones that matters, they also got that hollow and wonderweiss.

    On soul society side they lost all the vice captains except for the fatty, soi fon is done, ukitake and shunsui appears to be done, i doubt ice kid has anything up his sleeve, fox guy will probably get one shotted again and kira is busy healing the others, only captain available to fight is captain Yama and uhmmm.... thats it? yeah, i think we can declare then owned.
    I think you totally misunderstand me. I meant that until this chapter the shinigami seemed to be doing pretty well for themselves. The turn around in this chapter was epic, but before that it looked like it was the arrancars that were getting owned.

  14. #34
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    until this chapter, things were pretty even, or rather, uneventful.

    the espedas haven't sent in any serious forces, and most of their casualties were fractions. actually, this reminds me of Kenshin. when Shishio keeps only his top 3 gun-ho guns (or was it juppon Katana? it's been a while) to battle Kenshin and Co. and lets the rest of the losers to burn down the city.

    on the other side, the main forces of SS were unharmed, the top captains are still ok, and the old man still hasn't began fighting.

    so yes, we've been wasting a lot of time in this battle so far, having one no-purpose jerk fight another.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z

    on the other side, the main forces of SS were unharmed, the top captains are still ok, and the old man still hasn't began fighting.
    Which ones, and define "ok"

  16. #36
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Commander general and komamura are still a-ok. Same with toushiro but his bankai is running out.
    Soifon is still standing, but has lost an arm and her bankai was, as far as we know, uneffective. Kyouraku and ukitake seem to have been one shotted, but if we go stat-wise, only Unohana and yamamoto have higher stats, plus they haven't shown bankai yet. So they will be back.

    So that means its, 4 arrancar, plus Aizen company (3), plus giant hollow. Against 4, potentially 6, SS. This seems unfair but, not only are the vaizard still around, the 2 dads and Uruhara are still around as well.

  17. #37
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Chancellor
    Which ones, and define "ok"
    until chapter 364:

    #1 (old man), #8 (what's his name? Ryu-something?), #9 (Komura), #13 (what's his name? Kei-something?)

    and possibly #4 (healing lady, where is she now?).

    and those were against only #1, his side kick, and the shinigami baddies.

    it's fairly even.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

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  18. #38
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    8 is kyouraku, and 13 is ukitake, who have been "one-shotted" for now.
    4 (unohana) is with 6 (byakuya) 12 (mayuri) and 11 (kenpachi) in hueco mundo.
    So its only 1 and 7(komamura) being ok. 2 lost an arm and 10 is running out of bankai.

  19. #39
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    of course. that's why we've specified how much of a turning point this chapter was.
    until this chapter (364), it was four vs four, with Soifon and Hitsugaya being considered winners in their respective matches.

    chapter 364 turned everything around, which in turn, made all those previous chapters (a hell lot of them) totally pointless, as they were fights between people who don't matter against other people who don't matter.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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