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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 113

  1. #21
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'd say Sasuke is in the worse position here unless he has a trick up his sleeve Oro isn't aware of. In the end I doubt Oro really ever believed Sasuke would simply hand over his body, yet he was training Sasuke to get stronger, so he must have a master plan or a few to claim that body. Considering he was the one training Sasuke he already is pretty aware of his abilities, so let's hope Sasuke found some new sharingan power or other ability Oro didn't predict.

  2. #22
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Oro was certainly surprised when he was pinned by Sasuke's new technique. Even after he recognised the nature of the chakra, which he's been exposed to for the last 3 years, he still had his doubt of whether it was his dear pupil. That's the extent to which Sasuke exceeded Oro's expectations.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, but that was a bit more directly physical than what I'm really thinking about he needs. Even the bloody kyuubi-Naruto couldn't beat Oro in a purely physical fight (even if Oro was in a much better shape back then).

  4. #24
    Interesting ep. I'm curious to see how things work out. The problem is as follows:

    a. I can't see Oro taking over Sasuke
    b. I can't see them killing off Oro.

    So... my prediction? Oro is going to end up forced to take over another body before he can manage to take Sasuke's... I'm thinking Kabuto's.

  5. #25
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I think Oro is going to take over Sasuke, but it won't be complete, and Sasuke will be surfacing constantly until some point where Naruto beats Oro and free's Sasuke in the process.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I was going to say that a body needs to have a seal within them for at least some time before Oro's body transfer technique could work.

    But then I remembered Itachi. Who knows. Maybe Oro still had to land a bite before he can transfer. From the flashback and speed of how things happened...unlikely though.
    Also, Oro's current body didn't have a cursed seal before Oro entered him. And I think that is why his body is rejecting him already.

  6. #26
    Did anyone find their "artsy" foreshadowing with the snake a hawk a bit much?? I know they are trying to be dramatic or something, but I think it's awful and cheesy. This should have been a crazy-exciting episode, yet it felt sooo slooow with the flashbacks and attempts to foreshadow what was going to happen. This isn't a 3rd dies moment or anything like that, it's a surprise attack! I think this episode should have been more of a "WTF just happened!" episode.

  7. #27
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034
    This isn't a 3rd dies moment or anything like that, it's a surprise attack! I think this episode should have been more of a "WTF just happened!" episode.
    Really? We have been hearing continuously since forever that Oro intends to claim Sasuke's body, so that part hardly is a surprise, more like an extremely long overdue element, due to the neverending fillers. And I personally think it was as obvious as a morning ending a night that Sasuke wasn't simply going to hand over his body to the most treacherous man in existence. Even if Sasuke really believed his only mission in life is killing Itachi, he wouldn't have a single bit of guarantee Oro would actually do that once he got the body.

    Other than that, I don't even think it would have fit Sasuke's personality to give up the control to somebody else and trust that somebody else's abilities and determination more than his own. Who knows, some little part of his mind might also believe in a future after killing Itachi.

  8. #28
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    I think Sasuke is ANBU. Orochimaru just fell into Konoha's trap.
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  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    I think Sasuke is ANBU. Orochimaru just fell into Konoha's trap.
    ... while I think that is extremely unlikely, I would love it if you were right. That would amuse the heck out of me.

  10. #30
    I aim to misbehave Penner's Avatar
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    That would be one hell of a plot twist^^

    "Always be yourself... unless you suck."

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Really? We have been hearing continuously since forever that Oro intends to claim Sasuke's body, so that part hardly is a surprise, more like an extremely long overdue element, due to the neverending fillers. And I personally think it was as obvious as a morning ending a night that Sasuke wasn't simply going to hand over his body to the most treacherous man in existence. Even if Sasuke really believed his only mission in life is killing Itachi, he wouldn't have a single bit of guarantee Oro would actually do that once he got the body.

    Other than that, I don't even think it would have fit Sasuke's personality to give up the control to somebody else and trust that somebody else's abilities and determination more than his own. Who knows, some little part of his mind might also believe in a future after killing Itachi.
    So then you knew this was going to happen? I figured Sasuke *might* not just hand over his body, but as far as attacking Oro head on--no, I didn't figure that. I didn't need a crap load of foreshadowing and flashbacks to ruin the surprise of the moment. It's like someone trying to throw a surprise party for a friend and telling them to dress up for a special event they want to take them to, but they won't say what it is.

  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, you are right about the attack - I didn't expect that to happen. I expected Sasuke to hit the road, which would have been the logical choice. But in a certain strong sense this also made sense. Despite Sasuke now hating Itachi more than anything, he was still the big brother he alwaus looked up to in the past. And it was Itachi indeed who suddenly judged himself ready when he succeeded in a surprise attack. So, now Sasuke is ironically mirroring Itachi's behavior by surprise attacking those he was serving for three years, instead of simply leaving. And I wouldn't be surprised if his reason was ultimately the same: To see if he's strong enough.

  13. #33
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I think it has more to do with the fact that Sasuke is testing himself. He probably knows that Itachi is stronger than Oro, so if he can't beat Oro, he's not ready to take on Itachi.

  14. #34
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    That, or he doesn't want to have yet another group of enemies looking for him

    Best to take care of the problem while it's weak and not when it's 100% on a new body

  15. #35
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The fact is, there's just so many good reason's to kill Orochimaru, I'm not sure we'll ever know which one is foremost in his mind.

  16. #36
    Well, he could have done it this way: I'll attack Oro, if I lose, he gets my body and goes for Itachi (eventually), if I win, then I am better off going after Itachi since I'm stronger. But the logic unravels since Oro isn't healthy right now. So maybe he planned this from the start. It's about time Oro changes his body, so it's now or never. If he waited, Oro would have got some other body and would probably beat him.

  17. #37
    Think he may have made a big mistake using the cursed seal: recall, the sound 4 were given cursed seals but lost their freedom in return.

    Perhaps it was more than a 'choice' to lose their freedom. I'm going to put my money on Oro. I'm also wondering if Kabuto has a cursed seal. Probably not, but could be interesting.

    DarthEnder probably nailed it on the head. The plot just fits too well with the theme of the show. "We can still save him!! Yay" (kittens prancing through the meadow behind him).

    Now wheres my 114. I need my fix, now that its worth watching again .

  18. #38
    The best part of the episode hands down was when Sasuke turned his sharingan on. Just the sound affect alone is amazing.
    Last edited by The Chancellor; Sun, 07-26-2009 at 01:50 AM.

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