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Thread: Umineko no Naku Koro ni

  1. #221
    Interesting. The little comedy at the beginning was pretty refreshing to see after all that tension before and now Beatrice throws in a new rule called "Blue". Lets see if Battler and Ange can play this game well together.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  2. #222
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Ange is pleasantly curvy in appearance, but, she seems to have turned into a rather cold and embittered bitch. She mentions how much she misses her family, and particularly Battler, and then she badmouths him multiple times once she's reunited. Whatever happened in those 12 years seems to have turned her just as rotten inside as some of the adults in the family (at their worst, no one is wholly good or wholly evil here).

    Perhaps her mental image of Battler didn't quite add up to reality?

    As for Eva, I do think I believe her and that guy talking to Ange. Despite what she said to Ange on her deathbed, we have seen multiple sides to Eva plenty of times, and often enough, she seems to care for her own family more than anyone else. Would she have killed the others? She probably has it in her. But there's no way she'd kill George, even if she would be more than happy to kill Shannon (maybe even right in front of him).

    Seeing Battler fight one of the sisters over his breakfast was funny. In addition, while Beatrice seems to have returned to her original nasty self, there is certainly some lingering elements of her nicer side tucked in there. Even if her change of heart was all an act, she does seem hurt when Battler gets really angry at her and refuses to play directly with her...or if Ronove lies and implies that might be the case.

    I like the latest changes to the OP again. It looks like Maria may finally get to become the witch she always dreams of being.

  3. #223
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Perhaps her mental image of Battler didn't quite add up to reality?
    I certainly agree with that. She was rather fond of her memories of Battler, but when she learnt about the game system from Bernkastel (I assume), she must have been rather disappointed, given how much ability she seems to have.

    That jump scene was fuuny. Cars usually look like that after someone dies from landing on it. If she's already learned self-reinforcement in such a short time, perhaps she really does have talent.

    I also liked how she referred to Maria as an older sibling. My imagination ran wild depicting an older Maria actually taking care of people rather than having people look after her. With her cheerful and less-than-cynical nature, I can see her being quite a fun, caring Onee-chan, unless she inherits Rosa's Multiple Personality Disorder.

    That last scene had me confused, since I take it that it was Beatrice's "response" to Battler's Blue. The old man standing there may not necessarily be Kinzo, if there is an old man standing there at all.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #224
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Am I the only one who thinks that Ange is simply putting up a strong front? She can't exactly reveal herself to be Battler's sister, and she probably figured that the best way to help Battler is to be strict with him. I think the line she said to Battler about the fact that there is someone waiting for him supports this.

    Ange's interaction with Maria also shows that she is very affectionate to the people she loves, and judging from the information we have so far, Ange loves Battler the most. It is difficult to believe she would change so drastically simply by seeing her brother fail, which is hardly inconceivable considering what he is up against. She is probably simply controlling her desire to be all dere with her brother at this point. Acting all bitchy can help achieve that purpose (like how kids try to hide their affection by bullying their crushes).
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  5. #225
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Ange's interaction with Maria also shows that she is very affectionate to the people she loves, and judging from the information we have so far, Ange loves Battler the most.
    I agree with this, but I also think she'd feel annoyed at how Battler's failing at something she may find easy, or where his approach to the problem is obviously incorrect to her. Looking at her love for Battler, I predict he would have been someone she relied on and looked up to when she was little. I wouldn't be surprised if that childhood admiration lead her to believe that Battler would be better than her despite being of similar age. The greater her expectations of him were, the greater the disappointment.

    Not to say she doesn't love him anymore, but I don't see her attitude as being as much of a "strong front" as you suggest.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 11-05-2009 at 10:52 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #226
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    As for Eva, I do think I believe her and that guy talking to Ange. Despite what she said to Ange on her deathbed, we have seen multiple sides to Eva plenty of times, and often enough, she seems to care for her own family more than anyone else. Would she have killed the others? She probably has it in her. But there's no way she'd kill George, even if she would be more than happy to kill Shannon (maybe even right in front of him).
    Eva admitted that she was the culprit to in-game Battler, our only assumed reliable viewer of the events in any given game. I doubt she killed George directly. I have a couple different theories on how George died when he went back and woke Shannon up and talked to her.

    Given that Kinzo is dead, that changes up quite a few things about the game. Nanjo is immediately a huge culprit/accomplice in every single game. That makes sense, as he never has an alibi anyways. Krauss, Natsuhi and the servants (Shannon, Kanon, Genji) immediately become highly suspect as well. Basically anyone who has had a scene with the dead guy is extremely suspicious.

    This also explains why his body is burnt every time! Hides the fact that he's been dead for a long time.

    Having an extra person running around the island almost makes the mysteries too easy. I feel like you don't even need the extra person anyways for any of the murders so far.

  7. #227
    Can someone explain the blue?
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  8. #228
    Can someone explain the blue?
    Not sure if you mean the blue in general or the latest blue text but anyway:

    Kinzo Ushiromiya is already dead. Therefore, the true number of people on the island is 17.
    If we add an unknown person X in there, it becomes 18. If we suppose this person exists, the crimes will still be possible even if all 17 people have alibis!

    Beatrice said earlier that there are no more than 18 persons on the island, which forced Battler to find the culprit among those 18(the family + nanjo + servants is 18 people). If Kinzo is dead, then there are only 17 people that Battler knows of, on the island, meaning he can reason that there is another person doing the murders, making them much easier to explain.. Most arguments thus far has been about alibis.

    He also won't have to blame someone he knows, but he has been ready to do that for some time already either way now.

    Edit: It should be mentioned that the blue truth isn't really "truth", it just forces Beatrice to deny it. That was probably obvious but I thought I should mention it just in case.

  9. #229
    Umineko no Naku no Koro ni - 20 - [gg]

    Is any one else getting lots of video glitching with this release during the OP?

    EDIT: According to gg's site CoreAVC interacts poorly with the latest x264 build they used and that's the cause of my video woes. Just FYI for anyone else who has CoreAVC and notices the nasty playback on this release.

    EDIT 2: My solution, close video player, unregister CoreAVC via the option in the Start Menu folder created upon install. Make sure H.264 box is checked in CCCP settings, start video. Seems to have worked fine (other than the whole 95% CPU utilization thing on my poor Pentium 4.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 11-12-2009 at 02:47 AM.

  10. #230
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I didn't even need to unregister CoreAVC. I just went into CCCP and turned h.264 back on. My computer is fast enough to not have any issues. Hopefully CoreAVC will give us a new release soon.

    As for the episode, I really liked that the first thing that Beatrice, and Lambda try to do once Battler finally gains what should be his first real ally, is undermine her confidence, and even try to turn her to their side. Especially because it is the very first time she is alone since breaking into this world. Very insidious, and an excellent strategy. Everything for Ange actually does hinge on believing in magic. The slight happiness she experienced talking to a ghostly Maria, being reunited with her brother, actually finding out what happened at the island.

    So Lambda is right, the current incarnation of Ange is being tempted the same way that Beatrice tempted Eva's young incarnation. The past changes and invalidates the current version, which then must struggle to exist. The question is whether or not Ange has enough virtue to let herself fade, and a distinctive lack of pride in her own miserable existence. I am very interested to see her answer.

    The only thing I'm not clear on, is whether Maria is helping her, or working with the witches to undermine her. Maria was right, Ange could have been happy, if she would only try to look for it instead of the misery she clings to. Maria isn't exactly happy, that's why she wants to go to the Golden Land with Beatrice, but she does generally make the best of it. Maria just wishes that her mother would be happy too, so they could both be happy together.

  11. #231
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It does seem that Ange really does care for her brother a lot, and that her tsun tsun behavior is merely an act. Even now after seeing how miserable Battler is, he still seems to be 90% of the reason she is even there. Still, it is quite obvious she will not take the bait of being together forever with her onii-san in the infinite cycle. Otherwise, the story will come to a halt without any other outside influence.
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  12. #232
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Personally, I think it would be a great deal more interesting if Ange took up Lambda's offer and decided to work against Battler while playing his ally. We've seen it once with Beatrice, but she was rather overt in assisting him and making herself look good (reviving Kanon for Jessica, getting pulverized right down to her heart, etc). Ange is no less ruthless, Eva raised her after all, but she comes off considerably more subtle.

    And it isn't like the story can't go forward anymore, after Beatrice's betrayal, Battler said it himself, he doesn', can't afford to trust anyone other than himself for the rest of the game. He won't trust Ange any more than he trusts Ronove.

    If this is the last arc and they're not going to a second season, then you're probably right. If they are, then I'd like to hope that Ange accepts Lambda's offer, at least for a little while. If she does though, what might Bernkastel do when she finds out?

  13. #233
    A little light sheds into Maria's path, but the part where she became an Apprentice Witch was kind of surprising to me. I found it amusing that they humanized Maria's doll, though.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  14. #234
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    That was a lot more backstory than I was expecting. I suppose this mean Maria met Beato before the events started, hence why she was so insistent that Beato and magic existed, along with her knowledge of charms and such.

    It's ambiguous as to whether Ange is existing in both 1998's reality and 1986's board-game at the same time, or whether the events of her gathering information in 1998 was a flashback compared her "self" that's traveled back to 1986 afterwards. It doesn't matter that much, but it'll be interesting if she's trying win over Beato by playing her game while doing retrospective research in the future at the same time.

    I swear there is no Sin called Mammom. Those sisters keep getting less sinister by the episode.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #235
    Mammon is the symbolic of greed, one of the 7 deadly sins.

  16. #236

  17. #237
    Well, magic doesn't always bring happiness. One thing I really hated was Rosa's reaction. All Maria wanted was her mother's comfort and all she gets is more mental abuse.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  18. #238
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Wow, Rosa is a complete bitch. Even after the arc where she was the last adult and they tried to make her likable and be somewhat sympathetic towards, in the end, she just neglects Maria for her own personal happiness. A complete contast to Battler and Ange's "mother," Kyrie, who deeply cares for two children who aren't even her own, but rather her deceased love rival's children.

    I was greatly amused by the boat Ange was on, the Hanyuu Maru.

    It was also interesting to see the Purgatory Sisters in a more...conciliatory mood. They won't kill unless their Mistress is willing to spill blood on her own hands. Quite the contrast to what we've seen from them being controlled by Beatrice or Eva. I guess it shows that deep inside, Ange is a nice person, and the Sisters' behavior is a reflection of that. Ange is lonely and has no friends, so they act as companions and friends more than devices for murder.

    With the way Ange speaks of Maria as Onee-sama, I now very much want to see what an adult Maria looks like.

    Lastly, with Ange being the head of the family now, it looks like she has both threats from the past (Beatrice) and threats from the present as well (her Aunt, I believe).

  19. #239
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I thought I was the only one who caught the Hanyuu-maru reference. Was it translated in the version you watched?
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  20. #240
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I thought I was the only one who caught the Hanyuu-maru reference. Was it translated in the version you watched?
    gg typesetted it on the back of the boat, yes. I still don't get the reference despite that though.

    So we finally got to see where Maria went skitz. She was always a bit delusional, but in the child-like manner we all once were, in contrast to her "evil face" bipolar mode from the island. I honestly can't remember if Maria had an alibi for all the Episode I murders, but she was by herself when she sang into the phone and everyone's dead.

    Rosa...Rosa....Rosa.... You can't blame anyone for wanting you dead.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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