huh, what a seemingly out of place episode. went from isolated island mansion murder mystery to high school romance drama.
so.. we're gonna see the same thing played out slightly differently? huh... and here I thought people hated Endless Eight.
huh, what a seemingly out of place episode. went from isolated island mansion murder mystery to high school romance drama.
so.. we're gonna see the same thing played out slightly differently? huh... and here I thought people hated Endless Eight.
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People do hate endless eight, but that is because the variations within it were/are insubstantial.
That was not the case with Higurashi no naku koro ni, so I think it is safe to assume that will not be the case with Umineko.
Yea, I suspect that they will play this series out like Higurashi no Naku Koro ni did. You should expect the story being told from different viewpoints, different scenarios, etc.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Okay....I just downloaded Higurashi, so I'll get onto that in a moment.
But for starters, I thought this was just going to be a murder mystery. Now they're telling us there are real witches in this. But the murders are still performed by humans?
Argh. My mind is having a fit.
I wonder if we'll ever pick up that thrilling tension that was present during the first run though. Now that we know what happened, this ep felt like it was filling in detail, to a point.
Not that there's anything wrong with it, I was just expecting to see things discovered rather than revealed.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Got to love fan vids: (<- should make up for the double post.)
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Haha, hilarious. Many of the videoes made by him were good, too.
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Now's as good a time as any to watch it then, and after 8 episodes, I have to say.."shit sense not make does"Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I'll keep watching since I know it'll work out. Somehow.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Anyone care to place a bet on how many posts can this thread about Umineko can go without someone mentioning Higurashi? My bet as of ep5 is 2 max.
I know they are similar (thanks to certain people repeatedly pointing out various comparisons) and that most of the ~5 people who actually read this have seen Higurashi but that show does have it's own thread(s) and there are people (me) who have chosen not to watch Higurashi yet but wish to watch and discuss Umineko week to week. Would it really be so bad to discuss the similarities between Umineko and Higurashi and plot points in Umineko that match up to plot points in Higurashi and characters in Umineko who apparently also appear in Higurashi in the Higurashi thread(s)?
I know I'm a terrible person for daring to ask people to redirect their comments for the sake someone who hasn't seen something made by the same people as something else, especially since I'm apparently the only one who this applies to, but here I am doing it anyway. I humbly ask that this thread have Umineko be the focus of discussion (as boring or uninteresting as that may be to some of you) and that Higurashi be discussed in the Higurashi thread(s).
Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 08-11-2009 at 01:48 PM.
Alright. I'll give an extra summer vacation to the next person (after this post of mine) who says the magic word Higurashi in this thread!
I'm a hypocrite for even saying this against such a post...but it isn't like 7th Expansion (the writers of the games) and the staff in charge of series composition and script writing didn't absolutely intend for that crossover to happen. You were meant to know the significance and implications of that conversation.
Bernkastel's appearance by itself is pretty damn significant.
I will abide by your wishes without further comment.
Shouldn't the second time through this murder play be from Battler's realism point of view? Assuming we will get a second version of it instead of more high-school drama... Otherwise there would be little meaning to the argument between Battler and Beatrice. That scene seemed to suggest it'll be a game of Battler trying to explain everything Beatrice did.
I wonder if this means Battler didn't even die yet? Since he has zero belief in Beatrice, it could be she might not even be able to kill him as easily as the others or if she still did, might not be able to resurrect him.
Originally Posted by Yukimura
it applies to me too. and I second what you said here...
so this is like a sequel?Originally Posted by Ryllharu
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(edit) I did not intend to comment again, but it appears I have to clarify (/edit)
No, I mean they put the conversation between Beatrice and Bernkastel in there, expecting the majority of viewers to know the significance of that conversation. Beatrice's references to Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are partly 7th Expansion fanservice, but understanding the concepts discussed in that scene mean a great deal about the method and mechanics by which Beatrice's "game" with Battler will play out.
I don't mind leaving references to the series that shall not be spoken of again out of this thread, but I think that it is foolish to force any and all coversation about what happens in Umineko (such as events like that conversation) to another thread. The problem is not being solved, it is just diverting it somewhere else. The notion that Umineko material should pollute the threads about the series that shall not be spoken of again is like saying that all discussions about Nanoha in Nanoha StrikerS must only occur in the Nanoha thread, everything about side characters in Paradise Kiss must be discussed only in a Gokinjo Monogatari thread, or any Macross self-references must only take place in Robotech threads.
The result is just spoiling Umineko for members reading the thread about the series that shall not be spoken of again. It is not any different. These kinds of situations are what the Series en Fuego section is for.
My issue is that I see no reason why we should not be able to discuss things that happen in Umineko in the Umineko thread. My argument only pertains to that scene, and scenes like it, should they appear again in the future.
Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 08-12-2009 at 04:42 PM.
I haven't seen what that scene was referring to, but I didn't consider it any particular problem. It was a rather interesting coversation as such, without any idea who the other one was and what were the references in their lines. So, I'll have to disagree with you, Ryll.
Maybe it's just my own peculiar nature that allows me to enjoy good scenes without knowing or understanding all the details. It's surely a breach of any shounen textbook ideology but this isn't a shounen series anyway. If I can get the mood of a scene, I can ignore lack of data to a good degree. And that's exactly what happened with that particular scene.
So, I maintain my position, at least for now, that this is a stand-alone series and shouldn't be polluted by details from other series. Perhaps I'm rudely exploiting my prerogative as a mod here but so be it. I'm sure I'm more right and less wrong here, proven by the fact I have enjoyed this series without seeing the earlier ones (except a third or so of the very first one).
I don't think my point is coming across in the way I intended and posted, so I am going to give up here.
However, I don't want to see Umineko related posts in the other series threads. That is asinine. I will treat them and report them as spoilers.
If someone really wants to discuss the similarities between the two series, they should make another thread. I just wanted to be able to discuss Umineko events in the Umineko thread.
I also think a '07th Expansion Universe' thread would be a viable solution to the issue that didn't just push the problem somewhere else.
In any event, I noticed something I don't think enough people have remarked on so far, namely that Beatrice is a total babe for a cougar. I love her dress and her general style. I am especially fond of how she seems so fond of playing with her pipe while talking trash and cackling at the poor cast members. Somehow it adds an even stronger air of nobility or superiority to her character. I hope we see a lot more of her and he rpast, particularly how she first came to be on the island and met Kinzo.
nah, i don't see her as a babe. too stuck-up.. Shanon's probably more my style, if only because she's a maid :\Originally Posted by Yukimura
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Edit. Damn, forgot to post the link, so I stole it from the dice playing panda's post below:
Episode 7 - gg
- - - - - - - -
Hmm... It seems the repetition will go down a road somewhat disconnected from the first one. Probably only the verse will remain from the first iteration. Or at least it would make a whole lot of sense if it did. Still, seeing how the story is again fully progressing from the start and with a new setting with Beatrice herself visibly present, I kind of fail to see how Battler and Beatrice's gamble is supposed to take place. Or is it just an independent endeavour every time until, by random chance, such a thing happens that Battler proves Beatrice's nonmagical nature or Beatrice succeeds in convincing one of Battler's reincarnations that magic exists.
Kind of complicated... It would have been somewhat simpler if in this second time through Battler had simply explained how each murder happened. But I suppose that would have been too unimaginative for a witch.
Last edited by Kraco; Thu, 08-13-2009 at 03:39 PM.
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