the sound four? kabuto?Originally Posted by Archangel
the sound four? kabuto?Originally Posted by Archangel
Kimimaro was humanized enough for the 5 of them -_-
And we haven't seen the last of kabuto, not to mention we already know he lost his parents at a young age
Well personally I prefer my villains to be humanized, but then theyre not really villains anymore i guess. Just people fighting for their own reasons.
Deidara was a nice change of pace, he was just a psychopath fighting for the sake of fighting.
no character in one piece has ever died outside of a flashback. END.Originally Posted by UChessmaster
claymore and all the other books in jump SQ are aimed at an older audience the WSJ. case in point is watsuki's embalming. after 3 oning series in WSJ that all have overall happy moods, watsuki is finally able to write something more depressing.Originally Posted by UChessmaster
just before he dies nagato states that its not too late for those he killed in konoha. meaning that there is a time limit and implying that he couldnt do this we yahiko or his parents diedOriginally Posted by UChessmaster
is it really that bad for a bad guy to have a heart? besides i dont remember orochimaru or sasori redeeming themselves. and haku was never really that bad. it sounds more like to me you dont want to see the villain's back story. lest face it, all those characters were stronger then hidan and kakuzu.Originally Posted by UChessmaster
sasuke rescue arc shikamaru was a lazy quitter. failing his first mission as a team leader and his whole crew returning in stretchers was hard enough, but if his best friend came back in a body bag, you think he would continue? post time skip shikamaru is much more mature. the situations cant even be compared. if anything the sasuke mission prepared him to asuma's death in the future.Originally Posted by UChessmaster
The fact that pain would destroy the village and then later revive them all doesnt really sink in if they are all nameless faces. if you are going to make that decision its better to kill characters the readers know and have emotional attachments to. otherwise no really cares.Originally Posted by UChessmaster
my artwork :
Somebody just died in episode 391.Originally Posted by RasenDori
I could PM you the name of a character that died if you would like.Originally Posted by RasenDori
I`m quite aware the target audience Claymore was aimed at, my point is not ALL WSJ have that redeemen BS.Originally Posted by RasenDori
I can understand the parents, him not being able to fully control his abilities, yet when Yahiko dies, you can clearly see how Nagato "awakens" and he is un FULL control of all his abilities, am i to beleive that instead of having all of his abilities. he has all of his abilities minus resing ability?Originally Posted by RasenDori
It`s not bad for me for characters who redeem themself, it`s just that he seems to do it in almost all of his character, im all up for characters back stories, but backstory doesnt necesarelly means he should explain why bad characters are bad. Orochimaru didn`t really redeem himself but they showed half a chapter explaining that he`s not really really evil, he just wants his parents back awwwwwwwwwwwOriginally Posted by RasenDori
. Please, give me a break.
As for Sasori he gave all the info he had to Sakura when he had other choice such as... not letting himself get killed... or not talk... Again i`m all up for redeeming back stories, but some of them in Naruto are completely unnecesary, and Pain`s backstory is the worst one of them all. Tell me, should i give a fuck next time a character died? I honestly expected Gaara to be a one time only thing, but resing MOST of the village? that`s ridiculous, i don`t wanna compare Naruto with another certain anime that did this BS over and over again but Dra... NO I WILL NOT MENTION IT!!! So for now, ill close thir argument with a list of character that retained being liked without having their puppy killed.
- Dozu
- Zombie pair
- EVERY single villian in One Piece.
To answer your question, yes, yes i do, i`m also adding the small fact that there is absolutelly no way to tell what he would`ve done in a hypothetical question, so really, i`m not gonna argue this point anymore.Originally Posted by RasenDori
The problem is that killing and then reviving destroys the entire arc, really, what was the point of this arc besides giving Tsunade haters a hard on every now and then? how would it be any diferent if it was said akatsuki was made out of 7 ppl and the original leader be Toby then have jiraiya die beated to death for peeking at a bunch of chicks in the bathroom?Originally Posted by RasenDori
You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie
its senselss to continue this debate, but yeah go ahead and pm me that character, cause i feel like a missed something there. but its unfair to say that reviving always makes a story just "that which shall not be named". reviving was always that stories gimmick, and the characters went out of there to make sure it could happen all time. the point im trying to make it that this kind of story is about happy endings. nagato was set up to be the kind of character that would redeem himself. and sure naruto has it silly thems of changing people, but that its gimmick. accept it or keep whining. trust me evaluating this story is easier when you know thats whats its going for. naruto is the story about a boy that over came his sadness with the desire to change things. every since the zabuza arc naruto want to change the world, and that means changing people. we ve had a long break from the theme, but its back and the story will end with an emphasis on it.
i think the arguement about nagato's power is unfounded. from konans reaction its evident that he was using an ablity that he was aware of before. that doesnt mean that all of his powers had awakened at that moment, or that he had complete control of them.
furthermore i think its unfair to judge a how good a story is based on another one. if that was the case then every story sucks if i judge it by the sword of truth novels (fuck the show btw) one piece villains are good because of the way the function with the heroes. crocodile was the opposite mind set of luffy, and luchi represented the weakness luffy had to over come. stories should be jugded by themselves, its the only fair standard.
this ending for this arc is really what should have been expect from this story, and i liked it. but all that said i am disappointed that this story simply ended up as narutos preperation for changing sasuke. but who knows, danzou may pull something in this aftermath. i look forward to the meeting of the kages, cloud ninjas, and killer bee. lets not forget that akatsuki has the backing of team hawk, so its not dead yet.
my artwork :
And yet you fell the need to post another page long message...Originally Posted by RasenDori
metaphors for the last arc.
giving a child a lollipop after a visit to the dentist.
promising an obese man a cake if he manages to lose weight.
giving the content of your wallet as a reward to the person who found it.
the whole shabang misses the point, if the 'reasoning' behind the arc was to break the cycle of violence (to learn to accept the death of others, and not give in to senseless revenge), then this revival (everybody lives! woohoo!) is cheating the message.
it doesn't matter how awesome the story was the last two months (and it was quite awesome, 9-tails release for the win!) if all we're going to remember is the shitty revival the undid everything that happened.
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
Pardon me but how are we supposed to judge whether a story is good or not if not by comparing it to another one? Btw the sword of truth novels are kind of overratedOriginally Posted by RasenDori
Like everyone else has said the big problem is that the revival pretty much negated everything that happened for the last few months. It may well have just been a Naruto training arc and other than the village being destroyed everything would be the same.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
stories have to be evaluated on a clean slate. just because one story is better then the other mean the other is bad.
i do agree that it was a giant reset, and it bothers me that pains visit has no consequences, but as an ending goes for the arc, i felt wasnt horrible. the sai/sasuke arc ending was bad.
my artwork :
Crap ending to what was a great arc.
I wonder though if the village has learned something from all this since now it just looks like things can be done without consequences.
I'm only drinking on days beginning with a T, tuesday, thursday, today, tomorrow, thaturday, thunday
idk how you guys think it was all reset. okay... no one died, sure. But how about all the character development this will lead to? Konoha might change a lot of their ways now with Naruto being a huge influence on the village.Originally Posted by RasenDori
Are you saying he wasn't before, because as I see it Naruto is and always has been a huge influence on the village. If the end result is just character development then it wouldn't be as bad but there are certainly other ways he could have gone about accomplishing that.Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Seems to me like we are just going to jump from one giant haxxor battle straight into another one and that would be sad.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
the development is there and i love it, but in the end, nagato was just preparation for changing sasuke.Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
my artwork :
Oh he was deff an influence all along. But now after single handedly saving the villagers by talking pain into reversing a total cataclysm... The Jounins all know Narutos finally reached that potential as a true leader. Instead of just giving them something to believe in, they have someone to follow.Originally Posted by Abdula
I hope him and Shika work together again, that would be a real ruthless combination now that naruto actually can improvise his own strategies.
So, is Naruto going to change Sasuke now, too?
Can we just fast forward to the inevitable Madara arc already.
The problem is that there is no sense of consequence in the series when crap like this is pulled. Who knows what's going to happen in the next arc, but one thing's for sure, no protagonist of importance under the age of 50 is going to die.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
It doesn't help that the manga is cheesy and predictable. People were dreading this possibility last week.
"After all, I am strangely colored."