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Thread: Naruto Chapter 446

  1. #41
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    You know...if it wasn't for the rain...I'd say it was pretty lame for Konan to be a hostage like that. While the rain obviously had its role as a symbolic device for Nagato, I'd imagine it would hinder Konan's abilities the same way Jiraiya's toad oil did.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #42
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Which makes you think, why would a rain ninja develop a jutsu that can't be used during the rain? O_o

  3. #43
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Do you realize that you get dumber every time you post?
    That's more applicable to you. It's sad to see someone project their insecurities onto others. Unfortunately, they appear to be true about you.

    I didn't ask why people assume that new abilities "outside of the 6 elemental chakras" are bloodline limits. I asked why people have such a fascination with bloodlines that they want to assume every character has one or that every ability we haven't seen yet is one. In other words, why are people such fanboys for bloodline limits that they want every character to have one and every ability to be one?
    Because elemental natures other than the main six are combinations of the main natures, and those combinations are only possible with a bloodline limit, as Kakashi explained.

    And I’m fully aware of Kakashi’s explanation, and if you had any reading comprehension you would realize that his explanation is actually referenced by my post and not contradicted by it.

    Here it is again:
    A bloodline limit consists of multiple elements, but that does not mean that multiple elements is automatically a bloodline limit. In order for one to have a bloodline limit, it would have to be in his, well... bloodline.
    What part of "The ability to use two elements simultaneously and create a new element to manipulate... that is what is called a kekkei genkai" is unclear to you? Kakashi is clearly saying that bloodline limits are THE ABILITY TO USE TWO CHAKRA NATURES AT THE SAME TIME.

    Let put what you said right next to that:
    "A bloodline limit consists of multiple elements, but that does not mean that multiple elements is automatically a bloodline limit."

    Do you see why that is obviously wrong? I hope so. Otherwise you fail at basic english, which is fair enough for a foreigner, but not for somebody accusing others of having poor reading comprehension.

    I'll even help you out, and get rid of the ellipses in Kakashi's quote:

    "The ability to use two elements simultaneously and create a new element to manipulate is called a bloodline limit." Yes, this DOES mean being able to use two elements simultaneously implies that the user has a bloodline limit. That is because of what "is" and "are" mean.
    Last edited by poopdeville; Tue, 05-12-2009 at 10:02 PM.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  4. #44
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    That's more applicable to you. It's sad to see someone project their insecurities onto others. Unfortunately, they appear to be true about you.

    ( Actually: FAIL! )

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Let put what you said right next to that:
    "A bloodline limit consists of multiple elements, but that does not mean that multiple elements is automatically a bloodline limit."
    That is technically true. Multiple elements *together* make a bloodline; being able to use multiple elements separately isn't. I think that's what he was getting at, so this is just a misunderstanding.

    You are also correct in saying that *elements* outside the six are bloodlines. I don't think you two are reading each others statements very well. Maybe you guys are just reading what you want to read because you don't fancy each other so much. The reason you guys can argue is because you are both right. Neither of you contradict the other, you're talking about similar but different things.

    Also, take note that Kakashi said "to create a new element." Would this not imply that if you use two elements together but do not create a new element, it's not a bloodline limit?

    Lastly, I still don't see what element summoning is besides space/time, and I don't think summoning is a bloodline limit. However, it might be a bloodline simply because you made a blood pact with the animal and now your blood is technically what allows you to summon, but it's not an innate ability like most other bloodlines.

    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel

    Which makes you think, why would a rain ninja develop a jutsu that can't be used during the rain? O_o
    She really likes origami...
    Last edited by Sam98034; Wed, 05-13-2009 at 01:00 AM.

  6. #46
    @Sam abilities that require a bloodline limit to work and techniques that require a blood sacrifice to work aren't necessarily the same thing. As evidence the Fourth, a blood relative of Naruto, already had an entry on the the contract with the toads but Naruto still had to put his blood print on the scroll to make a connection with them. It hasn't been shown that there can't be summons that only a person with a specific bloodline limit could accomplish but from what has been shown it doesn't seem like it's a requirement in forming a contract in general.

    Also, not all jutsu break down into an element or combination of elements. During Kakashi's explanation Naruto asked about the elemental natures of Shikamaru's shadow jutsu and medical jutsu and the jutsu that let Chouji change his size. Kishi explicitly avoided explaining these by having Yamato hint that there is also a Yin/Yang aspect to chakra which might explain these things but then shrug off getting into them as they were too complicated for Naruto who was just learning about elemental manipulation.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 05-13-2009 at 01:20 PM.

  7. #47
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel

    Which makes you think, why would a rain ninja develop a jutsu that can't be used during the rain? O_o
    Maybe its a bloodline limit
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    @Sam abilities that require a bloodline limit to work and techniques that require a blood sacrifice to work aren't necessarily the same thing. As evidence the Fourth, a blood relative of Naruto, already had an entry on the the contract with the toads but Naruto still had to put his blood print on the scroll to make a connection with them. It hasn't been shown that there can't be summons that only a person with a specific bloodline limit could accomplish but from what has been shown it doesn't seem like it's a requirement in forming a contract in general.

    Also, not all jutsu break down into an element or combination of elements. During Kakashi's explanation Naruto asked about the elemental natures of Shikamaru's shadow jutsu and medical jutsu and the jutsu that let Chouji change his size. Kishi explicitly avoided explaining these by having Yamato hint that there is also a Yin/Yang aspect to chakra which might explain these things but then shrug off getting into them as they were too complicated for Naruto who was just learning about elemental manipulation.

    to quote myself: "...and I don't think summoning is a bloodline limit. However, it might be a bloodline simply..." So, yea, I agree with you. And, yes, there's more than just the 6 elements out there, so we'll have no clue what's what for sometime; that is, until Naruto needs to learn another new move.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    What part of "The ability to use two elements simultaneously and create a new element to manipulate... that is what is called a kekkei genkai" is unclear to you? Kakashi is clearly saying that bloodline limits are THE ABILITY TO USE TWO CHAKRA NATURES AT THE SAME TIME.

    Let put what you said right next to that:
    "A bloodline limit consists of multiple elements, but that does not mean that multiple elements is automatically a bloodline limit."

    Do you see why that is obviously wrong? I hope so. Otherwise you fail at basic english, which is fair enough for a foreigner, but not for somebody accusing others of having poor reading comprehension.

    I'll even help you out, and get rid of the ellipses in Kakashi's quote:

    "The ability to use two elements simultaneously and create a new element to manipulate is called a bloodline limit." Yes, this DOES mean being able to use two elements simultaneously implies that the user has a bloodline limit. That is because of what "is" and "are" mean.

    Oh, for the love of...
    You must be the world's greatest internet troll, because there's just no way anyone can truly be this stupid.

    As I've said before, I know what Kakashi said about the chakra elements. I have read it and I have referenced it. There is no need for you to keep repeating it and using it as the basis of your argument, because I have never disputed what he said. You were the one who brought that up in the thread assuming that it somehow contradicts anything that I said, when it in fact supports what I said.

    This was the original statement from Sam that I was responding to (again, as I've said, yet you continue to ignore): "btw, since Pain can use all 6 elements, he could theoretically have all the bloodline jutsus too right?"

    I responded to that by saying (and I'll include the part that you decided to leave, since it is quite relevant), "A bloodline limit consists of multiple elements, but that does not mean that multiple elements is automatically a bloodline limit. In order for one to have a bloodline limit, it would have to be in his, well... bloodline."

    Now, if you'd like, I can reword that to say "Just because Nagato has the ability to use all 6 elements, does not automatically mean that he can use all of the bloodline jutsus."

    In other words: An orange is round, but that does not mean that all round things are oranges.

    Do you follow so far?

    The reason being is that it is not enough to qualify as a bloodline limit just to be able to use multiple elements. As you are so adamant to point out, it also requires combining them to form a new element, which at no point have I disputed.
    But, as I also said, it is a part of their lineage (or bloodline), and I even linked the page where Kakashi explained that, but you seem to want to ignore that as well.

    Is any of this making sense yet?

    Therefore, based on that, it can be said that there are 3 aspects to a bloodline limit:
    1. There must be multiple elements invloved.
    2. They must be combined to form a "new" element
    3. The ability to use and combine the elements to form that specific "new" element must be passed down from and limited to the character's bloodline.

    I will go ahead and add a 4th aspect for the sake of argument by reiterating: It must also be explicitly stated and confirmed by the author to be a bloodline limit in order for all to accept it as such.

    Got it?

    I can't believe I had to go into this much of a breakdown on what was really a simple answer to a simple question simply because you failed to acknowledge the question or recognize the answer. Maybe if you would actually read what I say, without ignoring half of it, it would make more sense to you.

    BTW: Hypothetical Question: Definition: A question asked out of interest, which does not require an answer, as the answer will have no effect on the situation.

  10. #50
    Well, I think these replies were good enough for my inquiry. I guess we're a little more clear on bloodline limits now. I think what Yukimura brought up is more interesting, though. How do you guys think the yin/yang stuff works, then? We have chakra, elements, the sage thing, and now the yin/yang thing. If Kishi want's to be lazy, he can repeat the blue/red chakra concept but insert yin/yang in there and tell Naruto to use more yin or yang. It might have more to do with the sage thing, though, because you end up using the things around you.

  11. #51
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam98034
    She really likes origami...
    Then naruto's new ultimate jutsu is gonna be the ramengan -_-

    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Maybe its a bloodline limit
    I believe we should discuss this further. How do another 2 pages of Internet rage sound?

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Then naruto's new ultimate jutsu is gonna be the ramengan -_-
    You asked a question and I did my best to answer it for you. And the thanks I get is some half-assed, sarcastic remark. Maybe if you paid attention to the Manga you would realize that she explained this to Jiraiya. She actually majored in Origamic Arts with a minor in Water Color Painting at the Rain Institute of Ninjitsu. But I bet that went over your head because you can't comprehend a word of English to save your life. How about you show people a little respect when they try to help you out, jackass. Don't take it out on me because your mom is overweight and very loose, and because you were picked on as a kid for being such a loser, and because no one would go with you to the prom.

    I'ma justa keeeding

  13. #53
    Don't worry about him, he just isn't used to being left out of the arguments so he felt the need to troll for attention.

  14. #54
    Oh...what's that? Are you standing up for your boyfriend there? I'm sorry, I didn't know you two had a "thang"

  15. #55
    No... I was actually speaking to YOU.

  16. #56
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Hilarious how you got flamed by the person you were defending/consoling. Naruto threads are really the best.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  17. #57
    gah kids go play cs and blow up some heads>.>

    edit: its like that quote "arguing over the internet is like playing in the special Olympics even if you win your still retarded"

    but yea bloodlines are abilities that are inherited through certain families. Like if Haku were to survive and had an offspring chances are that offspring would be able to combine the two elements to make ice. its in the genes...

    edit edit: or if you really want to get chewed out go to the gamefaqs boards...they don't play nice there...
    Last edited by -=DS=-S.W.A.T3; Thu, 05-14-2009 at 12:56 AM.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    I believe we should discuss this further. How do another 2 pages of Internet rage sound?
    I don't know about you guys, but I was just going along with this. Am I wrong?

  19. #59
    Genin Paper's Avatar
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    I took a break from gotwoot . . . . got caught up with a bunch of school work . . . after school work. . . nuff said im glad to see things are still the sameway. . . .point less. . . . . flameing.

    I thought Kishi expain it pretty well..... and very frequently that a bloodline. . . consist of 2 elements at the same time. . . .i dont know whether it was mention throught out the thread but. . . its pretty simple example . . .haku needed 2 elements which consisted of water and wind elements to use ice also to use her ice mirror jutsu, she has a bloodline that cannot be copied hence pain. . . . which he acquire all 6 elements which given the power to use all elements but not. . . . . simontanstly hence the reason why he splits his power and never with the combination, another example the ataskui member forgot his name who can use all elements but not in a combination why because he did not have a bloodline to use those elements together…

    its been along time forgive my puncuatly im watching the game as well. . . . .
    "The End Justify The Means"

  20. #60
    hm...that's interesting. What's his face took people's hearts. With their hearts, is it possible to use their bloodline abilities? Actually, I don't think this one will ever be answered since he's dead now.

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