The pacing was somehow off in the first part of this episode. It was like the lake was some bloody ocean, taking forever to cross. Also, Guren has gotten shittier and shittier during this arc, regardless of her infinite chakra. I guess it's partly due to caring for Yuukimaru increasingly, but the change has been somewhat drastic seeing how in the beginning she was a real villain who killed her underlings without a millisecond of hesitation. Now she lets one stab her far too easily. You'd think she wouldn't have lived this long around people like Oro if she was that trusting.
Rasengan having been rendered totally meaningless, once again, this arc desperately needs some kyuubi action, I deem. Also, based on the preview, the poor three tails desperately needs gastric acids...
Did anyone notice they reversed Naruto and Yuukimaru on the subtitles? Shitty.
I like how Guren got shanked. That was bad ass.
And did the kid just go SSJ2?
The next ep is looking pretty bad...
assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense
Guren is getting lamer. She needs to nude it up to redeem herself. (In my eyes)
The sub was wrong at the beginning...and blatantly too.
And yes, Goku does make an appearance in this episode.
Worth watching? Meh.
They did it twice actually. The first was at the beginning calling Yuukimaru -> Naruto. There was also one toward the middle that they called Naruto -> Yuukimaru.Originally Posted by unandpw
Quantity is always better than quality in mainstream television...
anyone got some idea how long before non-fillers start?
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
G.. Gokumaru!?
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
God! i wonder why naruto keeps on showing us some fillers.. Give us the storyline for christs sake!
I just recently started watching Naruto again and for the life of me I can't think of a justifiable reason why.
These episodes are no better that the ones from two years ago, it is pretty childish and loosely held together; there is no rhythm or flow in these episodes and some even lack development point.I don't know if this is actually filler or nor or possibly a mixture. But it is a very much distant shadow of the first 135 episodes of this series. Sure the original episodes had it's flaws, but they were plausible; some even likable. The episodes today are just demeaning to an anime fan, and even more so a fan of this seriously derailed series. ( with the exception of the Shikamaru and Asuma arc and a few other episodes)
I think i will once again drop off this anime band wagon, until my Narutard Itch once again compels me to scratch. But based on what I have seen so far, I have had enough disappointments from this series. It's like a bad relationship, I keep getting abused but for some reason I keep coming back for more. And , I hope these idiots; writers, animators, produces and money hungry assholes, figure out that at some point they are going to loose even more of their fan base than they already have.
___---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________
________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.
Well that's just plain hyperbole. Last time I looked Naruto isn't attacking food or pissing on people in Shippuuden.Originally Posted by dragonrage
That's like saying it's better to be kick in the shin than to be kick in the crotch. While true, you're still getting kick in the end.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
The worst part is this has nothing to do with Naruto story being bad. In fact, if the studio animated this part of the manga properly, there would be quite a bit of enjoyment to be had. There's really no reason to justify this fillers either, since there's a ton of content for them to work with. At this point, it my firm belief that the studio are doing their best to milk naruto for all it's worth regardless of whether or not that will hurt the quality of the end product.
The day when naruto rasenganed the noodles, darth died a little insideOriginally Posted by DarthEnder
Just 1 more month leftOriginally Posted by ian_sanzo
the last episode of filler is confirmed to be on June 4th (ep 112). After that I doubt there will be any more filler for well over a year.
I've downloaded this file. Should I watch this, or just throw it into the archives and never touch it again?
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I seriously doubt I will live long enough to anymore see a year of Naruto without fillers. They seem to have an unlimited supply of bananas to feed to the script writing monkeys.Originally Posted by arondruiz
I'm curious, where did you get that idea from?
Last edited by Abdula; Wed, 04-29-2009 at 07:26 PM.
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
The info was in Shounen Jump(japanese magazine thingy) that the 3 tails arc would have 6 DVD volumesOriginally Posted by Abdula
3 Tails arc:
DVD 1: 89-92
DVD 2: 93-96
DVD 3: 97-100
DVD 4: 101-104
DVD 5: 105-108
DVD 6: 109-112
Total: 24 episodes
Last edited by arondruiz; Wed, 04-29-2009 at 07:26 PM.
Not that, this
Originally Posted by arondruiz
Dreaming impossible dreams.
Sapphire is awesome!
Oh, that's just my own prediction. I'm pretty confident the chapter-per-episode ratio will increase after this too, but we'll seeOriginally Posted by Abdula
Most people think these fillers weren't necessary, but here's a little math: If Shippuuden had gone at a 1.5-2ch pace(lets just say 1.75 average) over 100 episodes, as of episode 100 it would have only been ~20 chapters from the manga again. Right now we would be in Part 1's crisis again.
But now they can safely charge through the next 2 huge arcs without worries, that's basically where I get that idea from