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Thread: Naruto Chapter 444

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot
    Think about it, wouldn't you want to go and destroy the world and everything in it if the chick you always wanted loved somenoe else.
    No. I'm not emo. Girls are a dime a dozen, I'd just go find another.

  2. #22
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, he's half dead in a wheel chair. he doesn't have that much options.
    whatever he can get, he takes.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    He can do 6 girls at once if you think about it....

  4. #24
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    I count 7, since Nagato can control other people like puppets at close range.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  5. #25
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCybercoin
    He can do 6 girls at once if you think about it....
    Lets not think about it since one of his bodies is a girl ...

  6. #26
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel
    Lets not think about it since one of his bodies is a girl ...
    And thinking about the other 5 guys is...?

  7. #27
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    And thinking about the other 5 guys is...?
    Slightly less disturbing

  8. #28

    Random Question

    The Naruto Shippuuden movie bonds is out on alot of the anime websites that I normally use but I have yet to find a subbed version of it anywhere. Does anyone know a place that I could find it subbed? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by concrete3337
    The Naruto Shippuuden movie bonds is out on alot of the anime websites that I normally use but I have yet to find a subbed version of it anywhere. Does anyone know a place that I could find it subbed? Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.
    This is not the proper place to ask. Please refrain yourself from doing this in the future.

    Like always, there will be torrent tracker sites like Tokyo Toshokan, AniRena, Baka-Updates, MiniNova, etc. that will host the torrent links. Check them out yourself, or stay a while here; someone is bound to post the link sometime.

  10. #30
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Why did you even help him, shitposters like him need to dissappear from this forum.

  11. #31
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Why did you even help him, shitposters like him need to dissappear from this forum.
    Enkoujin is just a nice guy like that when he's not being a trolling douchebag

  12. #32
    what i don't get is how people just plunge into someone thinking that they are the enemy or the "bad" guys its Nagato's parents fault for their death they rushed into action without even thinking of what other alternatives they have. But yea i see its a war torn village but still the whole act now and make foolish mistakes is what costs Nagoto's parents lives>.> i guess it just all happens at one time but that's such a foolish excuse to try and be heroic

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by -=DS=-S.W.A.T3
    what i don't get is how people just plunge into someone thinking that they are the enemy or the "bad" guys its Nagato's parents fault for their death they rushed into action without even thinking of what other alternatives they have. But yea i see its a war torn village but still the whole act now and make foolish mistakes is what costs Nagoto's parents lives>.> i guess it just all happens at one time but that's such a foolish excuse to try and be heroic
    Everyone is stressed in a war torn village. When stress builds up in you, anything you do is, in the contemporary society's viewpoint, as primitively instinctive behavior.

    Surely, you should know what it feels like to live in an urban area such as that of a peaceful city. Suddenly, your city becomes a war-zone and everything is in ruins. There are dead people everywhere, including your neighbors and your family (assuming you are of male gender) including your wife and only child have been hiding out in an emergency shelter inside your home. Soldiers of the opposing belligerents (who suggestively started the war) come into your home.

    What would you do?

    It is not a situation where you can come out to sit and talk with these soldiers. After all, these are soldiers from another country you are unknown to you. They may be racist, or have orders and intent to kill civilians on sight. Put yourself in those parents' shoes. These soldiers were looting food from ruined houses. What were the chances that you were going to survive?

    Plus, you are really stressed out, and have been doing everything in your power to protect your family. Even though in an audience view, it seems as a reckless and rash act to attack soldiers (who are armed and skillful), it was to save your loved ones from a possible traumatic death. When humans are stressed, it is natural of them to act in an animal-like state and to attack others if provoked. No, the parents were not trying to be heroic. Even though it was highly unlikely that they would survive, they wanted to live.

    Lastly, you should put yourself in the intruders' shoes. You are raiding civilian houses and the atmosphere itself is very deadly. After all, these intruders were ninjas. And rivaling ninjas fight against other ninjas the last time I checked. Ninjas are sneaky as well, it is very likely that these ninjas may be hiding in the shadows or behind walls in these civilian homes until you drop your guard.

    Quote Originally Posted by SleepyFans
    I... I had no idea civilians there were still here.
    One can deduct from this quote that an evacuation order was called and Nagato's family was left behind in the confusion, and that the Konoha intruders were to attack anyone that was left in the village - assumed to be enemy ninjas.

  14. #34
    Listen, I know how I get after like 3 hours without food, so after 3 days, espeically in a stressful situation I.E a war, you don't now what goes on, your senses get confused and information doesn't get passed on correctly. So that part of the story makes sense.

  15. #35
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Just goes to show....

    If you accidentally kill the parents, then you better fucking kill the kid too.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Just goes to show....

    If you accidentally kill the parents, then you better fucking kill the kid too.
    Yeah, I'll second that notion, that way, you don't have to spend the rest of your life looking behind your back. If I ever become a killer, EDITED FOR SAFETY, AFTER POSTED THIS I REALIZED THE WORLD IS DUMB, REMOVED BY AUTHOR. That way I'll be safe. (waits to get neg reps and 100 people to point out the illogical aspects of the sarcastict post)

    Back to the point, it seems the leaf ninja were taken out by Pain at that time because we see the Rinnigen pop out, so they were probaly caught off guard but had a chance to kill him nonetheless. (as he's killing them). What's funny is, now that Pain is in Konoha and he's smashed it to piecies, he should turn to someone and be like, sorry kids, didn't know any civilians were still here...


  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Just goes to show....

    If you accidentally kill the parents, then you better fucking kill the kid too.

    Isn't that what Pain is known for. After he kills his enemy, he goes and destroys the rest of the enemy's relatives/families/bonds as not to repeat the cycle of revenge.

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