Yeah, I didn't even know it but apparantly killed some sort of god enemy, while at level 5 or so, there are tons of enemies on screen sometimes.
So you just keep playing till you die? Isn't there any way to save?
I keep getting to like level 12 with rockin' weapons/armor but i keep dying
yeah, account saves your character (but you still have to restart if you die), so if you close out you can come back in with the same level and equips.
well I've unlocked all the different classes.. Not sure what to do now. I mean, I guess the point is to just build up your fame.. Is there a way to see your own overall fame? cause I dunno what mine is, but some of these dudes have like 30k+ fame and I'm like what? I'm assuming that that total fame it shows you when you die contributes to your overall fame.. like, each cahracter's fame stacks on each other. Cause otherwise, 30k+ is insane.. I mean, considering I get about 100-200 each time, it's bad enough for that 30k to have been stacked...
Last edited by Pandadice; Thu, 10-21-2010 at 11:40 PM.
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How to make a special christmas turkey.
Disgusting and disturbing but you can't look away.
"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
I'm pretty certain that I would mix the two pronounciation, if I ever had noticed a difference anyway
The marvels of not being from the culture/language... or sometimes living in a place where strange language habits appear we don't know why/how.
For example, my wife's familly have some words with strange form/pronounciation found nowhere else in France or even the same village/region... at least to my knowledge.
I guess that in some cases, it comes from either a bad learning from a young age, some dislexia or earing process trouble... and at times just a pronounciation process trouble too.
Sometimes the mistake is transmitted in the familly and might even spread quite far in the population, but we're getting far from the initial example here.
I'm stretching thing a bit here, maybe it's only a once in a while mistake, switching words. You think something and end up voicing something else, sometimes near in meaning or an homonym, or sometimes totally unrelated to what should be voiced.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
I dunno, I was thinking that the pronunciation as "floor" seemed pretty blatantly fake and was a good tell that it was a troll. Same with the Al Gore line and all the capitalist talk. At first I was pretty sure it was a troll, and I mean, the end of the series of videos is definitely a deliberately comical one.. So I'm pretty torn on if it's a troll or not. I mean, I watched is "the truth about me" videos or whatever, and his rambling and perception did make him seem like it was all real, and he's just an autistic dude. But seriously, that video could easily have been a scripted "explanation." Like, seriously, dude starts a fire yet he keeps his camera filming, and continues to talk about his personality and acting. It was totally fake..
The amount of junk and clutter seems like a strong point against it being a troll. I mean, at first I thought he simply piled everything up onto his counter top and whatnot. But that seems like so much set up, and with the general filth I dunno if it's really possible.
I think in the end, I would definitely say he's is a troll. Fake all the way. But, entertaining.
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"Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel
It seemed like the victim in this story didn't know it was going to be...
*puts on sunglasses*
a bad hookup.
Halloween Dog Costumes
Hilarious book review
The book A Million Little Pieces is reviewed. Even if you haven't read it (I haven't), it's still amazing.
And I mean detailed. It takes Leonard and his new son three pages just to get out to the limo. And there, of course, there must be another maudlin goodbye, stretched to absurd length. Anyone else would've said, "We hugged and said goodbye," but Frey takes you through every step of the process, padding his bathos as if explaining "hug" to a Martian: "Leonard steps forward. He puts his arms around me and he hugs me. I put my arms around him and I hug him. He lets go and he steps away and he looks in my eyes and he speaks."
And even after the blow-by-blow account of the big hug, it's not over, because of course there must be another macho-yet-tearful farewell: "[Leonard]: 'Be strong. Live honorably and with dignity....'
Frey and his tough-guy friends spend more time weeping and hugging than the runners-up in a Miss America competition.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Haha that is so great xD... *bookmarked
This is THE funniest website I have ever seen.
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Formerly known as 'Animemaster'
I like how this Niko Bellic look-a-like gets kicked off a building by Bowser at 1:01. I also like the music they used. The end with Mario's whistling is GENIUS!
Now... we can click as warriors... button to button, it is the basis of all internet.
Only a fool trusts his life to a virus.
Definitely a sweet fine Jman. That was awesome
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That shit was both hilarious and awesome