Yet we as a society legislate restrictions on personal freedoms and liberties all the time, then fail to do so in other more obvious instances (as you mentioned gun control; alcohol is pretty much unregulated but drugs are heavily regulated). We as a society also judge and decide what's acceptable via social mores and taboos. Pedophilia as a mindset is not illegal, but it definitely isn't acceptable in any modern society. A sex toy that facilitates pedophilia is a money grab and an attempt at legitimization of an immoral and illegal act (actual sex with a minor, not masturbation with pedophilia in mind).

Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Other acts are criminalised because the risk for harm has been established. Smoking restrictions and speed limits are such examples.
How long did it take to establish that these actions were harmful and how many people suffered in that time frame? Looking back, wouldn't you prefer we had nipped these societal ills in the bud instead of waiting decades to establish their risk? Are we willing to risk that with children when the mindset of pedophilia is already socially unacceptable?

Quote Originally Posted by Edort4
@Animeniax You can coat it like you want it but that is plain dictatorship. And Heinlein had quite a bit of those "ideas" in all of his books.
Is it a dictatorship if the vast majority want it and abide by it? That is not rule by a small centralized power, that is the voice of the people.