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Thread: Eden of the East

  1. #41
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oniken
    I downloaded it, it was Episode 4 but had no subs
    Had the same problem with K-On! 05 from CoolGuys... not CoalGuys.
    We'll have to wait

    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  2. #42
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If an early torrent isn't using their usual trackers but nyaatorrents, it's almost always a fake one. That's a pretty reliable indication when judging the authenticity of a release. Sometimes you see other trackers a long time after the real release if something happened (temporarily) to the usual tracker.

  3. #43
    Burning out, no really... David75's Avatar
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    All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.

  4. #44
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, well. It was somewhat expected background info, but in the end not a whole lot was revealed. Though I suppose we might have learned that Takizawa won't be learning of his forgotten past any time soon, which enhances the importance of the reason why he decided to wipe his memories. He had some project going on before the wipe, but was it essential to lose his memories to complete it, or did he fail and wanted a fresh start without the burden of the failure.

    Still, I don't think the detective was ordering the missile attacks. He didn't seem to have a clue what to do and was just wasting time and money. The missiles must be someone else's master plan.

    A ruthless game in any case. I doubt all the facts have yet been revealed.

  5. #45
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Hmm...we didn't have to wait long at all to see who Morimi was in love with. They made it overtly blatant who that might be. This adds a few dynamics to her side of this story. She liked her sister's husband, but now she likes Akira, and her friend seems to be deeply in love with her, offering to support her on her interview. The relationship between Morimi and her sister seemed a little...distant and uncomfortable, like maybe her sister knew about her crush on the brother-in-law.

    I liked the conversation that Akira had with Juiz next to the pile of phones. It was cute in a way.

    I wonder if the missile shooter is also the Supporter. It would make sense, especially if it was true about what Kondo (the cop) said and Akira gathered all those NEETs only for them to get blown up in a missle attack. It could be that the Supporter, who may already know who all of them are, is intentionally trying to foul up other's attempts with missle attacks or other methods in order to ensure his own survival. Or it might just be one of the regular numbers trying to mess up everyone's plans, and not the Supporter. It's too soon to tell.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    He had some project going on before the wipe, but was it essential to lose his memories to complete it, or did he fail and wanted a fresh start without the burden of the failure.
    I think the latter case is more likely. It sounds like he wasted some money, or perhaps as I'm guessing above, one of the others intentionally ruined his plans. For whatever reason, he got desperate and had to start over.

    What that doesn't explain, however, is why he had all of those weapons in his D.C. apartment. Moreover, why he was naked, pointing the gun at Morimi? We don't see it when the gun is pointed, but his arm is straight, and drops straight down after he is memory-wiped. The camera changes when he comes back to his senses, and his torso has not shifted angle. Directly in front of him is a gap in the gates, a clear shot directly at her back, not at the cops who approach her later.

    Perhaps Akira decided to wipe his memories and play the legit hero for her, but it still seems like he was just answering a call he didn't expect to recieve. It looked like the memory wipe caught him off guard.

  6. #46
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    What that doesn't explain, however, is why he had all of those weapons in his D.C. apartment. Moreover, why he was naked, pointing the gun at Morimi?
    Would that indicate he suspected one in Morimi's family is also in the game and is the one who ruined his plan, and he intended to take them out? I can't see how any of them would have otherwise been significant enough to warrant killing.

  7. #47
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Perhaps Akira decided to wipe his memories and play the legit hero for her, but it still seems like he was just answering a call he didn't expect to recieve. It looked like the memory wipe caught him off guard.
    That it indeed weird. One thing that's for sure is that someone else didn't order that memory wipe, since it'll show up in the records. Outsider made it sound like there's only one Supporter. However, both recently deceased Selacaos were killed by seemingly different people. Furthermore, if there was only one appointed Supporter, it would make him the winner already - unless there's a way to make him kill himself should he go astray.

    Guess one main point of this episode was to show there are nice guys out there too.

    But...what the hell are Johnnys?

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  8. #48
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    How do you infere there are more than 1 supporter Bill? The cop's wife could have easily been copied (the text message) by the same guy who killed the Doc.

  9. #49
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    man, is noone releasing an SD-version anymore? still couldnt watch ep4 because all is hd...

  10. #50
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    How do you infere there are more than 1 supporter Bill? The cop's wife could have easily been copied (the text message) by the same guy who killed the Doc.
    Hmm, good point. I assumed the Supporter personally does the killing. Your idea could well work.
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    man, is noone releasing an SD-version anymore? still couldnt watch ep4 because all is hd...

    -file size/format suggests SD re-encode.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #51
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    thx a lot

  12. #52
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  13. #53
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Haha. So, the NEETs weren't killed but shipped off to Dubai into the middle of a desert, to a hellish rehab camp. Akira was a pretty nice guy after all. Certainly doesn't explain why he had his his memories wiped, though. All in all it seems like he will continue to concentrate on saving the youth, but especially keeping that in mind his little speech to Morimi was kind of strange: She had just failed to get into the company she wanted to join and thus also failed to gain the indepence she so desired, and he tells her she shouldn't care and it's fine not to work, and that he will take care of everything. What the heck kind of a speech is that to give to somebody?

    Still, I'm glad those two are together again. And even Akira's not so serious competition for Morimi's heart will be taken care of by the man-eater.

    "Uncle" scene was pretty funny. Akira should learn to speak more carefully to Juiz. (Even if it only cost him measly ¥60, haha.)

  14. #54
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I wonder if he really forgot about all the NEETs as part of the memory wipe, or whether he left them there intentionally. Either way, it worked out and he saved, was is something like 10,000 people? Just by giving them a slap to the face leaving them in that hellhole (if you're not super rich anyway). Like a, "Get back off your ass and live," speech.

    I took his speech to Saki the same way. She refused an offer from one company because she felt like they were telling her she would just be used. It's something a lot of Japanese companies seem to do today to their junior employees, and then Saki was rejected by her backup, a company somehow beholden to her brother-in-law. The attitude of those OLs showed a good slice of what the atmosphere around all-too-many companies can be, so it was probably for the best that she got rejected.

    What Akira was pointing to was his own renewed resolve. At the beginning of this episode, he was put out by the prospect of the little project he joined. He met the reformed NEET, and while confused, seemed to feel a little better about it. When he heard Saki's tale about how nasty these people are, Akira decided he would take care of it. He's focused on the youth already, and now he sees another aspect he should fix. Like the doctor who blew through all his money with one very broad request to help the opposite end of the generation spectrum, Akira will do the same. Saki's stalker mentioned it on the train as well, they are like a generation of NEETs, abused by those in power, and with the current way the country works, they could get to 30 or 40 before they realize they were not able to contribute to the country in any way.

    I think Akira was telling Saki that he's going to change that, not save her specifically. He helped some actual NEETs connect back to the world, and now he's going to try and help those squeezed into the NEET mold by the very system they were doing their best to join. He started saying it by talking directly to her after the kiss, but when he described how "weird" things had gotten and his duty to change it, he was looking at the city as his target.

    I've got to say, I'm really starting to like Rei Igarashi's performances. She plays the man-eater here, and the evil bitch in Shangri-La too. She's so good at making a character utterly repellent from the the very first time they open their mouth. Oozing narcissism, egoism, disgusting levels of vanity (even beyond narcissism), greed, lust, pure selfishness, etc. in every single syllable.

    - From the smirk on his face, maybe it was so cheap because the Prime Minister really enjoyed doing it.

    - I laughed when Saki's other friend, made it seem like her stalker and he were in that kind of relationship, embarrassing them both thoroughly.

    - Saki seems to recognize that her brother-in-law is too nice to her, and that is ultimately hurting her sister. Her sister notices that too, and seems to wish that were not the case. The brother-in-law is too nice, and too dense to see what kind of problems his behavior is getting them all into.

    tl;dr - I think Akira was gathering his own resolve rather than telling Saki he was going to take care of her and her alone. I'm starting to like the evil bitch VA, she's so good at it.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 05-09-2009 at 07:50 AM.

  15. #55
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    NEETs of the East:

    Episode 6 - gg

    - - - - - -

    Can't say huge things would have happened in this episode to explain the game further, but Akira was continuing on his chosen path. It was also made very clear what he meant in the previous ep about taking care of Saki's problem. Although it kind of felt like something had been omitted earlier, because these two eps were bound together in a way that left, for me, a feeling of severed chronology. As if Akira already knew of this Eden project in the previous episode. Or maybe it had been mentioned earlier and I just didn't pay attention.

    Akira's unlucky competitor for Saki's heart is certainly going through quite a torture. Of the spiritual kind so far, but like some real victims have said, waiting for the inevitable can be worse than the actual thing. Quite a pinch! The only reason why I wish he would get saved is that his death wouldn't distress Saki. Otherwise he's an annoying character I wouldn't miss.

  16. #56
    I don't think it has been mentioned earlier. I had to check the ending of last episode again just to make sure I hadn't missed some minutes. I don't really like the current direction of the plot but I still like the series. I hope there will be more information/answers next episode.

  17. #57
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Shiratori has taken around 20,000 men? She's probably killed nearly all of them.

    Why hasn't the Supporter killed her yet? Killing lonely men and having the bodies quietly disposed of can't possibly be a good method of saving the country, no matter how you look at it. She even has Juiz call her something specific instead of the usual lines the other receive when they make requests.

    The rest of this episode didn't do a whole lot for me. The image recognition software was pretty cool Micchon is an interesting/cute character, and Saki does look great in anything she wears, even a purple sweatsuit.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco

    Can't say huge things would have happened in this episode to explain the game further, but Akira was continuing on his chosen path. It was also made very clear what he meant in the previous ep about taking care of Saki's problem. Although it kind of felt like something had been omitted earlier, because these two eps were bound together in a way that left, for me, a feeling of severed chronology. As if Akira already knew of this Eden project in the previous episode. Or maybe it had been mentioned earlier and I just didn't pay attention.

    Akira's unlucky competitor for Saki's heart is certainly going through quite a torture. Of the spiritual kind so far, but like some real victims have said, waiting for the inevitable can be worse than the actual thing. Quite a pinch! The only reason why I wish he would get saved is that his death wouldn't distress Saki. Otherwise he's an annoying character I wouldn't miss.
    Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly is Saki's problem? This episode was a little confusing, as it feels like details were left out or they just glossed over them.

    I feel bad for Ohsugi, even if he isn't a great character. It would be bad if they had that buildup but were unable to save him.

  19. #59
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly is Saki's problem? This episode was a little confusing, as it feels like details were left out or they just glossed over them.
    I reckon her problem was independence. She wants to move away from her sister and the sister's husband's household. For a few reasons, one of which is not being an economical burden and the other that she can't apparently help but like her sister's husband (like Ryll said), who in turn is a very gentle and friendly person, and no doubt that makes Saki feel like she's betraying her sister. And the other side of the independence is to move on in the society, that is, get a job now that she's graduated.

    I feel bad for Ohsugi, even if he isn't a great character. It would be bad if they had that buildup but were unable to save him.
    Or this all could be just to get one more player removed from the game. Ohsugi might be a sacrificial pawn in the plot.

  20. #60
    It felt like they just completely left out a conversation where Saki told the guy about all her friends and what they do. Not much really made sense this episode.

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