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Thread: My Brute

  1. #61
    dunno why that happens... and it also get connection error... well for me anyway :P..

    anyone wanna fight my guy

  2. #62
    It's all based off of IP's Archangel. Once a character has been created from an IP address, the address is stored and any new characters created from that IP address won't be able to give experience as a pupil when it lvls up. These guys lvl 30+ have just found the best places to place their links where tons of people have seen it and clicked the link to find out about the game. Hense they have thousands and thousands of pupils...

    As for any connection issues, I think they are due to the fact that millions are probably playing this game... it gets bad at certain times of the day... like right after the servers reset at 3pm pst, or just after their technical maintenence ends(9pm-10pm pst) which is when the tournaments start, and you can enroll in the next day's tournament.

    As best I can figure out, what you get when your characters lvl up is completely random. You get raw stats(endurance,str,agi,speed), and then a chance at a bonus which is either a weapon, or an ability. You can fight characters up to 2 lvls below you and still receive 2 experience points for wins. I have not tested fighting someone 3 lvls higher then me yet to see if you can get more then 2exp per win.

    What I've been doing to lvl up my characters quickly is to find weak characters at different lvl ranges to fight against... thus ensuring more victories, more +2exp etc. Here is a list of some easy people to fight at different lvls including some of my crappy characters... hehe

    lvl 1(for those up to lvl 3): ruber24, ruber25, ruber28, pig21
    lvl 2(for those up to lvl 4): old, Puw29
    lvl 4(for those up to lvl 6): justagoon, lexiii, saywhatson
    lvl 5(for those up to lvl 7): teehee4me
    lvl 6(for those up to lvl 8): damageguild, 4theguild
    lvl 7(for those up to lvl 9): lexii
    lvl 8(for those up to lvl 10): lex, swaggerbunny
    lvl 9(for those up to lvl 11): vihgo

    I'm working hard to get Gotwoot lvl 10, so I can start us a clan. Then we can get everyone organized and challenge eachother easier if we want.

    Here is a list of my current Main Characters at different lvls if you guys want a challenge:

    Gotwoot: 9 (somewhat well rounded, good weapons)
    Anotherattempt: 9 (strong, has too many weapons)
    Ggolly: 9 (panther)
    Seriouslylol@u: 8 (defensive)
    Cantbeather: 8 (contender when not stupid)
    Blahblahhah: 8
    Animeone: 7
    Haha@u2: 6 (offensive)
    TheWrinkle: 6

    edit: I just figured out that you need to win in the 11h round of a tournament to advance into the higher tiers(Desert Batterer, etc.) and most tournaments start out with roughly 150k-525k participants
    Last edited by Konohamaru!; Fri, 05-01-2009 at 01:39 PM.

  3. #63
    Just started a character to test this shit out:

    I got my ass kicked a couple of times, mainly because I kept choosing character with freaking bears and shit. Completely unfair.

  4. #64
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Well this is going rather nicely O_o

    I attack first

    I destroy your weapons with each of my attacks

    Your punches only do half the damage to me, meaning that after you're out of weapons you're mine

    Now i seriously need a good weapon on the next lvl up and this guy is gonna be fucking unbelievable

  5. #65
    until you run into someone fairly fast with high strength and Martial Arts =( There seems to always be a brute out there thats designed to beat you...

    you'd have a hard time with someone like this... Haha@u2

    I wish you great luck in scoring a sweet weapon though... they help out bigtime.

    Would you guys like me to compile a list of everyone's brutes and lvls? I guess it would be easier to do once we have a clan started, but at least it would help us find friends to battle...
    Last edited by Konohamaru!; Tue, 04-28-2009 at 10:12 AM.

  6. #66
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Here goes my brute:

    He just recently started winning with any regularity. Seriously, where's my bear :-(.

  7. #67
    Ok, I editted the origional post and listed everyone's brutes there for easy reference and such. Post the names of the others you'd like me to toss onto the list... It seems the hot spot for brutes right now is lvl 6-7.

    I was just thinking about this, but do we want to hold a Gotwoot community specific brute tournament? Give everyone like a month and hold our own single elimination tournament for those that want to participate? Limit everyone to entering only your top 2 or 3 brutes or something like that?

  8. #68
    im only on level 5... my guy is crap... no good weapons or abilitys and has crap health.. lol

    think ill use your idea konahamaru about facing people who are 2 lvls beneath me.. thanks for the tip.

  9. #69
    grrrr, my brutes keep sucking in the tournaments, none of my brutes made it past the 3rd round last night. They keep getting taken out by brutes lvl 4-7 with nothing all that special... *shrug*

  10. #70
    I don't understand how this pupil thing works. I've created a ton of pupils, some of them from different IPs, and I still can't get them to give me experience. Only two are currently giving me some, the first pupil I created, and someone else's which I assume is from someone here.

  11. #71
    it's all based off of IP addresses... if an IP address has been used to create a brute before, any new brutes created from that IP address won't give experience to anyone no matter who's pupil they are... It's to keep people from creating a bajillion pupils for themselves to super lvl up their own brutes... So it basically forces people to recruit new people to the game if they want to get stronger via pupils...

  12. #72
    I know it's IP based, but I guess I have some shitty luck if I've used about 5 different IPs for all of them to have brutes created before.

  13. #73
    yah, I know there have been a bunch of people who have tried proxy programs to create a bunch of pupils and such...there is no telling how many IPs have been used up in the process... All my pupils came from the ASP servers I manage here at work, or getting lucky with someone clicking the links that I've placed and signed up... All in all none of my characters have managed over like ~20 legit pupils.

    Then you just have to hope that those that signed up as a pupil to your brute actually play and lvl up their toons to give you exp.

    I saved a number of my IP's for when I got lucky with a potentially great character, so when I scored a panther on Ggolly, I jumped at the occation, and used up every last remaining IP I knew of to create pupils with. I created 18, all of which are under my control. It's lvl'd him up quite fast comparitively, but even with all of these he's still only just caught up to my first round of main brutes, and yet he isn't really any stronger then them when a lvl 4 with a net, bolt of lightening, and a knife is able to beat me. =( On top of that, it takes way too much time having to fight with ~30 pupils a day, and I've gotten pretty fast at it with repetition.

  14. #74
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Well in poland there is popular(shitty) net provider -Neostrada(from TPSA)... each time you turn off your modem it gives you new ip - so guess what were my friends doing with this...
    (I still prefer my provider and whole LAN)
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
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  15. #75
    oye, that sounds crazy... if they give out different public IP's each time you reset your router... well I'm sure I'd already have a lvl 20+ guy, but man that would be a pita...

    besides, I think it will be more fun just fighting eachother's brutes where they are closer to the same lvl... If we hold a tournament here for just our brutes, then I don't think we should wait a long long time to do it... that way things would stay competetive, and I'm sure our attention span when it comes to My Brute will only be for so long...

    Speaking of which, if you guys would want to hold a Gotwoot Brute tournament, how as in what format would you want it to be? If there is interest, I'm willing to put in some effort to organize it...

  16. #76
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    erm i mean one big FFA match... forgive my swordfight nerdness...
    but sadly mybrute does not allow this, so i have suggestion - one brute fights with all the other brutes, and number of wins decide the winner.
    Number of works of fiction that made me shed at least one tear: 3
    Thou seeketh soul power, dost thou not?
    TOX: 33524385841A92B08787EEBEBA2DB51ED293C4F15A2E292F3F C92165E82388281433A77EA8FE

  17. #77
    i need pupils ...

    is everything you get random ? eg. weapons and perks ?

  18. #78
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    My guy recently aquired a sword, which is weaker than an axe. He always tries the sword first

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #79
    Join Date
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    Well i made several characters and it seems one of them turned out pretty OP.

    She has Impact that disarms almost on every hit, she has Sabotage which removes an unequipped weapon on every hit and she has Armor which makes her take alot reduced damage. Since she can basically make a brute with 4 weapons become weaponless in 2 rounds she wins 95% of the fights.

  20. #80
    Nice Twist, gratz on the good character. I haven't run into someone who has both impact, and sabotage yet. I've added her to the list on the 1st page.

    Let me know which round of the tournaments your brutes make it to and I'll update that information on the first page as well. eg. 7h round

    BTW. I just found this website. It desribes all the different bonuses and weapons in the game. I'm not sure how accurate this information it, but it's something to check out at least.

    P.S. Good lord Xrlderek, Xereles totally blocked all my attacks! =P
    Quote Originally Posted by Xelbair
    erm i mean one big FFA match... forgive my swordfight nerdness...
    but sadly mybrute does not allow this, so i have suggestion - one brute fights with all the other brutes, and number of wins decide the winner.
    Hrm, well I think your idea is really fair to everyone, but it lacks the excitement feel of a tournament. It would however be a great format for like regular season if you will... Maybe we should set up a list of matches for everyone who wants to participate, and then we can use the regular season win/loss results to seed the brutes for the tournament?

    For entertainment value though, I think it'd be more fun to have an elimination style tournament, where each round is a best out of 3(or first to 2 victories) because each brute can fight eachother once/day = 2 fights. If they split the fights the first day, they have the sudden death match first the next day, and still have fights left to take on their next opponent.

    A regular season and tournament might be too involved for folks though? Anyone have any thoughts on this, or other ideas?
    Last edited by Konohamaru!; Fri, 05-01-2009 at 01:45 PM.

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