Small chick with giant hammer incoming!
Small chick with giant hammer incoming!
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
Just downloaded and playing the Tears to Tiara Game (torrent), japan version with English patch. I didnt know it was part Hentai while playing it until Morgan gave Arwan morning head and a happy ending in the ship. Other then the hentai, its a classic Japanese RPG with recruiting options and what not, Pretty sure the upcoming PS3 version wont have the Hentai in it.
The PS3 has revised (and much better) character designs, as well as omitted 18+ material.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
No hentai:
Episode 7 - CoalGuys
Octavia is absolutely awesome. Hands down the best character in this series so far (and probably as a whole, since topping her is going to be very difficult).
Octavia has the arrogance and charm that Touka lacked, plus a really beautiful character design, beating Touka by just a bit. I normally dislike blondes, with Saber being the only exception before, but it seems I have to make a bit more room in my imaginary harem. Heck, the only thing I can dislike about her is the name, just because it reminds me of Octavia of the Julii who I hate (from which her name is based I believe).
Now I am really looking forward to how Arawn is going to get his hands on her. Her pride, while alluring, is going to be quite a tall hurdle to overcome, but a necessary one in order to get her to submit as Arawn's 4th(?) wife. I just hope they don't screw it up with something stupid (though a little funny) like the seal coat.
I was actually tempted to play the Tears to Tiara game just to get Octavia's H-scene, but then I saw the art style, and decided not to sully my image of her by playing it.
+1 to this. Except I actually really like her name, but that's because I have no idea about your reference, and I remember the name from one of the make-believe citizens in my freshmen year high school Latin textbook.Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I loved the smile she gave Bublucus right before she kicked him hard in the side. Her movements emphasize minimum avoidance, so she wasn't even remotely exhausted. Even after the whole fight with leaps onto moving chariots.
This was a jolly good episode. Nice fighting at the arena. Octavia's name doesn't bother me, and certainly not her character and looks. But it really might be hard for Arawn to recruit her, even if the Empire ends up betraying her. Although we don't yet know of all her circumstances, but she seems to possess some Empire friendly ideology.
But above all I hope we don't need to witness Arawn's sword to get turned into knives and pots...
I love the recurring joke where:Originally Posted by Kraco
1. Arawn and 1+ Gael(s) encounter an elf (quantity <= 2)
2. Elf proclaims how awesome Lord Arawn must be or otherwise diminishes present company in comparison to his name (includes threats).
3. Elf discovers after making aforementioned remarks that present company includes Arawn.
4. Elf immediately enters dogeza position (or otherwise 'orz')
Thus far, despite all her other lackings, Llyr is in fact the only elf we've seen that hasn't resulted in this gag. She knew who Arawn was from the very beginning.
Morgan also had a good chance to show off more of her comedy relief qualities. While can be fairly common in other series like this, I laughed aloud when Arawn finished calming Arthur down only to realize too late that there were two idiots with him today. Morgan was already down there by the time he remarked on it. Not to mention her yelling his name in, "not even a second," after he just reminded her to be quiet.
I wonder about this Red Branch item Morgan is looking for. It's a shiny red jewel of indiscriminate size and shape (due to Morgan's vague hand gestures to Epona). I can't help but think and compare it to the red shiny jewel that hangs from Octavia's ear.
What I really love about this show is how they don't skimp on the art. It probably has one of the best made animation in this season, and maybe even including a few seasons before. The fight scenes are always fluid and well directed, and the boobs always bounce when they should. Heck, the abdominal motion when Morgan drinks alcohol is enough proof of how much attention they put into the art.
It's a boy isn't it? Looks and sounds like a girl though. Unless the subs I watched were wrong.Originally Posted by Penner
Anyways, this show is pretty cool so far. And yeah, I can see Octavia joining the Gaels in the future. She's awesome. Something about female knights/swordsman is just cool.
I'm quite glad they featured Octavia again right after her debut. Not crying over Llyr's burned pelt allowed me to give Octavia the full attention she deserves and now I think I see what the hubbub was about last ep. She reminds me of a Touka base with some of the many awesome aspects of Karura (namely her shimmering pride and confidence in her clearly formidable skills as well as the way she utterly embarrasses people she fights) mixed in. I feel like the lame soldiers she was commanding last ep as well as that noob commander really put a damper on her overall awesomeness. I can't wait to see her lay waste to Arawn's enemies and I hope she has a Touka level cuteness trigger.
In short: <3 Octavia.
I hope we get to see her fight Arawn himself. I doubt she could ever win, but it could make an epic fight as long as it lasted.
She is currently the best fighter in the show excluding Arawn and maybe Gaius right? Arawn himself said that she had the skills that Arthur lacks.
Favourite woman: Octavia
Favourite elf: Rathty
If Octavia gets top prize for character/wardrobe desigh, Rathty certainly closes in on second. Big hat with ears, giant hammer + utility bags make a good combo. I like her colours too. It's somewhat similar to Rhiannon's set, but better.
As for gender, s/he did use the masculine "boku", but that's hardly definitive of sex. I'm just going to treat her as a little girl for now because:
1) s/he sounds like one
2) how many guys has Arawn attracted, seriously?
Any checking/confirming would be spoilers, so I'll sit and wait for what's to come.
I kind of knew it was going to be a one-sided fight since it's Octavia we're talking about, but when they thew in that loud-mouth lardtub of a coward, I knew what was coming, and laughed.
Unlike shinta, I tend to prefer blond characters, so hair colour was a +1 in my eyes. "Octavia" sits fineonwith me.
Aye. Very sexy. Totally awesome.Originally Posted by Ryll
Yeah, the game's art pales in comparison like a cheap doujin to the anime. (no offense to game fans) Still, her H-scenes are my favourite.Originally Posted by shinta
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
Hmm, I still think Rathty is a boy because Ogam is like "he must be a Miner Elf". But anyway, this episode was good and had a solid fight with Octavia owning. Arawn needs to hurry up and pick her up!
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
Awesome ep, but i was so sure that little elf with the hammer was a girl, even tho i only had the pic posted by the OP to go by, and when they met it looked and sounded like a girl so i was a wee bit surprised when they said "he" -.-
Also, Octavia is awesome, and i like the name :P
"Always be yourself... unless you suck."
There are some male characters in some animes that look like a girl, sound like one, but are totally boys. I think Happiness! might be one of those animes that might get you very confused.![]()
I am training in the shadows.
Currently playing: All of your games, probably.
I'm glad you guys haven't been corrupted by a certain show regarding the Octavia name. I wish I hadn't been either, so I can fully enjoy Octavia's awesomeness.
Am I the only person thats rooting at least a little bit for Arthur getting a girl. I realize that this is an H-game and all and having watched/played Utawarerumono understand the style of the game.
I mean granted Arthur has a bit of growing up to do but it seems like hes doing most of the work with Arawn just sort of standing around giving his bits of info here and there.
Arawn just doesn't strike me with the same level of likability that Hakuo did.
Is the game massively different or something such that Arthur is a minor character like the rest of the male cast in Utawarerumono?
I dunno probably just me. I just can't see myself ever liking this anime as an H-game.
...what?Originally Posted by Hawkeye32
I don't understand what you mean.