Good lord Arthur is annoying. Morgan is too, but at least she's good comedy relief. It seems like the only thing Arthur ever says is somebody's name, ad nauseum.
This episode was okay, it is nice to see a villain introduced early on who is capable of matching the protagonists. Gaius is a great antagonist. He's an ass to basically everyone (like where he called that city run down and crappy) but he anticipated their plans from before he even knew how close they were and laid a trap. If not for Arawn and his allies keen senses, the Gael would have led the Empire right to their gates.
I guess I'm looking forward to next episode more than I care to continue commenting on this one. Looks like a little comedy relief and some good combat, plus the introduction of the blond (and apparently Empire) girl. She seems like a Touka character, but maybe a little less uptight.