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Thread: Dragonball Kai

  1. #381
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    It's a shame.... People always talk about how it should've ended after Cell, but imo the Cell saga was the weakest of all three. Would have been a horrible spot to just end the show in the original. If they ended it after Frieza then it'd be more understandable because that saga was epic. The Buu saga is also one of my favorites and I thought to be the best one.

  2. #382
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    lol and wtf @ Cell laughing like Blackbeard. Zehahaha.

  3. #383
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 96

    [Freeze-subs] Dragon Ball Kai 96 - 720p: Torrent | DDL
    [Freeze-subs] Dragon Ball Kai 96 - 400p: Torrent | DDL

  4. #384
    The frieza saga was epic..... mostly because it wasn't just frieza. And that climb up to him was perfect. In the original there were so many episodes with just cell as the villain I'm sure it added up to more than just frieza's fight. Fucking hell just thinking about how many there were for both of them brings back painful flashbacks of endless powerups and staring that makes me hate my television to this day.

    Buu was the dumbest. Its obvious. Cmon. But it was also the most fun. I hardly had a laugh except for these last few Cell ones....

    "Oh... was that trunks I hit?" LOL
    --Vegeta gets KO'd-- "Now go to hell vegeta" hahahha just the way Cell says it. Even tho its another language still had me. He fucking hated vegeta just like everyone compared to when he kills trunks he's kinda complacent about it.

    The best one was King Kai's screaming YOU BROUGHT HIM HERE YOU FUCKER!!!! And you killed me just to save one piece of shit planet?!

    But Gohan's one handed Kamehameha is forever above the most top of all tiers for any attack in anything.

    Def sucks no Buu saga butttt I'm still gonna go watch it again. Lets see how far in I can get until I cant stand the absolute nothing that happens for 9/10's each episode.

  5. #385
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    The ONLY thing about the Buu saga that didn't suck was how badass Fusions were. It's a legacy of awesome that can still be felt throughout the anime and video game worlds to this day.

  6. #386
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 98 Canceled

    Episode 97 (which aired today) will be the last episode.

    Toei Animation has announced that Dragon Ball Kai will end with episode #97. It had previously been announced that Dragon Ball Kai would run for 98 episodes, covering chapters #195-420 of the Dragon Ball comic. This change will result in the exclusion of chapters #419-420 of the 519 chapter comic.

    Episode #98 was originally scheduled to air on March 27, 2011. However, due to the earthquakes in Japan episode #96 was delayed one week. Episode #97 is now scheduled to air in this final slot, handing the slot over to Toei Animation's next animated series, Toriko, beginning April 3.

    How this will affect repeat runs of the series or Toei Animation's release of the series on home video is unknown. It is also unknown how this will affect the multiple international licensees' release of the series.
    Also if you guys hadn't noticed, they went back to using DBZ music because they were sued for plagiarism.

    Toei Animation announced that more than one background musics of Dragon Ball Kai were suspected to infringe the copyrights of third parties. They have already replaced those musics with the original BGMs of Dragon Ball Z.

    Toei Animation had assigned the music of Dragon Ball Kai to Yamamoto Kenji instead of Kikuchi Shunsuke. Yamamoto Kenji's other musics have also been suspected to be plagiarized works.
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 03-27-2011 at 10:30 AM.

  7. #387
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 97

    [Freeze-subs] Dragon Ball Kai 97 - 720p: Torrent | DDL
    [Freeze-subs] Dragon Ball Kai 97 - 400p: Torrent | DDL

  8. #388
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    It was great while it lasted. Though it was funny how they got sued for plagiarism in time for the final episode.

  9. #389
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Man... I wish they used the original tracks from the start. After seeing the series end here at Cell saga, I've come to realize DBZ would have been great no matter which saga it ended at. Frieza, Cell, Buu were all great imo. Also wish they would do the Buu saga too though. =(
    Last edited by Idealistic; Sun, 03-27-2011 at 09:18 PM.

  10. #390
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Lol, who were they stealing music from?

    Hopefully, 98 is on the DVDs at least.

  11. #391
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder View Post
    Lol, who were they stealing music from?
    Various people.

    Something we have talked (and joked) about for years has been the blatant plagiarism from Kenji Yamamoto in various bits of music for the franchise. Some pieces have taken inspiration, but others have been flat-out "stolen" — examples such as Cell's theme from Super Butôden 2 on the Super Famicom (Pink Floyd's "One of These Days") and "Battle Point Unlimited" from DBZ TV Episode 120 (Propaganda's "The Murder of Love", among other of their songs) come to mind.

    From its inception, there have been allegations from fans about Yamamoto's score for DragonBall Kai, his first foray into solely scoring a TV adaptation of the series (previously only having composed and arranged additional vocal songs while Shunsuke Kikuchi handled BGM composition for the DragonBall and DragonBall Z TV series, as well as scoring various video games).

    Toei has finally acknowledged this practice, specifically with regard to DragonBall Kai. In an official statement posted on their website yesterday, Toei noted:

    The existence of multiple suspicious musical pieces which may infringe on the rights of third parties has been confirmed within the musical compositions recorded for "Dragon Ball Kai", an animated television work produced by this firm. The relevant musical pieces are used as background music in "Dragon Ball Kai", and measures are promptly being taken to replace the relevant musical pieces from the background music of "Dragon Ball Kai".

    Also, we are proceeding with a swift investigation of the facts, and discussion of countermeasures with concerned parties in the near future.

    The culprits are likely BGM tracks named "The Ebb and The Flow" and "A New Foe Rears His Head" which are essentially the tracks "War" by James Horner from the Avatar score and the Terminator Salvation opening theme by Danny Elfman, respectively. Both of these pieces were included on DragonBall Kai Soundtrack III & Songs and are used in the series beginning in the "Jinzôningen & Cell arc" around the time that Trunks appears (coincidentally, just about where the television broadcast of the English dub happens to be these days). Keep in mind that Toei themselves have not actually named specific pieces of music, so while this is not quite "speculation" or "rumor", it should be held in check.

    This would seemingly explain why the fourth soundtrack collection for the "refreshed" TV series was canceled for a second time.

    Toei's official website for DragonBall Kai (as well as Fuji TV's own site) now solely list Shunsuke Kikuchi as staff under "Music."
    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 03-27-2011 at 10:46 PM.

  12. #392
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That's a shame. The soundtrack is one of the #1 things I don't think holds up very well from the original series.

    At least, not the Japanese version

    North American SSJ3 theme is like one of my favorite songs of all time.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Sun, 03-27-2011 at 10:57 PM.

  13. #393
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    I have to agree, the US version (FUNI) of DBZ is the exception to 'my' anime rules if several ways... normally I dislike dubs.. I like the DBZ ones.. the music of the original is mostly 'mèh' for me, but the Funi version from Bruce Faulconer have some very nice ones. Normally touching music of the original series is like the worst thing you can do.

  14. #394
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I mostly chalk that up to how old the original DBZ is.

    I don't think there is any anime soundtracks from before the 90s that doesn't sound cheesy as hell.

  15. #395
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    That's true.. in general the old shows have cheesy music.

  16. #396
    Well, to be fair, the old soundtrack had it's good moments too. For example, when Gohan went SSJ2 or when Majin Vegeta hugging Trunks. Likewise, BF music had times were it just seemed out of place. But, I'm like you, I prefer the U.S. version more. My personal favorites are Vegetas and Trunks themes, SSJ3 Goku, Capt. Ginyus Transformation... amongst others.

    In anycase, I finally watched the last episode. Kind of disappointed really but I dont know why. I guess it's because I know theres so much more to the story lol. I liked how they changed Vegetas line from "I'll never fight again" to "I must train" but it kind of ruins Bojacks movie for me too.

  17. #397
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 98: Peace for the Future! Gokū’s Soul Lives Forever

    Episode 98 never aired on TV due to the earthquake, but it was released on Blu-ray, so here it is.

    [Puto] Dragon Ball Kai 98 - 1080p: Torrent | DDL
    [Puto] Dragon Ball Kai 98 - 480p: Torrent | DDL

    Since the TV airing of episode 98 was cancelled, the preview was never shown, so here it is as well.

    [Puto-GonbeFAN-bluesun] Dragon Ball Kai - NEP 98 - 1080p: DDL
    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 10-26-2011 at 07:27 PM.

  18. #398
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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  19. #399
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    We need more characters like Future Trunks these days.

  20. #400
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I'm still hoping for a Buu saga announcement......

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