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Thread: Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~

  1. #41
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Link to Episode 5 by Desire. May be the last.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #42
    Torrent for same "[Desire] Phantom - 05" as above

    This release was also missing a few lines at around 19:06-19:10 mark.

    When the guy gets off the phone and then starts talking to the wife he says "The Boss and Anton are safe" then there are three untranslated lines.

    The guy continues on to say "But Rob and Lutz were..."
    Then the wife says "Oh no...!"
    Then the guy says, "In any case, you should stay with Duke for now."
    Then the wife says "Okay" which is in the subs.

    I got those omitted lines off the Funi stream, I suspect whoever did the script Timo used left them out by accident.

  3. #43
    Nanomachines, son. Xelbair's Avatar
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    Timo used the same script from the crappy-sub link i provided - they said that they used Lance subs.
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  4. #44
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I always thought McCunnen didn't want Zwei to be simply a tool to Inferno, so I was initially confused by the "Wonderful (that you can kill little kids)" scene. It all seems a bit contradictory to what she keeps saying before.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  5. #45
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... I don't think there's any contradiction. They are separate things. She was the one who ordered those kids killed, following Inferno's motto of by any means necessary. I suppose that "wonderful" just indicated she was pleased with his work. If Zwei doesn't want to be a tool, according to McCunnen's views, he should at some point start to make plots of his own to further his own position (and enjoy his new life). I think that's what she's after, not rebelling against Inferno's goals and methods as such.

  6. #46
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    That "Wonderful" was a ploy to get into his pants, which I'm pretty sure she did.

    Seriously though, I agree with Buff. It does seem kind of OOC for McCunnen to praise Zwei for following orders blindly. I'm pretty sure Zwei did not wish to kill the child, and would have avoided it if he could. But he still did it because he was ordered to do so, much like Ein.

    The only reason I can think of is that McCunnen personally thinks that Zwei finally decided to do anything to further his rank in the organization, and has willingly accepted his fate in Inferno (which I very much doubt is the case), and praises him for it. She did say that even if the path was determined, Zwei gets to decide on the speed. Killing children kind of speeds up the process of becoming a cold-blooded assassin.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  7. #47
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think it's pretty clear by now that if you want to be anybody in Inferno, you need to be ready for anything. It's that kind of an organization. That's the baseline from which you will start. Zwei would probably have been scrapped (like a flawed tool) if he hadn't been able to assassinate the mom and the kid.

    That's my point, nothing more.

  8. #48
    Wow this series just became my current favourite. It has a pretty similar athmosphere to GunGrave which was my favourite anime series before it went all sci-fi. Especially the music is mind blowing. The chorus while Zwei killed that child and woman was so epic.

  9. #49
    Phantom 01-05 (720p H264) - [Underwater]

    Relatively new group, OCRing subs from Funi and then going from there like a regular fansubbing group would (including QC). They use ordered chaps so make sure you dl the OP/ED and keep it in the same directory as the eps if you want it to be in every ep. Not based in the U.S and they claim they won't be bowing to any C&D's. I've downloaded the latest ep and will compare it to the ep 05's done by Desire and Timo later.

  10. #50
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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  11. #51
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... Maybe I need to change my views of how things might proceed in this series. Ein and Zwei are growing more and more estranged. Ein seems to see no other way but to stick to being a tool without thoughts and emotions, while Zwei has been thinking more and more. It's even furthered by the fact Scythe Master's little plays enhances Ein's tool feelings while Ms. McCunnen tries to make Zwei think (to undermine Scythe Master's control and power, no doubt).

    Kind of a pity when at the same time we see more and more Ein fanservice... I guess under these kind of circumstances Zwei won't do what any healthy dude would attempt to do... Sometimes I think Ein is actively trying to gouge some kind of a response out of him by walking naked around him.

  12. #52
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I've actually played Ein's arc in the DVD game (which is superb by the way, bar all the problems trying to make it work), and it seems the anime will not follow it, at least not completely. I'm not sure if they are following a different arc, or just completely made the current story up.
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  13. #53
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Divergence continuum:

    Episode 7 - Underwater

    - - - - - - -

    Kind of hard to judge where this is going. Maybe this is nothing but an intermediate phase, separating those two more and more to force them to finally recognize they care about each other, or maybe this is a real story element and this will only go downhill from now on. It's quite a bit of psychology for them, of course. Will they make a decision for themselves or not. I guess that's the question. Ein doesn't look like she will do anything at all with the current pressure, but who knows if something really bad happened. Zwei is far more unstable and could go either way at any moment.

    Regardless, Ms. McCunnen is pissing me off. Evil woman keeping Ein and Zwei separated.

  14. #54
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Evil woman who's framing Scythe Master too. It seems she wasn't as dumb as I thought.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #55
    I think Ms. McCunnen is just being a good evil organization middle manager. Scythe Master seems somewhat dangerous to the overall organization because of the power he wields through Phantom as well as his readily apparent mental instability. On the flip side he's also a threat to her personal status in the organization as he steals glory like a starving raccoon. Sadly her homicidal insinuations about Ein all but doom her in my eyes. It's unfortunate too, getting rid of just Scythe Master and bringing both Ein and Zwei under her would have been great.

  16. #56
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    She might be thinking Ein is too deeply under Scyther Master's control, and wouldn't serve well someone else. Maybe there's also a tiny bit of jealousy involved, though I can't really see her having such humane feelings... I suppose she only likes Zwei as a tool, even if she tries to brainwash him by telling he's no tool, which might be nothing but making sure he won't become another toy for Scythe Master.

  17. #57
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Episode 08 - Underwater

    Heh, your own will my ass. Seeing McCunnen's evil scheming smile and all, she's no different from Scythe Master. I'm all for the pro-Phantom wagon now.

    Girl with no memory runs away with a care-taker from an organisation in the Americas reminds me of BeeTrain's El Cazador more than ever, with this one obviously a lot more dark.

    What makes me think things will be a bit more complicated than the generic runaway couple setup is Scythe Master himself. That fellow's no dumbass, and he probably saw this coming. Not soon enough to do anything about it except hide, but he'll make a comeback, possibly rallying the Phantoms back to his side then.

    While on one side I'm thinking the getup feels "used", I can't say I'm unhappy with how things are developing so far. Far from any worst-case scenario I may have had in mind.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 05-26-2009 at 06:35 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #58
    Lol yeah BeeTrain shows tend to be reminders of one another. Anyway, NEARLY NAKED EIN!!!!!

    Now that that's out of the way. I though this ep was quite good. Ms McCunnen's scheming was creepy and devilish on multiple levels but I'm glad Zwei made the choice to go back to Ein. The scene with her getting impromptu surgery alone made this whole show worth it (as if it wasn't already).

    One thing I did have a bit of a problem with was that Ein and Zwei seemed to be hiding out in their original training house which Scythe, Ms McCunnen, and even that long haired Asian looking guy had ALL been to. Why no one from Inferno bothered to look there seems rather strange.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Tue, 05-26-2009 at 02:56 PM.

  19. #59
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I couldn't avoid thinking the same thing: That place should have been one of the first places to check out when looking for them. Should I want the situation make any sense in that regard, I can only reckon very little time had actually passed at that point, and everybody was thinking Ein would still be in town. But it's a pretty thin margin for sure, especially with all the scenes of them sitting together with no urgency whatsoever. I guess it was just an unlikely case of a blunder: Surely she's not stupid enough to go there...

    Forgetting that lapse in logic I also liked this episode tremendously. Zwei deciding not to care he got his identity back and instead going to save Ein was of course the only right thing to do, but it still felt good to see it happen. It would have been a bit too cruel if poor Ein first had got shot and then abandoned by Zwei as well. She probably expected such a thing to happen, seeing how she never dared to really hope for anything good, but that only made it better Zwei decided to find her.

    Preview looked quite ominous, though.

  20. #60
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I can sort of justify their not being found. Don't forget that this story started out with Zwei already being an assassin, while all that training stuff was just a flashback. We don't know how much time has lapsed during all that and now. The impression that I got was the duo have never gone back to hat place since killing the SEAL team member. They've been hiding in more urbanised place since, possibly multiple ones, making for easier deployment.

    I can still see how hiding in a known place like that will raise eyebrows. Only other reason I can see is that everybody prioritised boxing them in first, then the search to flush them out.

    As for the preview, Zwei wants to save Ein from within as well. In order to regain Ein's true identity, he's letting himself get caught by the organisation. (I refuse to think that after all that training, he'd get caught with a tap on the shoulder.)

    (PS: Inferno leader has womanly legs :S)

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

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