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Thread: Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~

  1. #141
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Haha. So would I. I only hoped for such a grim outcome after I believed Elen died (against my better judgement like this nobody-important-ever-dies series later showed). But I do have one requirement of utmost importance: Reiji and Elen can't live as a bloody brother and sister. They gotta live as a husband and wife.

  2. #142
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    But I do have one requirement of utmost importance: Reiji and Elen can't live as a bloody brother and sister. They gotta live as a husband and wife.
    I can't agree more. I flipped when Elen called Reiji her brother. I'm trying to imagine how Ein, Zwei and Drei all fit in the happy ending though. Cal certainly sees Reiji as more than a brother, and she doesn't look like the type to share. Reiji probably wouldn't, and as long as he's happy, Elen would keep her opinions to herself. I would really feel sorry for her if that happened though.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  3. #143
    Wow I'm glad I've been gone for a while and didn't get sucked into that argument fest. But it's nice to see someone else being the lone dissenter. Anyway, better late than never... OMG Cal, plz be my mistress (Elen is still my #1 waifu candidate) As someone mentioned earlier I kind of feel wrong looking at new Cal with the sort of lustful eyes her new shapely form deserves but I just can't not do it.

    As for the outcome of this arc...OMG tension! Scythe is such a good asshole character I cant' help but love him for being so good at being so evil/nefarious/mean. I feel like Elen is going to die by the time this is all over and if that's the case the only thing I can hope for is that Reiji dies too (after wtfpwning Scythe of course) and the we get a nice Oboro x Genosuke (Basilisk) style scene at the end and they can be together for ever in the next world.

    I feel really bad on the Cal front though, she has just been screwed six ways to Sunday and I don't think anything will end well where she is concerned, though hopefully she'll be brought out of her hatred by the end. I'm so strongly in love with this show it's almost frightening, I just hope they can pull together an ending worthy of the rest of the series in terms of both badassness and emotional impact.

  4. #144
    I stopped watching around episode 11 and just picked this back up recently. I'm really enjoying it now, but no matter the end, I fully hope that Scythe dies in a horrible fashion. As far as characters go, he is the most smug asshole I've seen in like....ever.

  5. #145
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Phantom -Requiem for the Phantom- ED2 Single - Transparent [KOKIA]

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  6. #146

  7. #147
    So what happened at the end of this episode? She let the remaining guy bang her?

  8. #148
    Somehow that wouldn't surprise me. Poor Reiji though, two hot chicks fighting over him but no chance of a reconciliation threeway.

  9. #149
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    If Reiji wants to save Cal, he needs to get through to her somehow. The girl already has one foot in a grave and the other slipping in. Even if she managed to kill both Reiji and Ein, she would just follow them very soon after herself. Such a husk of a person. Even Scythe should be realising Drei is vastly inferior to Ein and Zwei as a pawn and experiment.

  10. #150
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Such a husk of a person. Even Scythe should be realising Drei is vastly inferior to Ein and Zwei as a pawn and experiment.
    A few episodes ago, Scythe mentioned to Reiji that Drei is inferior to Zwei and Ein. At least for now. Throughout the story, they've highlighted the strengths of each Phantom. Ein was the least naturally spectacular. Previously having no free will, she was the stereotypical brainwashed assassin. That did work to her advantage though. As possibly the most calculative of them, her lack of "urges" made her into a better sniper than even the later models.(it's not an explicit point, but I inferred it that way). She's also the most experienced.

    Zwei had a special talent where he has great self control over his own urges too. That was demonstrated when he hid in a building for lengthy periods of time to avoid Ein when he was hunted despite being hungry, and more recently when he didn't kill Scythe despite his hatred for him. His survival instinct is his second gift that supplements for Ein's experience (example was when he saved her in the car-fight scene outside the shopping center back then), which may explain his preference for closer-quarter semi-automatics.

    Seeing how Zwei balanced control and intent perfectly, Scythe decided to experiment by applying the emotion "hatred" to Drei, without brainwashing. She's been portrayed to be the most talented assassin of them all regarding weapon use, but her unpredictability and emotional fluctuations make her too unreliable, despite her exceptional abilities. In that restaurant fight, I think she used a fully automatic pistol.

    So back the the point, as a pawn Cal is certainly inferior. In fact, only Ein would make the perfect pawn. Reiji would be too, if only he was loyal to Inferno (making it a no). As an experiment, I would call her interesting, because I saw experimenting as "discovering/playing with" rather than "manufacturing".

    I was really thinking Elen would die this episode. Hopefully she doesn't, but killing her must be all that's on Cal's mind right now, thanks to Zwei's lack of tact.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 09-01-2009 at 10:35 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  11. #151
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Cal still seems to think that Zwei abandoned her knowing that she was alive. Maybe she will change her mind if she realizes that Reiji believed her to be dead after that explosion.

    Cal also misinterpreted Reiji's seemingly tactless line. Reiji did not offer his life to protect Elen (though I believe he would if needed). He offered his life to Cal as a means of atonement, for not being able to save her and dragging her into his world. If he was willing to die to save someone at that moment, it was Cal. She was just too blinded by her twisted love for Reiji to see it.
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  12. #152
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    A few episodes ago, Scythe mentioned to Reiji that Drei is inferior to Zwei and Ein. At least for now.
    Yeah. But these episodes made me decide she won't ever be a better one. Now she's burning like a torch but if she managed to kill Reiji and Elen, she would be nothing but a pile of ash. The hatred seems to be her only driving force and once it's gone..? Unless she somehow manages to find a new hatred, but I doubt it could be toward anything else but herself and Inferno.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    As an experiment, I would call her interesting, because I saw experimenting as "discovering/playing with" rather than "manufacturing".
    I suppose so, but on the other hand I think the experiment is already more or less over.

  13. #153
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Cal still seems to think that Zwei abandoned her knowing that she was alive. Maybe she will change her mind if she realizes that Reiji believed her to be dead after that explosion.

    Cal also misinterpreted Reiji's seemingly tactless line. Reiji did not offer his life to protect Elen (though I believe he would if needed). He offered his life to Cal as a means of atonement, for not being able to save her and dragging her into his world. If he was willing to die to save someone at that moment, it was Cal. She was just too blinded by her twisted love for Reiji to see it.
    That was part of why I said Reiji was tactless (not exactly the right word but anyway). What would have gotten him out of the situation was making Cal promise she'll leave Inferno after killing him or something. It allows him to explain that he thought she was dead, that he lied to her and didn't want to drag her down the same path he walked, and also gets rid of her killing intent towards Elen (sort of).

    Saying he'd die for atonement, but making her promise Elen's safety is like saying

    "I'll only atone for my sins if you spare Elen. Otherwise, go fuck yourself. It's two phantoms vs one."

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  14. #154
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Tactless really isn't the right word then. I misunderstood you because of it. Otherwise, I agree with what you said.
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  15. #155
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Inferno - episode 23

    Someone's reported getting copyright notices for downloading a Requiem of the Phantom episode, so here's a DDL link for this episode: (I suggest against the "hotfile" option. Use Zomgupload instead since you'd probably use megaupload more.)


    It figures that Scythe is just going to discard Drei as a failed experiment, but not before she helps him with killing all his previous works. I'll be looking forward to the prototype vs mass.produced Phantoms, should we get such a fight, but those new ones look so devoid of personality it might only be as entertaining as watching the Phantoms fight elite, nameless grunts.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sat, 09-05-2009 at 09:53 PM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #156
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Inferno - episode 24


    It's building up pretty well to a finale. I like how all that talk from Scythe about final acts and all gives this episode a real feeling that everything's going to end. Hopefully this carries through right to the end. I really want this story to finish with nothing else to be desired, though not necessarily a closed ending.

    The music was good, but that "Aaah!" soundtrack always seems rather inappropriate every time they use it. For the shirt-ripping, maybe, but the bits before were certainly mismatched. Even then "pseudo-raep" scene wasn't even sexual.

    I have a feeling the ending is going to be gloomier than I had hoped. Every phantom is going to die, either in a 6 vs 3 fight, or a 6 vs 2, then 1-6 vs 1 (Zwei) fight.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Thu, 09-17-2009 at 01:51 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  17. #157
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Inferno - episode 25

    That's it? Cal died?! This may well turn out like Kraco suggested, except the one bearing everything will be Reiji.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Sun, 09-20-2009 at 12:19 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  18. #158
    Surprisingly I felt really bad for Cal when she died. I didn't expect it to have the emotional impact that the scene had.

  19. #159
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I was a little saddened when Cal died, but was more saddened at the fact that it endangers Elen. I'm not so confident that two previous Phantoms can hold up to 6 others.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #160
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Elen is just plain broken. She killed a group of people sporting machine guns using a knife (initially)! She won't get killed by couple of mannequins.
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