They're just trying to capitalize on it's popularity. Striking while the iron's hot.Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Trying to appease the fans after the endless 8 debacle
well the majority of season 1 was series original content. they've probably got enough actual manga material for 2 more seasons ^^Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
user posted image
Yeah. If they have a decent script writer at their disposal, it isn't so hard to come up with decent anime original material for an ultra moe series like this. After all, the core idea is cute girls doing cute things. Actually that's not the core idea, it's the whole idea.
Could've sworn I posted this already. O_oOriginally Posted by Marik
"Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)
Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)
You posted that a second season was coming, Marik posted the date of release and additional info
And if you want to be anal about it Pandalice posted before all of you making yours the most useless post of them all![]()
Azu-nyan here to break your page!
More pics here:
This figure shoots down all the Mio ones, and possibly even Yui's.
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
I like this Mio one more.
I think I prefer it because I love both the costume and the pose. The facial expression also looks quite unique for a K-on figure, without the usual smiling at the camera look. I have to say I like the guitar for that Azusa one though.
I didn't realise there was such a Mio figure. Now I'm not so confident about my previous statement. It's not as "cute" as Azunyan, but that's not the point. The costume looks great.Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~
At what resolution does frostii make them? If they are 720p I'll migrate. If its 1080 I can't since my computer can't handle them.
It's 720p, go get it
Already on it. Thnks Archie.
Episode 12 was really nice because of the amount of music. I hope the second season will have more of it than this first season. At least the same people are employed again to compose and write the songs, so they should be good and fitting for the girls.
Im definitely watching those episodes tonight. Chihiro stopped at episode 10, bleh. THough I have mixed feelings regarding Frostii's release. While the subs are way superior, I hate the fact they switch the names to the american way, skip the suffixes (chan, etc) and translate onee-chan to sister.
oh well.
Yeah, I have actually complained about the same thing on irc a couple of times lately. Other examples are senpai -> mentor (which hardly was relevant in this case as Yui certainly wouldn't be able to teach anything about guitars to Azunyan). But the thing that bothers me most is when a group of Japanese people go to a Japanese store in Japan and the Japanese clerck tells them something costs 50 dollars. No wonder Yui couldn't pay and Mugi wasn't sure if she has the money; no way they would have dollars in their purses...
The only words left untranslated should be the ones whose meaning is lost in the translation itself
Sempai and Kouhai can very simply be translated as mentor and student, same with onee-chan. The matter of dollars an yen is somewhat strange i'll admit but it doesn't bother me much personally.
Senior or upperclassman would have been more suitable than mentor. Where the heck did that mentor come from in the first place? It's like Azusa would have entered the club specifically seeking Yui's (or somebody else's) teaching and support. Certainly the original Japanese dialogue didn't suggest such a thing.
I'm not any particular proponent of leaving Japanese terms in the subs, especially if English words of roughly the same meaning exists, or words conveying the same purpose. In fact the onee-chan and other honorific related terms are more irrelevant since you can still hear them being said in the audio and thus can understand the hierarchy and how the characters place themselves in relation to each other. Although they don't bother me at all. It's just too bad that subbers are forced to replace their purpose often with the first name despite the character never using it (and thus having the stupid effect of the audio and subtitle displaying a totally different name). Although I can't immediately recall if Frostii is guilty of this.