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Thread: Naruto Chapter 442

  1. #21
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Why didn't Pein notice hundreds of rocks appearing around him?
    I'm guessing they were set up while he was trying to avoid getting a rasenshruiken shoved up his ass

  2. #22
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Or while Pain's mini moon was crumbling.

  3. #23
    I think when you have 2 rasenshruiken coming at will ignore all your surroundings....awesome plan....

  4. #24
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Why didn't Pein notice hundreds of rocks appearing around him?
    Well, there was probably tons of rubble around there, since they were basically fighting in ruins; also. the pain "mini-moon, and the fact that Naruto just destroyed a large rock make it all seem very likely.

  5. #25
    Long time reader, first time poster... This thought has been running through my mind for weeks, and so I had to throw it out there... Yamato has to be running through the forest going "6 tails! 8 tails!! 9 TAILS!!! No tails?!? WTF!?!?!"

  6. #26
    There were hints before though of Sakura having some kind of feelings towards Naruto as well. I doesn't come right out, but the prospect of her actually LOVING Naruto wasn't so far-fetched at that point.

    Badass chapter though! This is the Naruto that we were used to before! I think the problem was that Kishi (or his intern, hahaha) didn't find a way to put the fighting potential spotlight on other characters without making Naruto look useless. Granted, Naruto hadn't shown an inability to fight really, but an inability to control his emotions in front of some of his prior conflicts.

    In the end, Yamato was right when he said "you're about to see a completely new Naruto" when he was up against Kakuzu.

  7. #27
    I'm not sure why, but this chapter really didn't do much for me. I guess its because Pein was able to jump out of the way of the Rasenshuriken, so I don't see why he couldn't do the same for Naruto's launched rasengan.

    A couple of thoughts though: Why doesn't Katsuyu tell the others where Nagato is so they can get to him while Naruto is fighting God Realm? And I hope that after this, Naruto starts wearing the 4th's cloak full time.

  8. #28
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    I'm not sure why, but this chapter really didn't do much for me. I guess its because Pein was able to jump out of the way of the Rasenshuriken, so I don't see why he couldn't do the same for Naruto's launched rasengan.
    Naruto is better at taijutsu than Pein is. But Naruto was like 50-100 yards away when he threw the Rasenshuriken. He was too far to effectively follow up with another attack. He was within striking distance this time.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  9. #29
    lol wtf

    At the end of all that, Pein gets done in by a Rasengan.


  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    I'm not sure why, but this chapter really didn't do much for me. I guess its because Pein was able to jump out of the way of the Rasenshuriken, so I don't see why he couldn't do the same for Naruto's launched rasengan.
    He just used two shinra tensei's back to back.... I'm sure if he hadn't just nuked Konoha, fought the Kyubi, AND fought a Sage mode Naruto, all consecutively, that wouldn't had mattered. But Nagato was already coughing up blood from pushing the limit like 2 chapters ago, so it wasn't too hard for me to believe YahikoPain was about out of breath after all that... looks like the battle of the Hax Gods goes to Naruto for his infinite stamina, and thanks to the 4th of course.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Why didn't Pein notice hundreds of rocks appearing around him?
    Best guess is because Naruto had let off some Ransenshurikens, Pain himself had just used his ultimate gravity technique thing and the 9 tailed fox would of caused some damage as well. In a fight like that it probably didn't seem out of place much for the terrain to change as your fighting.

  12. #32
    Completely the best fight in the Manga so far... The fact that he landed just a normal Rasengan isn't lame to me at all because it was done in what seemed like a more continuous action sequence instead of him building it up, talking about it or something else, and then going. I really hope they animate this fight well for the anime... I liked the struggle on Naruto's face when battling against the Shinra Tensei while being supported by his clones. The classic never say die attitude...

    As for the whole love interest thing, I was a bigger fan of Sakura then Hinata for a long time, but now I'd be totally happy with either of them or even the priestess from demon country(from first Shippuden movie)... Lets face it... Naruto deserves some lovin after the shit he's done and been through... Hah, though knowing Naruto, he probably wouldn't know what to do if any of the three approached him about it. lol

    I could see the whole love interest thing going a number of ways, but I can't see them wanting to depict Hinata's heartbreak of not landing Naruto. Hinata has never done anything wrong, and her calm and shy nature is probably a better fit for Naruto as a love interest. I very much think Naruto and Sakura love eachother, but at this point it's probably much more of a brother/sister/bestfriend type thing.

    I can see them not giving too much information and leaving it open for suspense, but in the end when Sasuke is reformed by Naruto and Sakura, he's going to need someone to be by his side to help him, and thats where Sakura's origional love for him will take off again. I think this mainly because now that Naruto knows Hinata loves him, he's not going to forget that and will probably look at Hinata in a completely new light, so I see him actually making Hinata his choice. They'll have to bring Hinata a bit more into the foreground and make her a bigger character, but I think they've just started to do so...

    *hah* just had a surprise twist thought though... Very extreamly unlikely to happen, but what if Hinata wakes up and doesn't remember who she is or her feelings for Naruto. Speculate amongst yourselfs... lol

    As for the remainder of the fight, I think we can count on some conversation between Naruto and Nagato, and it wouldn't suprize me for Nagato to have one final ace up his sleeve, but I'm more stumped as to what they'll try and do with Konan. She will obviously want to protect Nagato, but I sense that she loves him and almost would rather not fight if it meant saving his life. If it comes to a fight... aside from Naruto, I think Sakura and Neji are probably the most likely people to fight against Konan. Naruto has to see this battle to the very end in my opinion though...
    Last edited by Konohamaru!; Fri, 04-03-2009 at 08:07 PM.

  13. #33
    Yeah I'm ready for anyone to help naruto out at this point.

    And hopefully if yahiko-pain is done for now after all that we should probably see that. If he does meet up with sakura and them the first thing I'd do is tell gai to go find kakashi quick so sakura can save his life....


  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto threw 5 rasen-shurrikens and only one actually killed a pain body. That's kinda depressing
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #35
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yeah. Talk about flashy and ineffective...
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  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    How many wicked kage level moves did the Third use on Orochimaru? How many of them killed Orochimaru?
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  17. #37
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Its a shame Nagato's body is in such bad condition though, I would have liked to see what he can do. I doubt this is the end of the rinnegan though, or I hope it isn't.
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  18. #38
    So no one thinks that he could reject Hinata himself?
    Way I see it happening, he wont say okay because he would feel guilty having a happy life over Sakura. In all honesty I dont care much for how this ends, cuz the manga's good once again.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Naruto threw 5 rasen-shurrikens and only one actually killed a pain body. That's kinda depressing
    well there's your counter argument to whoever says Pain went down too easy. but youre right, he did throw those out way too uselessly

  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    No way those Rasenshirukens were used uselessly or thrown around in a haphazard manner. In fact, the very first one he threw was the one thrown with the least care. It's also the one that took out one of the bodies. Every other Rasenshiruken was thrown with a deception and a combination attack, with Naruto using the shirukens to force Pain into a trap where a less flashy technique would then be used to take him out. And it makes sense to do it that way, because it's kind of hard to hide the fact that you're getting ready to use that technique. Also, Pain just had 2 ways of dealing with the attack itself: absorb the attack, and repel the attack.

    As far as the love interest thing is concerned, I seriously don't think Naruto'll end up with Sakura. The reason is, back at the beginning of the pre time-skip chase Sasuke arc, Naruto came to terms that Sasuke is the one that Sakura was interested in. Without Sakura giving Naruto to believe otherwise, he'd keep that conclusion in his head. And she hasn't given him reason to think otherwise. I mean, we've seen Naruto try and make passes on her after that in shippuuden, but nothing very serious occured. By that, I mean nothing happened between the two of them to overwrite the fact that Naruto came to the conclusion that Sakura's interest was in Sasuke. Hinata's revelation is going to give Naruto something to think about.

    edit: and yes. Pain can't die yet. We need more information on the rinnegan. It'd suck if we didn't get it.

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