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Thread: Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 25

  1. #1
    Missing Nin
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    Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 25

    well the last episodes out enjoy. Warning the file is 700 MB's

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    No grand surprises in this episode. I guess it was pretty novel Setsuna and Ribbons fought so hard they had to time-out and switch mobile suits in order to continue. Other than that, this peculiar fight was somehow far less exciting than some of those good Ali or Graham fights of the first season, even though by logic the last fight should have been the most spectacular. Still, I'm happy the metaphysics were cut to minimum.

    Everybody even stayed alive. No surprise Immortal Patrick couldn't get killed, though he will no doubt need to remain immortal to survive his marriage... Too bad Ali had to die. He would have been one fine villain to remain alive, plotting new conflicts. After all, he wasn't in for world domination or anything else megalomaniac and fancy. He just wanted to fight, so it's not like he needed to die for the good side to win in a happy ending. They seriously wasted his character in these last eps. Nah, make it this last season.

    Despite everything I'm looking forward to the movie next year.

    Edit: Haha... I'd written more instead of less by mistake...
    Last edited by Kraco; Mon, 03-30-2009 at 12:52 AM.

  3. #3
    How did setsuna survive that explosion or patrick? I didn't get it if it was explained. could someone please tell me.
    Last edited by Naruto_RNG; Sun, 03-29-2009 at 02:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    How did setsuna survive that explosion or patrick? I didn't get it if it was explained. could someone please tell me.
    Reinforced cockpit and director's says so. I liked that it didn't end in anything out in too spectacular. Nothing much too say except there going to be a movie (2010) and something from Jupiter.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  5. #5
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    How did setsuna survive that explosion or patrick? I didn't get it if it was explained. could someone please tell me.
    Decoy ship

    The episode was ruined when they began to show Marina's crappy song again.

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    It's like all 50 episodes are just some kind of long twisted trailer for the movie...

    So it basically all amounts to this: Happy Endings for all the good guys. All but one potentially bad factor tied up (and, btw, that 'loose end' is going to be the Preventer Wind in the upcoming movie). The final battle was pretty lackluster. I was glad to see it come down to a fight between older suits, using very basic Gundam gear, but after all the teleporting and bending laser beams and bits with GN shields, for it to end with 30 seconds of "old-school" fighting was too little too late.

    Seems the world all got straightened out once the Innovators were gone. They made it seem like A-LAWs was this huge, massive arm of shadowy Federation figures, but apparently all the A-LAWs troops joined Kati's group, and Evil Obama and Katagiri had absolutely no way to even fight back.

    This entire series boiled down to: a few good guys versus a few bad guys. I don't think I've ever seen a grand scale Gundam boil down to just a 3 vs 3 mobile suit battle... The whole "AD setting", the references to current real world situations, all amount to nothing. It was just two sides (of the same coin! way to go spilling blood, Aeolia...) saying "I know what's best for the world" and the world deciding, "yeah, we're on board with whoever controls this super computer on the other side of the Moon."

    This show also loses points in my book for never furthering the "killing machine" moral dilemma, glossing over a main character's incredibly deep psychological condition and ultimately falling into the "we're saying war is bad, but we're painting it full of bright pink explosions, and none of the people you care about will die in it."

    Which brings me to my final, tangential "FUCK YOU!". Out of every single "good guy" in the second half of the show, they only kill off one of them, and to what point? Andrei getting a, "Boy I sure learned my lesson!" motivational ending?

    This show was candy to the eye, candy to the ear, and the whole thing has as about as much value as that, candy. It's fun, and that's it. It's not giving you anything besides a few mindless minutes of enjoyable sensory input, a lure of wasting your money on stuff related to it, and, possibly, diabetes.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #7
    I muted the sound, when the thing started playing again, how to make a shitty ending put some marina song in it.

  8. #8
    Meh was an ok ending anyway only thing I'm left wondering is why didn't Setsuna just shot Ribbons after he threw away his shield, no he must go for the epic clash and pose for a few seconds before rushing him sword in hand even though he pointed the gun straight at Ribbons before switching to the sword... yeah.
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  9. #9
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Who committed seppukku on the epilogue btw?

    And there was another Anew clone at the conference of the new president... lolz

  10. #10
    I started skipping scenes by the time the children starting singing again.

    Highlight of the episode was Lockon Stratos shooting the cockpit of the Innovado.

  11. #11
    @Ryoga That was Homer Katagiri, head of A-LAWS. And I thought I caught at least 2 Anew clones as well as a Ribbons clone during the epilogue montage. Maybe Tieria-Veda isn't being completely passive in his waiting game.

    @masa your rant sounds like that of someone who went into this expecting the wrong things. Times change, anime is rarely about hitting people over the head with high minded philosophical issues anymore, it's about making money and keeping companies afloat. 00 may not teach anyone anything but it's sure to sell model kits and Blu-Rays and franchise itself into games and what not. For better or worse we're not living in the 80's anymore, philosophy doesn't have much value when pitted against explosions, sparkles, and fanservice. Maybe the new U.C. show in the works will paint a different picture but I'm not getting my hopes up in the least. To me the times have spoken and the old Gundam is gone for good.

    Thoughts on the episode: LOL. Ribbins' transformer mecha seemed like the most blatant model kit whoring product of the show, but since I didn't recognize it as a rip off of another Gundam (which of course doesn't mean it wasn't) I was less bothered than I might have been. I thought the mid fight Gundam sub out was pretty funny though, especially since both characters subbed down rather than up. But overall this felt like the ending of SEED more than anything. The big bad got defeated and all of a sudden everything is supposed to be fine and dandy and everyone is in love with everyone else...

    I've gotten used to the whole no one good dies ever schtick now but I was pretty sure Lockon II had bought it after pwning Revive and I thought it would have been quite fitting if he had. Setsuna similarly had a seemingly blood in cockpit death shot but lo and behold our noble Innovator was perfectly fine as well. Oh well, did anyone else notice how the new President looked remarkably similar to Hillary Clinton? I thought that was rather anvilicious of them to have her depose 00bama and take over the Federation.

    As for the movie I imagine Ribbons survived (or cloned himself before the end) and he went to Jupiter to create his own original drive so he could come back Char style with a fancy new mech and fleet of mooks which our heroes will have to battle one last time before sending their Gundams into the sun.... I just hope they don't give 00 feathered winds this time.

    EDIT: Forgot to add Patrick x Kati wedding scene FTW. Those two need an OVA or something.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 03-30-2009 at 12:57 AM.

  12. #12
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Thanks for the name Yuki. I actually forgot that guy existed.

    The end shot, for movie, of Jupiter made me think something absurd... Gundam 00 crossover with Code Geass. Lol.

    What's with the sudden love to Jupiter?

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    What's with the sudden love to Jupiter?
    Not sudden.

    It could be that the original GN drives were stolen from the Jovians, who teleport through space. That way, Feldt will take over as captain of the Ptolemy B in a daring attempt to defeat them.

    Or it might be Tieria was talking about a different alien race, called the Mu. It turns out Innovators are really Mu after all, and Setsuna must stop them.

    ...OR it might be that the movie will begin with humans driven from Earth by monsters, and Louise will have to befriend Setsuna once more, in order to get it back. There may be some planetary casualties along the way.


    Back to the episode, I wasn't all that pleased that Ribbons, supposedly such an amazing pilot to have been chosen to use the RX-78 Gundam 0 Gundam in the first place relying on a mobile suit that has every technological innovation (no pun intended) that the series has come up with so far., fangs, hyperbeam, electro-claws, multiple arms and multiple cannons, beam sword, twin drives (how the hell did he get them to sync when it took Ian and his wife so long to do the same?), am I forgetting anything?

    It's nice that it ended with a stripped down Exia versus the 0 Gundam, but they couldn't come up with something that might actually show off why Ribbons was supposed to be so great, rather than relying on technology like our mediocre heroes?

    That aside, we all knew Patrik wouldn't die, and he proves that he's the fucking man.

  14. #14
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I'm not as disappointed as Masa. I was expecting this to be more simply minded, action based mecha, much like what Yuki was talking about.

    The second season sure did boil down to Good vs Evil, but I liked the pacing a lot better. The first season felt slow, and development on any introduced concepts stopped, as if it was lost for direction. Season Two chose the flashy Shounen fights and stuck to it, so in that regard I found this an improvement, if I dare say so, over the first.

    I thoroughly enjoyed Hal owning Hilling, even if he stupidly charged in for a kamikaze attack when he should have taken out both claws. Clearly Hal was a bit too in control there when he smacked the enemy with his gun and busted it in the process.

    Lockon's was equally good.
    "You're mine!!"
    "No....I fuck YOU..stabs and releases.

    Kati got promoted to General, but that's not nearly as impressive as Patrick's. He went from Jackass-O-Test pilot cannon fodder to Colasawar-the-Immortal's F*ing Man cannon fodder. Kati's looked better, since the whole makeup/hair makes her seem older. Very happy to see that Patrick's finally won a battle.

    I had a good laugh at the Jupiter scene, with the whole "aliens have awakened" feel. That should be interesting.

    Gundam 00: Contact with the GN Kind!

    (Strong closure I guess. Simple minded stuff which that's good entertainment as long as you didn't expect too much.)


    Edit: After Flashy Gundam Syndrome subsided, there were a few points I was really annoyed that they didn't tie up.

    - The Choice of Meisters. Back in the days of I'll-shoot-your-back Tieria and I'm-Gundam Setsuna, it was stated specifically that Veda chose each Meister for a specific reason. Was it simply because they all wanted to resolve conflict? There could have been easily many more candidates if that was it. Was Setsuna someone special who was fit to be the first innovator? Is it as simple as sitting in 00-cockpit for a year = innovator or something more complex.

    Furthering that, was does become an Innovator mean? Precognition? Ultra-reflexes? How does an innovator guide humanity?

    Possibly the most vexed part is how Aeolia's plan was sort of thrown in in then discarded, amongst other things. Eifman's realisation was the epitome of where that got. As soon as Veda got hacked, everyone was just using the term "Aeolia's Plan" at their convenience.

    At some point in the epilogue, is it too much to ask for Tieria to have stumbled across a prerecording of Aeolia's reactions (and eplanations) if the world was united and peace was kept?

    What's funny is, after all this, Marina and her song played almost no part in ending the conflict whatsoever.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 03-30-2009 at 08:43 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #15
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    About your last statement, isn't that the best thing that has happened in the entire second season?

    This show was utter crap.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  16. #16
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Edit: After Flashy Gundam Syndrome subsided, there were a few points I was [B
    really[/B] annoyed that they didn't tie up.

    - The Choice of Meisters. Back in the days of I'll-shoot-your-back Tieria and I'm-Gundam Setsuna, it was stated specifically that Veda chose each Meister for a specific reason. Was it simply because they all wanted to resolve conflict? There could have been easily many more candidates if that was it. Was Setsuna someone special who was fit to be the first innovator? Is it as simple as sitting in 00-cockpit for a year = innovator or something more complex.

    Furthering that, was does become an Innovator mean? Precognition? Ultra-reflexes? How does an innovator guide humanity?
    Actually, while we never are told how Veda picked the ...Gundam pilots, one thing was stated a few episodes back: Setsuna became a pilot because Ribbons picked him. Ribbons tells Setsuna that he was so struck by Setsuna's awe for him, when he first appeared in the 0 Gundam, that not only did Ribbons violate the orders of "nobody there can be left alive", but that he wanted to see Setsuna grow and mature (largely, i suppose, because Ribbons loved the fact that Setsuna, knowingly or not, regarded him as some kind of God.)

    You can assume they picked Allelujah because of his latent Super Soldier abilities (though having a split-personality pilot is a seeming OOPS, for Veda), and, well, Tieria... I don't have any idea.

    How does one become an Innovator? How does one get SEED mode? How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? I'm pretty sure the best we'll ever get here is some kind of vague Jedi mind trick hand wave, something along the lines of "When a person with a strong desire to reach out to the world absorbs XXX GN particles..." Of course, one of the baffling things is how only Setsuna and Ribbons became Innovators. The fact that it's both of them essentially means there can be no moral requirement (no "pure heart" bullshit), and Ribbons, being specially engineered and Setsuna being a run of the mill normal person make it seem like genetics aren't really involved either.

    As for what being an Innovator entails, I think the only sure thing is that they have great abilities to project and receive quantum brain waves, such as Ribbons breaking into the other Innovades' minds (even 'false' Innovades like Louise) and Setsuna being able to do the GN Moonlight Butterfly Wave Disruptor. Of course, one of the most impressive exhibits of controlling quantum brain waves utilitzing the GN Particle bullshit comes from neither of these two, but from Saji, when he is able to manifest an entire room, clothing, and that view of the Earth because "he wanted to show it to Louise".

    also, being an Innovator gives you a +100 to your Coolness stat base.

    But, if anyone has some real deal stats / proof as to what makes Innovators what they are and what it means to be one...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    The fact that it's both of them essentially means there can be no moral requirement (no "pure heart" bullshit), and Ribbons, being specially engineered and Setsuna being a run of the mill normal person make it seem like genetics aren't really involved either.
    Actually Ribbons might have had pure enough heart. He genuinely believed he's a Homo superior, meant to lead the whole mankind into a great destiny, though great sacrifices might be needed. Of course from the point of view of most others, such is delusional megalomania, but it doesn't change the purity of his internal state of affairs.

    Setsuna also shared some similar state of mind, fervently believing in his own way and that what he's doing is right and proper. Purity of heart.

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    and Tieria, Regene, basically any of the Innovades could pass that requirement as well. (I can't count New Lockon because that guy didn't have his shit together alot of the time and, well, Hal/Al describes "not pure internal state of affairs").

    i don't suppose we'll ever get to the real answer of "what makes a person become an Innovator?"

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  19. #19
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Yeah...on a random note, glass will supposedly become the most resilient material of the future, allowing yellow flowers to survive atmospheric re-entry and grow all over the place. See 22:32 for details.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  20. #20
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    That's no problem for glass, Bill. Even space shuttles have windows, you know.

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