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Thread: Manga: Kurohime

  1. #1

    Manga: Kurohime

    I started reading Kurohime last week, and I had been warned that the series is too repititive and boring. That was my first impression, and I found it quite hard to read the chapters. But I have to say, that after chapter 11 the manga becomes quite good. There's a crucial arc in there that is a game changer.

    So I think some here will enjoy this series. It has plenty of action and some hot chicks. At times the action becomes a bit violent, especially for a shounen series. The plot, though at first is repititive and boring, it becomes quite good once the real stuff happens. The art is not that good at first, but in the later chapters it has become more detailed and very good in my opinion.

    Any of you reading this?

    You can download the series here:

    We're up to chapter 37 at the moment, which you can get here and the volume 11 omake:

    Kurohime is a buxom witch with the power to control magical guns. She once made the mistake of challenging the gods and was cursed for her foolishness! Transformed into a little girl named Himeko, she can only regain her former body and powers when she falls in love. But finding love in a world fraught with evil is no easy task.

  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I've been reading it for a while (I'm pretty sure I defended it at least once here) and the series overhauls itself a number of times.

    So far, the story has been divided into 3 Acts, each changing the momentum and direction of the story (and Kurohime) considerably.

  3. #3
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Been reading it for quite a bit as well. I haven't caught up to the latest chapter yet though, but since a thread is up I might as well do so.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I've been reading it for a while (I'm pretty sure I defended it at least once here) and the series overhauls itself a number of times.

    So far, the story has been divided into 3 Acts, each changing the momentum and direction of the story (and Kurohime) considerably.
    Ah yes, I didn't remember it at the time I started reading, but your post was probably why I gave it a chance.

    Anyways, chapter 38 is finally out:

  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This series starts a little weak, but after the author established enough backstories, the real depth of the story starts to show up.

    I didn't expect a betrayal like this to happen so quickly after Kurohime killed Barahime. In fact, I was expecting Kurohime to whittle her way through the ranks of the Punishment Squad until only Ouka, Sword (Soudo), and Marion remained. Then perhaps something like Ouka comes to her senses and gets killed protecting Kurohime. This comes as a pleasant surprise. This kind of thing is common in manga too, but I definitely enjoyed the twist occurring so much soon.

    They also confirmed that Aika is Saika's girlfriend. The similarity of their names sort of gave it away, but I had been wondering why she hates Kurohime. It doesn't really compare to the reasons that the others hate her. I smiled when she revealed the reason she hates Kurohime was only because she made Saika stray from her.

    Ouka is probably the most interesting of the Punishment Squad. Rereading the volumes as I got the North American releases, it's pretty obvious where she comes from, despite never having a name until this arc. Ouka shows up in chapter 12 as the hooded child who stabs Kurohime for supposedly killing her father. Kurohime, knowing she was about to die killing the gods, throws down the sword-gun that we later prominently see Ouka using. Ouka learned and practiced witch bullets for 10 years straight.

    What makes her really interesting isn't so much Ouka's back-story, but that by Kurohime's own admission, Ouka is probably far stronger in raw power than Kurohime is, even at her full adult strength. Ouka can outrange Kurohime, shoots level 3 sword-shark bullets as default, and any other spells she uses are powered up by default over Kurohime's versions. As Kurohime just proved in killing Barahime, and the others said it out loud, power is not everything. Kurohime's variety of bullets so outclasses any other witch gunslinger that she's still "stronger" than Ouka.

    I'm hoping that to get back to the future, Ouka is "dealt with" not by killing her, but rather simply resolving their conflict. We don't know the details, but what you can get from some of the single panels in earlier volumes, Ouka and Kurohime's pasts are pretty similar. At the beginning of chapter 12, they showed what looks like a young Kurohime crying over the body of her mother or father, long before she ever became this strong.

    Another odd thing is that according to the references, Kurohime is at least 70 years old. Or at least born over 70 years ago. In chapter 2, they say that Kurohime met Barahime 50 years ago, when Kurohime was into full adulthood. She had to have been at least 20 by that time. Perhaps this explains why she has such an absurd variety of bullets at her disposal, she's been around longer than any witch aside from Barahime and maybe that old hag she pounded into a stone.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 05-09-2009 at 06:52 AM. Reason: forgot to spellcheck before

  6. #6
    Damn man, someone was certainly paying attention. I agree with pretty much all you've said.

    Anyways, here's 39:

    Edit: Underworld.
    Last edited by Munsu; Mon, 05-25-2009 at 06:09 PM.

  7. #7
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kurohime chapter 40

    This was a more abrupt conclusion to the conflict with Aika/Saika and the Materen than I expected. I was thinking it was going to be at least one more chapter. Then again, these chapters are always 40 pages. At least Aika and Saika's past were revealed, including the reason why she is one of those eyes-closed characters. I'm still curious how Kurohime will resolve her conflict with Ouka, since nearly everyone else has been taken care of (except for Sword, who will always hate her).

    It does look like things are coming full circle. We see the tragedy that befell Zero in the final page. Pretty much everything involving Sword (Soudo), Shinigami, Yashahime and Dark Zero is connected now.

  8. #8
    I didn't like the chapter much with the whole "we just have to find the soul" crap. Liked the ending though. I wonder what will happen to Rei, since I have a feeling that he won't simply die. Or maybe he will...

    Will past Zero somehow blame Hime for this seeing as she was fighting the shinigami?

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    I wonder what will happen to Rei, since I have a feeling that he won't simply die. Or maybe he will...
    I thought it cleared up the connection about the Shinigami Darkray (the one that Kurohime and Zero killed together) and Zero.

    Back in the Dark Zero arc (last pages of chapter 30), Yashahime remarks that, "Rei" means "Zero" in Japanese, so it is just like her beloved Darkray has returned to her. Zero aged into a full adult when Yashahime shoved the skull into his chest, so I am assuming that Rei did as well, and turned into Darkray. The Shinigami powers seem to be a transferable essence for the Gods. Then again, Kurohime's kind half was bestowed with powers as part of the ancient agreement, so maybe it never has been that uncommon.

    I'm don't think Zero will ever see this at all, and only be left to wonder what happened to his little brother.

  10. #10

    And there was a "mistranslation" on the previous chapter:
    About Kurohime that we did put "Dark Zero" on previous chapter so it suppose be Dark Rei.. so please inform us which chapter we did put Dark Zero,we will release it as Verison 2 thanks

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Ahhh the Dark "Rei" thing makes a whole lot more sense now. I am guessing that in the end Rei and Zero merge together or something. That would be the cause of his darkness and pluck of black hair. Since he doesnt have that hair right now.

    Funny how Kurohime's "interference" would cause all of that.

  12. #12
    Hmm, another release so soon... here's 42:

    I'll read both tomorrow.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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  14. #14
    I want this arc to end already... especially with some good clarification of the Rei/Zero business. Particularly in the future where the Shinigami is being called Dark Zero and Dark Rei just the same.

  15. #15
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    After a longer wait, Kurohime 47

    Scans were kind of bad this time, but the chapter itself wasn't too bad. Justice is served and the story is heading towards a bigger development. Next chapter is a double length one, but it is a side story.

    I would still like to see Ouka return. There's too much similarity with her past and Kurohime's for it to be left like this.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Fri, 08-28-2009 at 05:05 PM.

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