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Thread: Naruto Chapter 440

  1. #1

  2. #2
    That was cool that it was explained why the fox was sealed in Naruto. Had a feeling that it would all be dialogue...Classic line though...

    "It's ok...I'm the son of the 4th I can deal"

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  3. #3
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    The 4th seemed so much like an unrest soul to me. I also get the feeling that Kishimoto's trying to tie up loose ends in the shortest possible way as well.
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  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    The chapter was alright. Liked the fact that he just punched the 4th for everything he did to him. Didn't like the fact that Naruto was unharmed and already in Sage mode after having the Kyuubi sealed in him once more. His skin should have been torn off. But then again they'll most likely say something like
    "Naruto was in Sage Mode all the time so that protected him"

  5. #5
    Anyone else getting the feeling that it could have been Madara that took over Amagakure and killed Hanzou instead of Pain?

  6. #6
    can't wait to see how naruto will beat pain

  7. #7
    I want to see more conversation with the 4th
    why kishi? why?
    You can't compare Bush to Hitler cause Bush is the village idiot and Hitler was border line genius, unfortunately he was border line insane also, so sad such a mind went to waste.

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flaps
    Anyone else getting the feeling that it could have been Madara that took over Amagakure and killed Hanzou instead of Pain?
    What would be the point of that?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9
    Well since it's been more or less stated that Pain is Madara's puppet, it could perhaps explain as to why.
    Or of course his manipulative behaviour could have led to that .

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobydelaroka
    I want to see more conversation with the 4th
    why kishi? why?
    I did too. I was actually disappointed with the conversation; I was hoping it would be more profound and informative. There was a LOT that Naruto could have learned from the 4th and basically all he got was an "I believe in you" pep-talk.

    One thing that bugged me about this chapter was that in the beginning of their conversation, Minato didn't know anything. He didn't know that the 3rd didn't tell Naruto anything and he didn't even know how old Naruto was. But then a few pages later he says he was watching from inside Naruto and knew that Konoha was destroyed and that Jiraiya was killed, and about Tobi and Akatsuki.

    I did like when Naruto punched him though.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    What kind of special power does the Kyuubi give Naruto against Madara? Madara can control the Kyuubi.

    Naruto is going to use the Yellow Flash technique soon. In the next chapter or the one after that.
    "After all, I am strangely colored."

  12. #12
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    All those things aside, that was an awesome chapter and the fourth Hokage is actually pretty cool.
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  13. #13
    The answers were kinda meh. "I believed you could use it", then why seal it, piss off the Kyuubi, then seal it again before you leave?

  14. #14
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Even though it was meh, it's nice to get some solid confirmation, no matter how obvious. Madara's the uber-villain behind everything. Hooray.

  15. #15
    Hrm, interesting. I agree with you guys though. I wish the conversation would have been longer, and I didn't get how Minato didn't know the easy stuff like his age, but knew that Pain was the one who killed Jiraiya, etc.

    Also, I was like 'what the heck?' at the end, where not only was Naruto unharmed from the 8tails tranformation, but was in Sage mode... Only explanation I can come up with is Minato either imparted the rest of his chakra into Naruto when restoring the seal, or he managed to stay still long enough to draw in a fair amount of natural energy, which doesn't really make sense to me since he just busted out of the rock and morphed back out of fox form. I dunno.

    As for sealing the kyuubi inside of Naruto as a possible defense against Madara, he perhaps did it to potentially keep Madara from having control over the kyuubi with Naruto's mastery of/bonding with kyuubi, not to mention it's a crap ton of chakra... it's hard to tell before they face off though, because we've already seen Sasuke completely nullify the kyuubi from within Naruto. It'll be interesting to see how the relationship between Naruto and the kyuubi grows if it does at all... I know I've wanted to see them grow more a team though, so I hope that happens. I really enjoyed seeing the close relationship between killer bee and the 8 tails...

    In addition, hell yah he's the son of the 4th, now show us some yellow flash! =)

  16. #16
    The 4th isn't always watching I guess? That's not that hard to believe. Did you expect him to be watching 24/7 when all he is is some chakra floating in space or whatever the hell?

    The chapter was fine, and it answered a question I had. Even though I believed that Itachi's side of the story was the truth, some people believed Madara's "I DIDN'T DO IT =(" story and this completely answers who was telling the truth between the two.

    As far as Naruto being healed. Don't you recover faster when you're in Sage Mode? Combined with Naruto's kyubi recovery it should be fine? But better question is who cares. That's not even important in this situation. He came out of that thing like a badass and that's what matters. For years people have been crying about how his character should more strictly fall under the shonen hero archetype (that's basically what people wanted from Naruto) and him standing there in sage mode even after undergoing that insane transformation is one of his genuine moments of badassness. + "Will of Fire".
    It's the same reason why Luffy can keep getting up again and again and again (when we know the limitations of him being rubber have been met 20 times over as far as taking hits).

    Good chapter, can't wait for the next.
    Last edited by FireEmblem; Thu, 03-19-2009 at 02:58 PM.

  17. #17
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure he just summoned that clone he left on frog mountain for the sage energy. Decent chapter, yet felt a little quick. I actually lol'ed at him punching his dad in the stomach.

  18. #18
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, it's a shonen, after all.
    could have done well without being so sentimental, and I would have much preferred if the whole chapter didn't feel like:

    Naruto: man, 440 chapters? isn't this a bit to late for this reunion?
    Minato: yes, we didn't plan on doing this, but it seems to happen in all the fan-fiction we read when we're out of ideas, so here we are.
    Naruto: well, now what?
    Minato: here's the script for the rest of the story. you need to kill that other guy, not Sasuke, of course. the guy that's being getting stupider ever since he first appeared.
    Naruto: what? shouldn't I be dealing with Payne right now? he's pretty strong, wacked the village and killed Jiraya.
    Minato: no, it's the hatred who killed Jiraya, not Payne.
    Naruto: uhm, what? oh, whatever. so, what's now?
    Minato: shonen heart your way to the summit, I guess. forget about everything that made you likable as a character. trust me, things will work out, you're my son, and because of that, destined to be awesome, no matter what you do.

    best part was Naruto punching the forth. it's exactly what I hoped for (at the page before that).
    the last page feels like a chapter in Ranma 1/2, when Ranma rides a giant energy wave to deliver a whoop-ass on his enemy, it looks sorta of the same, maybe Naruto magically learned control wind chackra and he could crush the meteor on Payne.

    you already mentioned how completely retarded the forth seems, having both amazing clairvoyance about what's happening, yet failing to know, or to make notice, of the most regular things (oh, sixteen? have I been here for so long? captured inside your body, not being able to do anything but peek outside the mind of a adolescent boy and living vicariously for 16 years?)

    also, If naruto ends up using the flash move (in the next few chapters), then I'm going to think about a Kyuubi being the 4th theory. it's fishy.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #19
    It's true that the yellow flash wouldn't make for all that exciting of action, but I do hope we get to see him use it at some point... Like to use it to get down from the boulder, although him using wind chakra to throw the boulder at Pain would be quite badass as well...

  20. #20
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    I liked this chapter. First, I liked the fouth's personality.


    Minato: "You believe this guy? So noisy...lets get out of here."

    Second, I like that Naruto's finally caught up information wise. He now knows the fourth's his dad, now know's Tobi's more than meets the eyes and probably was behind the attack that cost his dad his life. We also know finally that the Kyubi was sealed into Naruto because 1) the fourth believed it's power might be useful in defeating Tobi, and 2) that Naruto would be able to handle it (also given that he'd be essentially babysat by Jiraiya). Too bad the nine tails hasn't really shown us anything that can deal with what Tobi's shown us, but we'll see how they develop this.

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