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Thread: Naruto Chapter 439

  1. #1

    Naruto Chapter 439 - SleepyFans


  2. #2
    I can't stop fapping to the page 14-15 double spread.

  3. #3

    btw, Thanks Uchiha Barles for the advice

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Absolutely wow...

    Im glad I didn't enter the crappy spoiler thread. Weren't those against rules anyway?

  5. #5
    Epic. Been waiting for this.

  6. #6
    Damn and it was actually getting good but last page killed it all.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  7. #7
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Those seals are getting more and more convenient. I guess Naruto will finally learn of his true heritage next week.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Absolutely wow...

    Im glad I didn't enter the crappy spoiler thread. Weren't those against rules anyway?
    You said it, man.

    Holy crap!

    So I guess this answers the questions about the 4th also being sealed inside of Naruto, due to the seal causing them "to be locked in eternal struggle."

    Naruto almost lost his mind there and was reminiscent of chuunin-exam Gaara.

    This chapter was pretty boring until page 11, then it got intense. Naruto finally knows who his father is.

    Damn and it was actually getting good but last page killed it all.
    I wouldn't say it killed it, but it certainly would have made a better ending to the chapter to end it with the middle frame of page 16.

  9. #9
    The Sage of the Six Paths created the Moon?

    Is this not a future arc?

    Last edited by enkoujin; Fri, 03-13-2009 at 12:42 AM.

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I wonder what the point is of keeping the frog key safe if Naruto can already unlock all 9 tails.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #11
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Maybe the key will allow him to control the power...

  12. #12
    Wow, its looking like the next chapter will be a conversation between Naruto and Minato. I'd prefer if Naruto doesn't get any more power up from this, it's too soon after learning the sage tech. I'd rather have Minato pass on his jutsus to Naruto that would compliment his fighting style. I hope Naruto won't get a chance to use the Kyuubi's power until the end. These would make him almost invincible.

    As for Pain, I don't know what else he got up his sleeve but Nagato looks like he's reach his limit. Either he retreat or he dies, I'm almost bored of him.

  13. #13
    Finally a chapter worth talking about. Its great to see that the forth is back in the picture, albeit only in Naruto's mind. Hope we eventually get to see his mom too.
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  14. #14
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, I guess that concludes the part where we Yahiko body able to fight.
    and it also somewhat explains how Payne can transfer powers between bodies.
    oh, and we also know how the moon was created (myth:1 science:0)

    funny thought, Kyuubi's path to peace isn't so different from what Payne has been doing so far. Payne killed the entire opposing army to create his tyranny of peace, and Kyuubi is telling Naruto to do the same.

    did the gravity ball also pull the kyuubi or just the ground around it? at first I thought he shot the ball at kyuubi itself, and that way he created a cage of earth around him, then it turns out that the kyuubi isn't at the core of the prison, which means most of the block of earth isn't keeping him in. no wonder he could escape.

    8 tails is all but skin and and fur. I really wish we could see at least part of 9-tails...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  15. #15
    Holy fucking shit at this chapter!

    Didn't see it coming tbh - jump from 6 to 8/9 tails and Minato's appearance?

    Nice one :O

  16. #16
    Genin Paper's Avatar
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    This is a very interesting chapter not only did Naruto lost complete control and gave into the nine tails but Minato also made an appearance and happen to had put a 15 year old jutsu to be activated even beyond the grave, seals seems to have no limit these days . . . .

    I hope when Minato speaks to Naruto that they will give flash backs about Naruto mom since we don't know that much about her
    "The End Justify The Means"

  17. #17
    that was a pretty sic chapter. but damn I really underestimated payne entirely, by like a thousand percent. I was thinking, and hoping, he'd be way less a threat once his numbers dwindled. But I guess if you aren't really capable of moving you need to have at least one of the bodys be ridiculously overpowered. He's def gonna use the same techniques with different bodys when/if he gets to.

    omfg mode yahiko is really tryin to clinch that top badass villain spot. idk what madara/whoeverthefuck is gonna do to top this. whats there left to do? tsunade's probly like 80 years old right now, kakashi's dead... uh village now a crater, hmm... well he cant kill shizune now can he?! :[[[[[

    hinata gets a epic monologue as she gets tore down head to head with payne... how does my shizune go...? crushed in the rubble. THE FUCK!? why not ino... why not hinata under a big ass boulder? at least shizune couldve saved someone coughkakashicough, who would have actually made a difference in the fight.

  18. #18
    Not much happened in this chapter to further the series...

    ^ Understatement of the century...

    Finally, what we have been waiting for is coming to light, hopefully they keep giving us this amazingness for many chapters to come and it doesn't slow down to a snail's pace.

  19. #19
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    I wonder what the point is of keeping the frog key safe if Naruto can already unlock all 9 tails.
    Isn't all this happening because Naruto has the key?
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  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    hinata gets a epic monologue as she gets tore down head to head with payne... how does my shizune go...? crushed in the rubble. THE FUCK!? why not ino... why not hinata under a big ass boulder? at least shizune couldve saved someone coughkakashicough, who would have actually made a difference in the fight.
    Shizune didn't die in the rubble, she died when Pein sucked her soul out to get information about Naruto.

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