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Thread: Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 22

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  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  2. #2
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I smell Setsuna x Feldt...

    Nice to see Mannequin joined the rebels. Guess her eyes opened after the tower fiasco

  3. #3
    Hehe I'v smelled that for a while

    I really, think the whole clone army was really lame. When I saw that I thought "what did they just use copy and pastex100?" At least we ended with a boom headshot in the end. But somehow I doubt hes dead considering the preview. Also were those clones of Bring Stability?
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  4. #4
    Gram: Fail
    Attack of the Clones: Fail
    Mannequin: Win
    Feldt: Win

    That is all.

  5. #5
    Attack of the Clones: Fail
    They're clones of Bring and Devine so they're failures by default.

    Seriously, facing against a couple hundred innovators in the battlefield won't be good news. The only thing that can probably stop them is by recapturing VEDA and activating Seraphim's hidden gimmick (which I think would be an updated Trial System).

    SetsunaxFeldt? Kinda too late don't you think?

    The 0 Gundam returns to battle next week, nice. I hope it wont get it's ass handed down easily.

    Finally, Katharon is doing something useful.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Illrenmazou
    SetsunaxFeldt? Kinda too late don't you think?
    Remember Luna with Shin? Its like gundam seed destiny all over again.
    "I dont have that kind relationship with her" Setsuna is a pimp lol
    Look at Marina ass-et dayyum! how can you say that? screw you Setsuna

    You can't compare Bush to Hitler cause Bush is the village idiot and Hitler was border line genius, unfortunately he was border line insane also, so sad such a mind went to waste.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    so, Graham got totally pwned. and then humiliated. this would have been fine if it'd happened a little earlier in the show, but with just a few episodes left it means that, yet again, he is going to show up at the end with a brand new mech modification and fight Setsuna after it appears all of the conflicts are resolved. Really, this was clumsily done in the first season, so i'm hoping that this time they can either pull it off right or just not do it at all!

    I'd say that it's been awhile since there's been a less rousing "going off to fight the final battle" scene than in this episode, but GSD is pretty recent. Really though, couldn't have been more formulaic with the "now we go down the line giving our reasons to fight while motivational music plays before and then during our last launch". Some old standards are just better off done away with.

    Wow. There it was. I had made myself look like an absolute fool by jumping on the "Setsuna is going to end up with Feldt" band-wagon, especially after Marina survived her cliff-hanger 'death?'. I even had this whole big elaborate theory. And it looked like it was going to go nowhere, the Feldt would even end up with New Lockon after he lost Anew. Then this episode came along. If I wasn't so happy that all signs are pointing to "Masa, you were right" I'd be crushing out paragraphs about how this has to be one of the most sudden and poorly developed "relationships" I have ever seen in any anime, Gundam or otherwise.

    Oh fat, evil, blond, nameless A-LAWS commander. You always were my favorite nameless bad guy destined for a pathetic death. You even performed the single best tactical move of the entire series, combining the GN particle repressing gas (wasn't that random?) with those GN Field piercing missiles from way back in Season 2 Episode 4 (I have been shaking my fist in anger for someone to use those goddamn things since they first showed up). You even did it without a single named pilot under your command. Oh, fat, evil, blond, nameless A-LAWS commander, you would have been destined for trope-subversion history if you weren't so fat and ugly and nameless... and if you'd actually deployed even a few pre-cautionary recon units around your fleet's flank and rear...

    Good teamwork between Gundams? In my mecha anime? Have people suddenly stopped taking their stupid pills in this show?

    Oh, Ribbons, I know it looks very impressive to make smarmy remarks and then have the camera zoom out to show that you're surrounded by dozens of intimidating, faceless, super-human pilots bound for cannon-fodder death, but, really, shouldn't those guys be out sortieing? I mean, the enemies are all clustered together, uncoordinated, and they're just finishing up a tiring battle. But, alas, you are a bad guy.

    Yes, Shirin, that's the way. Get the shuttle full of children just a little bit closer to the battle. This way it'll be even easier for my Feldt-Setsuna theory to come true once Marina rushes out for some stupid reason and gets herself killed.

    Sunrise. Listen. I know you've got this whole great idea about the ED. Really, it used to be that it was hard to get big stars to cater to you for ED songs. People HAD to watch the OP, but the ED? It could be a Rick Roll for all people cared, and they'd turn their TVs off unless they were really, really, really that desperate to see the crappy next episode previews. So putting a big plot twist after the ED makes your J-pop divas happy, and it makes their sponsors happy, because people have to tune in. And then you lay down the cliff-hanger, just to make sure that people come back next week, and also to motivate them to sit through the commercials to watch the preview.

    But, if you're going to do a cliff-hanger, it is probably best to NOT show concrete resolution of that cliff-hanger in the episode preview. Now we all know that Regene really only has downhill to go from here. S/He will probably even be used as an unwitting puppet by Decoy Ship Body Ribbons in the upcoming episodes.

    So, please, do us all a favor. Either get your act in gear and make these cliff-hangers meaningful, or just cut the shit out and try putting a scene with actual meaning, even if it isn't glitzy/shocking/suspenseful after the ED.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #8
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This Feldt x Setsuna thing has been hinted at in the opening, but I thought they pulled this one out way too late. Setsuna is the main character, and if they think they can get away with how they rushed the Anew x Lockon 2 thing, they can't.

    Don't get me wrong. I prefer Feldt over Marina (at least since the 2nd season started), but they simply developed it too late into the story. A few more interactions a few episodes before would have done this development a lot of good.

    Did Setsuna just dump Marina indirectly? He said that they (Marina and him) did not have that kind (romantic) of relationship, to a girl (Feldt) that is practically confessing that she likes him. How can it be interpreted any other way?
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  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Whatever the case, Feldt made one mistake: She shouldn't have said "I might anger Marina by doing this" but obviously "I might anger Gundam by doing this" if she really wanted to make a point of possibly intruding into a real relationship.

    A decent battle. I have to agree with Masa: That resilient A-LAWs commander put up a good fight for a nameless minor villain.

    With the end approaching, I can't help but wonder more and more what manner of a show Ali can present. It's getting a bit hard to see what role he might serve anymore. I hope not the role of a minor obstacle before the end.

  10. #10
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I was under the impression the guys name was Arthur.
    Dunno if I saw that on the series or readed it somewhere else...

  11. #11
    His name was Arthur Goodman. His name was Arthur Goodman. His name was Arthur Goodman. ...anyway I remember they referred to him as 'Goodman' several times in the show and they also threw his first name around since Homer (the head of A-LAWS and a pseudo-clone of Jamitov from Zeta Gundam) and he seem to have a close relationship. Goodman is basically a clone of Bask Om (also Zeta Gundam) but who cares, he got pwned.

    One of the few things I found noteworthy about this ep is that they kept referring to L2 and referencing that as the spot where Veda is, but I thought we had been lead to believe it was on the moon (L2 is behind the moon but not on the moon). I suppose they could have moved an asteroid there though as it would have to stay in place, but you'd think people would have put observatories at L2 and someone would have eventually noticed a giant star obscuring GN inviso-field screwing up their telescope readings. But of course, this is Sunrise we're talking about so that's pointless talk.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Mon, 03-09-2009 at 04:04 PM.

  12. #12
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I know I'm beating a dead horse by now, but I can't think of anyone more irresponsible than Marina given the lines she keeps harping. At least in another space combat show (Macross SDF-1), when a woman brought along her child into combat zones, she also happened to be the second best pilot in the entire galaxy at the time. The capability to protect them should come first, your ideology doesn't matter.

    I also second the "Where the hell did the Feldt x Setsuna romance come from?" sentiment. Sure, there were plenty of times she would stare off into space after him and say, "Setsuna..." but it seemed more like sisterly concern than anything that might ever bud into romance. Too late, not enough development. At least I conditionally jumped on the bandwagon a few episodes back.

    Dear Sunrise...what a letdown from G Gundam. Yes, I can say that with a straight face. You used 49 episodes to develop two romances with the main character (Rain and to a lesser extent Allenby), and here you develop the romance in 2 minutes. Seriously. Now it isn't so far-fetched that Tieria goes for Jailbait-chan considering how much more development their relationship got.

    Yay for some reconciliation with Soma and Allelujah!
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Mon, 03-09-2009 at 06:21 PM.

  13. #13
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    So exploding cockpits don't mean instant death anymore? I swear the "Colonel" they mentioned was the Colonel.

    And the head of Kataron....Hercules? I couldn't remember anybody higher than Klaus, and Hercules had rugged features too, covered in facial hair.

    Guess Sunrise likes their now-infamous plot device known as the Decoy Ship.

    The space battle was pretty sweet and all. Zero mini-duels now that the Innovators left.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Tue, 03-10-2009 at 01:47 AM. Reason: Grammar

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  14. #14
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    I wonder if Allelujah still gets to bone Soma?

  15. #15
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    If he didn't before, he should be able to now.
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  16. #16
    Late as it is, im glad that they are hinting that SetsunaxFeldt, like most of you I seriously dislike Marina at her utter pointless existence in this series. Well Setsuna has a onee-chan and a prospective girlfriend, things have been looking great for him lately, which is more then I can say for LockonV1.5, ANEW nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!
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  17. #17
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    New question rizes.. who will pilot 0-Gundam?
    Lasse is needed for piloting the Ptolemaios... I doubt Ian will do it.

    I don't really see a relationship develloping between Setsuna and Feldt.. He really doesn't seem interested at all..

  18. #18
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Gut feeling says Graham, but only because he's mech-less.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  19. #19
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Hmz.. you got a point there.
    I hope Ali gets some good screentime.
    What will the final battle look like?
    Setsuna - Ali is pretty much a given.. Ribbons - Tieria?

  20. #20
    Iv been wondering for the past few episodes since Ali has been MIA lately, who will get to fight him? Setsuna, Tieria and Lockon all seem to each have their own good reasons to kill him but Im still not sure which of them will get to finally finish this guy off. Any ideas guys?
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    Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
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