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Thread: Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 21

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  2. #2
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    My God, I would give anything not to hear that fucking song any more. I can get over the children, I can get over Marina being worthless and naive, I can get over people needlessly getting shot for either of them, but I can't take that song any more. I'd even ignore the fact that they found spacesuits for the children, and are apparently more than willing to take them into a considerably more dangerous environment than they have ever been subject to before (deep space). Now that's responsible guardianship!

    I know we're going to hear it in every episode from here on. I even suspect it will be the final theme. Dear Sunrise, at the very least stop playing it when characters are talking so I can mute the show.

    Otherwise, a pretty good episode. Graham ultimately turned out not to be a stupid as he seemed to be becoming. And the ladies party sure turned into a bloodbath. Stupid bitch Lui Mei was a selfish waste of oxygen, and she got what was coming to her. In what way was her life ever hard? She flew around in pink aircraft with more money than apparently anyone, but complained that she just wanted to live a life without responsibility? A well deserved death.

    Poor Nena never got her revenge... Sure Setsuna and Saji don't want her killing (rightly so I suppose), but Louise was sufficiently ruthless, and blew off Andrei twice this episode. She will be a worthy protege' to Ali.

    I find it a little strange that Ribbons can control Nena's Haro, and even Anew as puppets, but he doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on what Regene is doing? He knows that Regene is betraying him and working against him, but he can't read the brainwaves during whatever Regene was doing on the station?

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    totally agree with most of Ryl's post. i almost shat bricks when the Haro started speaking in Ribbons' voice (although it makes sense, since it's all just GN particles anyway). I loved how they did Louise's "celebration". that was the best scene in the episode for me, bar none.

    and I was really pissed with Wang Liu Mei. she's been eating up screen time since episode 1, and even though she's done a few noteable things here and there, she was always a character bordering on the interesting, but only in this last episode did they really showcase her true character without that "mysterious manipulator veil", and then, in typical Sunrise fashion, right after finally making her interesting, they kill her. Half of the things she's done could have been off screen...

    also, i thought Graham redeemed himself just a little bit, but he's still way too one-dimensional for me. I like the "my only goal is to defeat the Gundam!" phase to come in the middle of an ace pilot's character development. it's never a very interesting end point, especially when it's the song Graham's been crooning since HOWAAADO~~~ MASOOOOO~NO~~. We get it, you're a shitty loser.

    finally, there's only one thing i dislike more than the stupid carousel of meaningless that the Kataron babysitting front has become, and that's all of this getting nekid in the GN ether of the interspaces and having meaningful conversations that wind up having ZERO effect on people. Nudes in bright space acid-trip backgrounds should be used sparingly, not every episode.

    also, are people really down with Setsuna becoming an Innovator? or whatever is really going on there? i can't make up my mind if this is a serious cop-out or simply stale, half-baked writing from the get-go. either way, i'm not really behind it. i sorta liked the show better when it was about normal people trying to shape the world through their actions, not just "H@x! i B c0mputah. U B downroading my iDahs now". Seriously, this whole "your feelings are more important than your deeds" stuff is beyond bogus.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #4

    I'm with u on setsuna's thing. Looks like this series cant be saved for me. First we had 00-Riser and now innovator power, how lame this show can get?

    BTW going to make a prediction, Ribbons well control set for a little while and then set will turn on him and control him.

    God where the bleep is ALI? Let him come back and save this damn show lol

  5. #5
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Where is Ali is indeed an interesting question. Maybe they still can come up with something good for him, because despite the fact he's the best pilot, this series has been steadily moving away from piloting skills towards technology solves all and now even away from that to metaphysics. What manner of a role does that leave Ali? I'm beginning to hope he will be left alive to have the last laugh.

  6. #6
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    What manner of a role does that leave Ali? I'm beginning to hope he will be left alive to have the last laugh.
    He probably won't. Now that Anew is dead, and Ribbons will be Setsuna's enemy, Lyle mentioned his brother with a revenge face.

    It's most likely going to be a rematch between Ali and New Lockon. Lyle is a worse pilot than Neil (who had a handicap), so it should be a good matchup.

  7. #7
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Might be, but sounds extremely anticlimactic. After all, this new Lockon is practically nobody in a season where it's all about Setsuna and Innovators. But I suppose with a statement like that I leave little room for Ali either, perhaps not even enough to make him an opponent for Setsuna. For, by any reckoning, Setsuna still has the biggest reason to hate Ali, not Lockon's brother. Lockon died in an honest fight, but Ali was the one who turned Setsuna into a monster. Lyle's situation is 120 degrees different compared to Louise's: Louise's parents' and relatives' only "sin" was to happen to be there, but Lockon entered a fight knowing all the possible outcomes.

  8. #8
    Wow...Just wow. Where to begin.

    First, i must say the 'KILL MARINA" meter jumped up my blood pressure. I think she's the only anime character that made me want to think of killing just from the sound of children singing. That song is infuriating! Not only that, it insults our intelligence. Do they honestly expect us to believe that a song being distributed via the internet around the world ito stop violence is a viable plot point?! If the federation was so good at censoring images of masscres in real time, surely they can prevent people from listening to this BS.

    This reminds me of that South Park Episode where Stan had to convince people to buy hybrid cars through this:

    not to go nostaligc critic but even the hybrid song makes more sense than this piece of crap!

    We gain final insight into Wang Liu Mei's motiviation. I say, meh, she wasn't really that big of a part of the story for me to feel anything at the point, though I liked her line about blaming her brother for all her 'misfortunes'.

    Nena Trinity and her throne reappeared and killed Wang Liu lol (there's no escape ship loophole away from that, she got killed in one!) Only to be savagely killed by Louise in her Regnant. Man, when Haro started speaking Innovator, I was cringing, never expected that part.

    And so the last of the thrones is gone And Nena never got her revenge. I will miss the bloodthirstiness and insanity she brought to the show. Oh well.

    Graham acre returns for one brief second before putting on that godawful mask. Geez, he looked way cooler with the scars. But as Setsuna said, he's someone who's been consumed by the appearance of the Gundams.

    Regene has her own plans going on. That makes it what? Four sets of plans going on at once in trying to modify Aeolia's plan?

    Finally, there was Louise, probably the star of this Ep. Aside from telling that fool Andrei to basically STFU NOOB. She took out Nena Trinity and did what very few sympathetic 'protagonist' characters have done. She took her revenge. Usually they're stopped by the main character/love interest before they kill the person who is responsible for the deaths of their loved ones, but in this case, I was glad it was not the case. Man. her Celebration sent chills down my spine, that, combined with the music and mood. Very well done. It really showed how a moment of happiness in getting your revenge can suddenly feel so empty and unfulfilled.

    Lastly, do we really need so many nudity scenes? Its one of those unfortunate legacies Gundam SEED has left behind it seems.
    Last edited by DeathscytheVII; Mon, 03-02-2009 at 10:58 PM.

  9. #9
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    So if you don't die from GN-particles infection, you become an innovator. That makes sense, considering Setsuna and Louise are the only two human-turned-innovator beings. One's alive on medication while the other' cured by quantum particle emission.

    Regarding Lyle's face as he muttered Niel's name....I was thinking something different. He was pointing his gun at Setsuna, just as Niel did on the island after learning he was from the KPSA. More likely, he's now truly understanding how his brother felt. The rage...but also the ability to forgive (or at least not shoot) Setsuna. Before, when they told him about that, he said that he could think straight, that he is out there to change the world, so as not to be swayed by vengence like his brother was.

    Today, however, he says that he's fighting not for Kataron nor CB, but for himself. Besides his less impressive skill, Lyle is pretty much Lockon.

    It bugs me too how Regene can run aloof without Ribbons killer her around each corner, but really want to see her knock him off his arrogant ass just as he did to Alexanjro, so that's alright.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  10. #10
    who suspects that ribbons moved veda?

    I hope lyle does find out that setsuna has turned into an innovator, cause he did say he would kill all of them. Although 00 will save setsuna's sorry ass.

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Naruto_RNG
    who suspects that ribbons moved veda?
    actually, especially with Regene threatening "backstabber helps bring down arch-evil-doer... and still manages to not become the big baddie s/he wants to be..." i think it's about time Ribbons did something ridiculously, ridiculously, comic book villain-ish. Like Goldfinger walking out of the room where Bond is strapped down about to be lasered.

    Most likely, Ribbons will pull the old
    Quote Originally Posted by Future Ribbons Almark
    "haha, I will LET you go to Veda, because, first, I already have downloaded all of Veda into myself

    "also mwhaha, because I have moved MY plan forward to such a stage that I don't need that stupid Veda anymore! MY plan is going to succeed even if you do get to Veda, so I'll let you because there isn't anything there that you can use to possibly--

    "What the hell? What's this?!?! ...this... "

    "OMFG, Aeolia totally had some shit built just in case someone who was a natural human turned Innovator via Twin Drive who also has a spirit not full of evil and snobbery like me who shows up to Veda inside of the final four episodes of the show, who has a pacifist girlfriend, whose favorite color is cerulean blue, who is Middle Eastern, who -! OH SHIT .....!!!"
    ... (shit like Saji and Louise gets resolved)
    ... (Hal comes back for 5 seconds, Marie comes back to quell him)
    ... (rest of the mod squad Innovators get waxed. Kati returns to battle, all preggers with Euro-trash baby)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ribbons Almark
    HAHAHA!!! You thought I was done! But I have this awesome space fortress weap-



    ... and bitches be getting naked in space.

    Cue the cock-sucking children's choir. And BUY MY MECH'S MODEL KIT!

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #12
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    It's scary how likely all of the above will happen. Actually, at this point i'm convinced that at least half of what masa wrote will definitely happen.

  13. #13
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    ... (rest of the mod squad Innovators get waxed. Kati returns to battle, all preggers with Euro-trash baby)
    This will of course, prove that Patrick really was the greatest mobile suit pilot ever. Kati largely hated him the first season, and he has yet to die no matter how badly his suit gets blown to bits (he has a higher success rate now than most of the escape-pod Innovators using much better hardware), and has slowly seduced his woman this season. If he succeeds in knocking her up, he will be able to announce what only one other pilot has done this season:

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I have made it with a woman, inform the men.

  14. #14
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I just remembered my other complaint about this episode. Something they have no reason to get wrong.

    The ED

    It was good. I like it how they mux it in as the episode's ending, enhancing the emotional impact as well as giving clos-

    Then they play the ED again like nothing's happened. Seriously, if you're going to insert the song into the ending scene, how hard is it to simply continue it, link it to a further section in the normal ED sequence, or just repeat a stanza or two.

    But they just cut it. Whether it was laziness or complete insensitivity, it pissed me off all the same. I liked that song.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  15. #15
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I just remembered my other complaint about this episode. Something they have no reason to get wrong.

    The ED

    It was good. I like it how they mux it in as the episode's ending, enhancing the emotional impact as well as giving clos-

    Then they play the ED again like nothing's happened. Seriously, if you're going to insert the song into the ending scene, how hard is it to simply continue it, link it to a further section in the normal ED sequence, or just repeat a stanza or two.

    But they just cut it. Whether it was laziness or complete insensitivity, it pissed me off all the same. I liked that song.
    i noticed that too, and it did seem sorta... clunky. but for them to cut to just a random scene in the ED? And what about, you know, those little Japanese words that show up on the screen in different scenes of the OP and ED? You know, the ones that are like "here's half a second divided between 10 people who worked on this".

    But, sure, it was clunky. repeating/looping part of the song would have been fine with me. Or, I suppose, they could have cut to whatever part of the ED the song was up to and just cluster-packed all the credits into the last couple frames...

    edit before post. I just checked, and it's actually an instrumental teaser (or the actual opening to the full song, possibly) that they play at the end (during the one really good scene in the episode too). It only goes for a little bit, but then there is that awfully jarring and clunky cut to the ED footage, then they just play the ED. Such a teaser wouldn't have even had them cut into the actual ED scenes with credits, and all they'd really have to do would be to get rid off that silly "jingling wind chimes" intro and just loop us into the normal ED... so, yeah, glad you pointed that out Bill. It's something that irked me, but not enough to comment on the first time through. (as i was far more pissed off with nekid in space scene 4 that closes the episode AFTER the ED)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

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