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Thread: Kiddy Girl-And

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think Ascoeur is simply missing experience. While the lesson itself largely went up in smoke when Dia powered her up, Ascoeur learned about her limitations rather quickly. Once she gained power, she was a lot better at using them more discretely, and she fought a lot more conservatively.

    We can't forget that these are not trained veterans like Troyes Jeanne, Trixie, Tweedledee, or any of the ES members from last season. They aren't even officially employed as agents.

    When things get a lot more serious, I think Ascoeur scales back her peppiness and idiotic behavior until the crisis is over. She was very quick to tell Q-feuille to run and leave her alone with both of those two. Her original plan seemed to be to have Q-fueille get Dia to safety and then teleport away herself. The only problem was that Q-fueille didn't listen to Ascoeur and got caught by Saphir, and Rubis figured out Ascoeur's weaknesses.

    She could probably beat any other ES members at infiltration missions if she shut up long enough to do it, but I'm convinced that all depends on the severity of the mission, and the experience to know how many on relying on you. For something like pumpkin pudding, she doesn't have to be serious and can afford to screw up the whole time. Rescuing a captured VIP hostage, or stopping terrorists isolated in a bunker? I think for all her faults she would take those kinds of missions as seriously as Q-feuille does, at least until they are over.

  2. #22
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 11-15-2009 at 05:49 AM.

  3. #23
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, I suppose I'm the only one left watching this.

    This series is much better the less you expect out of it.

    Concerning episode 5:

    I really enjoyed this episode. It was a horror episode I suppose, but it wasn't really scary. There were 6 straight minutes of Q-fueille absolutely freaking out. After a while, you started to feel bad for her, given that she was taking some pretty long falls onto bare metal. She was really losing it, and there was one 10+ meter drop that would have probably killed her if she wasn't an ES member.

    After that, there was a bit of reference to the former ES members of the old GOTT and GU (replaced by the current GOT). Nothing revolutionary here, but they did mention Alv and Dvergr's deaths, which was followed by a little seiyuu reference humor (Inoue Kikuko's "age"). I also enjoyed Q-fueille's complete personality switch when she realized it wasn't a supernatural creature chasing after them.

    Then, there was a surprisingly entertaining fight. Powered up Q-fueille isn't really all that impressive, but her clairvoyance will probably be very useful later on. Ascoeur however, really has a handle on her teleporting. She could easily be exceptionally dangerous to any foe she comes across when powered up. The pair also confronted Dia on her ability, and are thoroughly aware of how her powers work with their own. The episode ended nicely with a Norio Wakamoto voiced...thing joining the trio.

    Dia's Cat Dance was cute too.

    [Himatsubushi]​ Kiddy Girl-and​ -​ 06

    This episode wasn't anything serious at all, yet another omake episode, but I liked it as well.

    Director Hiver in heat and all the sexual innuendo was really funny, and Zoma tricking the girls into thinking it was something utterly innocent was all the sweeter.

    The Yaoi cafe was totally retarded, but I couldn't stop laughing at how stupid some of it was, particularly with Fukuyama Jun, Shiraishi Minoru, Norio Wakamoto again, and a few of the others who's names escape me. The innuendo was even worse than the Hiver in Heat half, but it was funny. No bearing on the plot (or even the series) at all, but it was fun to watch.

  4. #24
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What the fuck was that all about? Somebody must have shipped the anime studio the same rotten, poisonous mushrooms Jun Fukuyama's character's potion was made of. I can't explain the contents of this episode any other way.

    In any case, based on the preview, it looks like the real deal begins in the next episode. Or at least they finally leave the office (and cafe) behind and there will be action and explosions.

  5. #25
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The show seems to have started in earnest. You can all come back.

    [Himatsubushi] Kiddy Girl-and​ - 07​


    The pair finally go on a real ES mission as apprentices to Trixie and Troseinne (formerly spelled Troy Jeanne) and we start to get hints at what the overarching plot will be. GTO is opposed by an openly mundane "business" group called G Society that clandestinely uses ability users to perform nefarious tasks the same way GTO maintains order.

    A couple of things bothered me. They split the teams, but there was no reason that Dia shouldn't have kissed Ascoeur first to give her a power boost. That would have given her a great deal more utility, and much more safely allowed her to rescue her temporary partner. This mission was legitimately dangerous, it would have been a valuable precaution.

    Additionally, Trixie has hax powers. She has space bending gravity(?) abilities, like the Tweedle twins, but she can also teleport like Ascoeur can? I'm hoping that it is just an advanced adaptation of her space-bending, because that otherwise makes Ascoeur a great deal less special, which would be a little disappointing considering she is a protagonist, and the previous season led me to believe that most ability users only had one real ability that they exploited to its fullest. Anything else they needed to do was supplemented by Nanomist or other technology (like the whole breathing in space thing).

    Aside from that, as mentioned in the preview, G Society will be showing off some apprentices of its own, and giving Ascoeur and Que-Fueille a pair of rivals for the rest of the series. I do like the take that there is an equally large organization opposed to GTO, that is equally equipped to track down personnel with abilities and use them in a similar but nefarious manner. They probably used wealth and power to steal technology from the GOTT most likely, leaving the GTO with only a narrow technological lead (their spacecraft and AI robots). Or maybe they get a few leaks from the GTO. By the way Trixie and Troseinne spoke about it, they've encountered G Society's Ability Users on more than a few occasions.

  6. #26
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was otherwise a nice and promising mission but Ascoeur's brainlessness ruined any seriousness it otherwise would have had. Removed all sense of danger, severity, and importance. For her it was more like a visit to an amusement park (that can be scary but never dangerous). They should really do something to correct that fool's brain. Assuming she has a brain.

    Nevertheless, I liked the enemy ability users a lot. They acted like real smart villains by not risking themselves at all yet trying to use appropriate force and resources to carry out their mission. Maybe they got a little carried away by trying to eliminate the GTO agents instead of trying to take home as many ships as they could. But seeing how shitty those ships were, perhaps it wasn't that important in the end.

  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    This was otherwise a nice and promising mission but Ascoeur's brainlessness ruined any seriousness it otherwise would have had. Removed all sense of danger, severity, and importance. For her it was more like a visit to an amusement park (that can be scary but never dangerous). They should really do something to correct that fool's brain. Assuming she has a brain.

    But seeing how shitty those ships were, perhaps it wasn't that important in the end.
    I thought that was completely reasonable response given the circumstances. You have an excitable apprentice going on a mission with her idols, who can more than take care of themselves, and given the display of abilities until the G Society members showed up, I don't think it was unreasonable for Ascoeur to take it the way she did. There wasn't any real danger posed to the group until those two appeared. Que-Fueille was no less excited (Dia too, but she doesn't take anything seriously), she was just a lot better at hiding it and playing serious.

    When things actually get serious, Ascoeur always rises to the occasion. Troseinne told her to escape and leave her to die, but Ascoeur exhausted herself making sure they both got out. She's not up to their level in terms of being self-sufficient without Dia, but she doesn't play around when lives and safety are on the line.

    Those ships were fine for normal people. It's just that the GTO spacecraft use technologies that aren't available to most people. A two person craft can take down multiple warships, and crash directly into a fortress largely unharmed. I imagine against normal ships, those warships would otherwise be quite formidable. The La Muse from the prior series was even more devastating, making the Rafal tame by comparison.

    I think stranger still is why everyone from G Society seems to know exactly who Ascoeur and Que-Fueille are. They're not interested in Dia, they don't really put a priorty on killing full ES members, and they make a point to see the two for themselves. They're all greatly interested in those two for some reason.

  8. #28
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Still waiting for a real OP to this series:

    [Himatsubushi]​ Kiddy Girl-and​ - 08​

    Fighting for their right to oppress others, what a worthy cause...

    I also find it amusing that the Nobles, after losing their titles, go right to treating each other like shit, forcing some to become servants and commoners while the elite rise to status. Letuchie was a child servant in the garden until Gaktoer raised her to "Princess." I'm assuming that only occurred because they discovered she was an Ability User, otherwise she would have remained a servant for the rest of her life.

    Gaktoer is pretty fearsome though. He drained all the blood out of that guy from like 200 meters.

    Either way, this episode revealed the longer running plotline, the antagonists, and did a great job of making them absolutely repellent, and their cause just about the farthest thing from justice.

    I wonder if the Shadow Workers are going to succeed at killing any of the ES Members. At the least they will probably drive the Director and the others into hiding. Leaving Ascoeur and Que-fueille to stop them...we should probably fear for the galaxy's future.

    I predict that Ascoeur will be the one to actually touch Letuchie, making her freak out and Pauk immediately create a vendetta towards her.

  9. #29
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Well, I suppose I'm the only one left watching this.

    This series is much better the less you expect out of it.

    I watch it. But all the whining in the first episodes didn't give me much reasons to comment.

    Gaktoer is scary.

  10. #30
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I am still watching this. I really hated Ascoeur too much for me to be compelled to comment during the comic episodes, but since we have arrived at the serious stuff, I will try to join in the discussion.

    I hope rose dude is indeed evil. I am tired of villains suddenly having a good motive with only misguided means. I really miss the imba pair from Kiddy Grade though. Are they really gone for good?
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  11. #31
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I hope rose dude is indeed evil. I am tired of villains suddenly having a good motive with only misguided means.
    That might have been true last season with Chevalier, but given what their goal is, I really can't see how there is any "good motive." They're talking about going back to the way things were 50 years ago, when Eclair got fed up and overthrew an entire planet.

    They want their privileges returned to them, allowing them to force people on their planets become indentured servants, treat everyone else like shit, and rule the galaxy from Earth.

    As for Gaktoer himself, he's willing to kill others simply because they oppose him and accuse him of not being a Noble. His Shadow Workers, particularly the normally more calm ones, are willing to slaughter anyone who slanders him. I'd say it is safe to say he is also a cult leader. When characters like Rubis are urging Saphir (normally as cold as her ability) to calm down, there's a clear vision of fanaticism here.

    I don't really expect much switching of sides from the Shadow Workers either. Ascoer doesn't have any friendship beam powers by the look of things, nor does Kufiyu*

    *(I'm switching to the Dia spelling of Que-Feuille because the correct way is annoying to type out every time.)

  12. #32
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This episode might have finally revealed the face of the enemy but it was still a 100 times boring episode.

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    What are you looking at?

    Episode 9 - Himatsubushi

    - - - - - - -

    Aye, what indeed? Perhaps you are looking at your ally being butchered next to you? Doesn't mean you'd do anything to help the poor bastard, though. It's enough someone is witnessing the gruesome last moments. Although you are next, of course.

    The fights in this episode were so hilariously bad I couldn't stop laughing even when those two died. And in good old textbook manner the good guys took down none of the bad guys because the bad guys actually knew much better how to look after each other and what to do with their enemies. It never helps to tell your enemy you aren't going to forgive them. Well, it does help the enemy because while you are wasting your time talking, they can kill you at leisure.

    This series is seriously so bad I'd no idea why I was watching it. However, this episode did offer me an answer to that question: Trixie and Troisienne dying (because they all were so stupid) made it worth it. If you begin to hate the foolishness of some good guys, nothing feels better than the said characters dying!

  14. #34
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I don't remember Tweedledee and Tweedledum having electromagnetic powers. As I recall, they used gravity. They nearly crushed Eclair within a singularity in the previous season, I don't see why they couldn't slow Rubis down or pin her completely, then crush her completely.

    But yeah, I agree, really awful fights. I'm surprised that the illusion bastards keep getting away with so much. They're completely helpless aside from preventing others from hurting them. Un-ou and An-ou easily should have killed the two of them if not for their lack of initiative and Letuchie and Pauk saving them.

    Furthermore, Trixie did a good job on Lutechie and Pauk, but didn't follow through with a rift beneath them? That was a pretty glaring mistake. Trosienne could have stopped both Rubis and Saphir, slit their throats open, and then resumed. I suppose that wouldn't be a very "good guy" thing to do however.

    But I can't leave Ascoeur and Que-Feuille out of it either. First off, Que-Feuille should have had Dia kiss her the second she even suspected her future sight was warning her. She would have gotten a clear vision of what was about to happen, preparing Hiver and everyone else for the assault. Perhaps things would not have turned out differently, since Gaktoer was waiting for the two to exhaust themselves, but as a clairvoyant, that is her responsibility, especially at an event where security is top priority. In their defense though, after everything went to hell, there was really little the two could do. They really aren't strong enough to not be in the way, so leading the guests out was the correct thing to do given their abilities. Nothing Ascoeur or Que-Feuille could have done would have saved Trixie and Troseinne after Gaktoer struck. What medical aid will help when most of the blood is now outside your body? Troseinne would have been the only one who could have helped, which was exactly why he waited until she was exhausted.

    GTO was ill prepared, ill coordinated, and got pretty much exactly what was coming given that. G Society are still complete assholes though, preaching equality when their goal is slavery.

    I think this series can still turn around. They clearly gave the GTO forces pretty much every possible disadvantage in order to create this outcome.

  15. #35
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Ascoeur and Que-Feuille would have actually been perfectly capable and equipped to do the one thing nobody on their side did: Finish off the enemies. Que-Feuille could have used her abilities to analyse the flow of the battle and directed Ascour to jump in the moment the enemies were too distracted by the stronger GTO agents. Like when they were imprisoned or partially frozen. Quite an easy and safe job to teleport in, strike with a light saber, jump out. The enemies would never have had a chance, being too preoccupied otherwise.

    It was the utter and complete lack of any sort of coordination and cooperation on GTO's side that caused this disaster. The G Society, however, had a pretty simple and straightforward plan and they stuck to it. The dudes responsible for the security should be court-martialed - although seeing how they just lost two top agents, it's not like they could afford to lose even fools. At the very least they should practice cooperation in fights.

  16. #36
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Throughout all the episode I thought it all was a Que-Feuille vision, since it began immediately after her headache started. Guess it wasn't one though.

  17. #37
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I kept thinking like that for a few moments as well, but I dropped the idea when Que-Feuille began to act and talk herself. It'd be kind of unnatural to include the person having a vision into the vision acting as if everything's normal.

  18. #38
    This ep was so bad I kept thinking it was a parody or something. The 'action' and the death scenes just had no emotional impact since they seemed so silly and campy. On the bright side I am actually curious to see how terrible it can get now so I'll keep watching in the hopes of more absurdity.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    The 'action' and the death scenes just had no emotional impact since they seemed so silly and campy.
    Now that you say it, this was by far the worst part of the episode. Ascouer's cries seemed to go on forever, and there really never seemed like a reason for it. Trixie and Trosienne had so little development that there was no emotional investment in their characters.

    If they had ever bothered to give Trixie any personality at all (at least the other one was a uber hardcore magical girl fan), it might have been a very effective scene. They sort of wasted the impact of a far too easy kill by an overwhelming enemy catching them off guard. It could have been much more emotional, but it just felt trite instead.

    It didn't even hit me how bad that whole facet was because I cared so little for the two. If they had killed either of the other pairs, or even one of the main girls, it would have been a different story.

  20. #40
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Funny. I wouldn't have cared if they killed any of the other pairs.

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