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Thread: Naruto Chapter 436

  1. #21
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Did I miss something? I really have no idea where all this animosity is coming from, you guys are really angry people aren't you? I guess we'll always be on different pages but it really is a wonder why you guys always assume you know my intentions when its quite obvious you don't

    Btw all though I'm quite sure you interpreted that first paragraph as me berating Kishimoto again, it really isn't what I was doing. I was just disappointed with Konoha's ninjas as I'm sure you were.
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Everyone has a reason for what they do, and who's to say that their reason is more valid?
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    but I keep up for the sake of curiosity, not so I can act like a smug bitch on the forums.
    You apparently, even though it is not at all my reason for being here.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 02-20-2009 at 12:33 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Abdula
    you guys are really angry people aren't you?
    Oh, the irony.

    Btw all though I'm quite sure you interpreted that first paragraph as me berating Kishimoto again, it really isn't what I was doing. I was just disappointed with Konoha's ninjas as I'm sure you were.
    It doesn't matter what you were bitching about. The point is that you're ALWAYS bitching about SOMETHING. You can try to sweeten it up by saying berating and being disappointed if you want to, but the bottom line is you're still just bitching.

  3. #23
    Through most of that Pain speech I kept thinking back to Schneizel in Code Geass but I'm glad to see this plan was at least slightly different in that Pain expects the peace created at the end of his giant stick to only last for a little while. It still reeks of 'crazy well intentioned extremist plan X' but then again there's only so many ways to blow up the earth or create an ideal world.

    @off topic and beaten to death Abdula issue: It should be well established what kind of posts Abdula makes. If you're like me and you don't care for his way of posting I would recommend just ignoring anything he posts. Whenever acknowledged or engaged over his whiny behavior he only whines more. I feel this runs counter to the goal of minimizing the amount of whining going on. We can't get rid of people who like to whine but we don't have to acknowledge them and give them more to whine about.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Abdula, I don't say this to you often enough, but shut the fuck up. Seriously. I lost a lot of steam on the Naruto series too, but I keep up for the sake of curiosity, not so I can act like a smug bitch on the forums.

    Yes you said every week for the past 10 weeks that Kishi isn't a great writer. Thanks for reminding me.

    That being said, I think this chapter actually fulfilled its purpose pretty well. Its goal was clearly to force the readers to sympathize with this antagonist that, for the past half year, we've been trained to hate. It shows how little we really know about the perspectives of others, and how good vs evil is a fallacy in a world where confrontation runs rampant. Everyone has a reason for what they do, and who's to say that their reason is more valid?

    Ending the chapter with Nagato all frail and vulnerable further drives this point home, imo. Of course, most narutards just want to see villains with huge bulging muscles that can projectile balls of energy and destroy mountains with their glare.
    Wow. You know that when AssertN blows his top, there is something that is wrong lol. I'm not even going to begin to take sides in this one. On the flip side, I'm glad we finally got to see thr true real original Nagato/Pain. It made me feel like watching the scene in wizard of Oz where they pull back the curtain on the mayor to reveal who it really is behind it all. It was nice. Doesn't anyone have any theory btw on why he's in a thing that has those legs? The obvious theory would be that he needs them to move around but I was thinking that they were for show. It seems like he needs all of those rods and then a king thicker rod as the main one to transmit the chakra properly. Seems like he has too many rods spouting from the back of his neck to just control the main pain and then 6 others. Unless they're used for each move they do as well. I like how he's a little on the thing side because evil bosses who are really controlling it all seem to always be frail or weak. It was scary that he really was skin and bones though. That was kind of creepy.

  5. #25
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dansetsu
    Doesn't anyone have any theory btw on why he's in a thing that has those legs? The obvious theory would be that he needs them to move around but I was thinking that they were for show.
    I'll go with that he seems too frail to actually support himself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dansetsu
    It was scary that he really was skin and bones though. That was kind of creepy.
    Reminiscent of Lex Luther in Smallville.

    @ Below:
    Quote Originally Posted by Assertn
    Or...perhaps it perpetuates the very point that Kishimoto was trying to make -- both you and I, Abdula, have our own subjective stance on an objective situation.
    Last edited by Abdula; Fri, 02-20-2009 at 02:31 PM.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
    Sapphire is awesome!

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Ha well, ok...if I ignore your writing style, which, as usual, reeks of smug bitchness, I can read your post without it seeming like an obligatory jab at a dead horse.

    That aside, I'll give you credit for wittily taking my on-topic contribution out of context against my off-topic contribution. Or...perhaps it perpetuates the very point that Kishimoto was trying to make -- both you and I, Abdula, have our own subjective stance on an objective situation.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Aside from Pain's "weapon" being too obvious an analogue for mutually assured destruction via nuclear warfare I thought this was a pretty good chapter, since Pain finally got a motivation besides making horrible puns about his name. This is certainly better than Naruto shooting a bunch of Hadokens around fighting a bunch of Nagato's faceless and personalityless goon bodies.

  8. #28
    It was a good chapter. Naruto didn't answer Pains question with "shounen heart" which was surprising. Something about the "I just don't know.." was pretty cool. It does show that Naruto has finally been forced to do a little thinking that could be considered "outside of the box" for him.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Y
    Aside from Pain's "weapon" being too obvious an analogue for mutually assured destruction via nuclear warfare I thought this was a pretty good chapter, since Pain finally got a motivation besides making horrible puns about his name. This is certainly better than Naruto shooting a bunch of Hadokens around fighting a bunch of Nagato's faceless and personalityless goon bodies.
    I think it's pretty obvious as well that it's a short of a narutoverse version of a nuke, but I just think it's simply the ability to use any demon's power on anyone they want. So basically a nuke.

    Also, am I the only one wondering how pain will defend himself when Ino's dad leads a Konoha style hammer down on him? Konan will get owned if shes the only one there right now, or if shes the only one who knows where he really is. I also think that this would be a good old Naruto school style surprise and bring Jiraiya back as a new Pain body to defend himself, and it would be something that would be a nice surprise and plot twist. Anyone, anyone?

    And I'm going to make a small crazy prediction: I actually think that he has a strong body in the chamber on the bottom half of his body, in the wheel chair thing. Almost like an emergency body for when he's found out.
    Last edited by Dansetsu; Fri, 02-20-2009 at 04:19 PM.

  10. #30
    having all the tail beast chakra, he would fuse it with his body to make him able to walk again. also it makes him all muscular.

  11. #31
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dansetsu
    Also, am I the only one wondering how pain will defend himself when Ino's dad leads a Konoha style hammer down on him? Konan will get owned if shes the only one there right now, or if shes the only one who knows where he really is. I also think that this would be a good old Naruto school style surprise and bring Jiraiya back as a new Pain body to defend himself, and it would be something that would be a nice surprise and plot twist. Anyone, anyone?

    And I'm going to make a small crazy prediction: I actually think that he has a strong body in the chamber on the bottom half of his body, in the wheel chair thing. Almost like an emergency body for when he's found out.
    I mean, yeah. We've talked about the possibility/epicness of Jiraiya showing up as a body before. If it was going to happen, now would be the time. But revealing that to someone like Ino's dad and company seems wasted. If it happens now, I want a plot twist. Sakura dying would do nicely.

    It would be bad if Pein learned how to use natural energy from Jiraiya's body. Most of his bodies do nothing but stand around perfectly still anyway.

  12. #32
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Rinnegan has to be the dumbest eye bloodline ever. Sorry.

    I'm calling it now. Naruto is going to change Nagato's view with his words of friendship and sorrow. But since Nagato looks sick, he'll die at the end realizing he was wrong.

  13. #33
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idealistic
    Rinnegan has to be the dumbest eye bloodline ever. Sorry.

    I'm calling it now. Naruto is going to change Nagato's view with his words of friendship and sorrow. But since Nagato looks sick, he'll die at the end realizing he was wrong.
    Payne: "The world is doomed, there's no hope for anything but wars, we can't change a thing"

    Naruto: 'Yes, We can!"

    Payne: "oh, you're right" *dies*

    we aren't even positive whether the rinngan is what allows him the body share, it might be some crazy science jutsu, and the rinngan is something entirely different.

    Also, I don't think Konoha right now has anyone strong enough to fight and beat Qunan. she's still an akatsuki member, so she's definitely a jounin level (heck, more likely Hokage level). and without Kakashi, Tsunade (down with no chackra) and any other main character, the village doesn't stand a chance. at least I hope so.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by FireEmblem
    It was a good chapter. Naruto didn't answer Pains question with "shounen heart" which was surprising. Something about the "I just don't know.." was pretty cool. It does show that Naruto has finally been forced to do a little thinking that could be considered "outside of the box" for him.
    Yeah, that was one thing that got me in this chapter as well.
    When Pein said "let's hear your answer", I was ready for a big Naruto speech about how dreams come true and of course ending with "that's my way of the ninja!"

    I was a little caught off-guard when he said "I don't know." And I liked it.

    The flashback with Jiraiya, where Naruto promised to "break the hatred", made me think that the two of them had philosophized about it and that Naruto would have a powerful answer for Pein. "I don't know" was powerful, but not in the way I was expecting.

  15. #35
    Hmm its not going to be over after Naruto vs Pain is it...Tobi is still there and his mysterious powers...Sasuke is still there...not a bad chapter this...looking forward to the next ones

  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    Yeah, that was one thing that got me in this chapter as well.
    When Pein said "let's hear your answer", I was ready for a big Naruto speech about how dreams come true and of course ending with "that's my way of the ninja!"

    I was a little caught off-guard when he said "I don't know." And I liked it.

    The flashback with Jiraiya, where Naruto promised to "break the hatred", made me think that the two of them had philosophized about it and that Naruto would have a powerful answer for Pein. "I don't know" was powerful, but not in the way I was expecting.
    Of course none of that matters because that's not part of the last two chapters...which apparently are all that's worth reading this week.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #37
    good chapter. Would of liked it if they talked about some other stuff as well then keep talking about war and hate.
    I'm gonna make a wild crazy prediction: Since we seen mountains being cut with FRS Naruto will use the his last FRS to cut the mountain pain(however u spell his name) is on, which does not hit them and they escape. Don't ask me how just throwing it out there.

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    That "I don't know" answer really was out of the woodwork but so damned fitting. The promise Naruto made to Jiraiya was that of a child who doesn't really know what's being asked of him. On Jiraiya's part, the promise he had Naruto make was one he wasn't really expecting Naruto to either understand or fulfill. It was, at the time, simply a cute moment between the two. Kind of like a dad painting a rosy picture of something horrible so as to not worry/confound his son. With Jiraiya deciding moments before his death that Naruto was the destined child, and Naruto being lectured on what peace is and how to get it, he'll be forced to recall the promise, and actually ponder on what peace means to him, and how to get it.

    Even with everything that's not so great about the manga, I think I'm starting to gain respect for how the story's told. Without using first person narrative, we're seeing the naruto world through the eyes of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura. As the questions the situations they have to deal with become more complicated, the questions they have to answer become more difficult, the line between right and wrong becomes blurred, and the world matures. Notice that it's never a character like Kakashi or Jiraiya answering the questions or dealing with the situations. They're purpose has mostly been to keep track of the young ones. So basically, the young ones develop the world for us, and the mentors of the young ones speak to us about their development. That's not half bad.

  19. #39
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    Payne: "The world is doomed, there's no hope for anything but wars, we can't change a thing"

    Naruto: 'Yes, We can!"

    Payne: "oh, you're right" *dies*

    we aren't even positive whether the rinngan is what allows him the body share, it might be some crazy science jutsu, and the rinngan is something entirely different.

    And the first ninja who possessed the rinnegan was known as the sage of the six paths so Pain's six bodies probably come from the rinnegan

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
    Also, I don't think Konoha right now has anyone strong enough to fight and beat Qunan. she's still an akatsuki member, so she's definitely a jounin level (heck, more likely Hokage level). and without Kakashi, Tsunade (down with no chackra) and any other main character, the village doesn't stand a chance. at least I hope so.
    What about Guy's team? They would at least be able to hold out against her for a while. Possibly even kill her if Guy or Rock Lee opens up the final gate. If someone like Guy (who states he is Kakashi's rival) dies in order to defat Qunan then I think I would be satisfied with that.

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