Finally saw this movie, kind of disappointed. It was a good movie, but it just didn't have the power and heart-wrenching feel I expected from the previews. It might not have helped that the guy playing Thao wasn't a very good actor and his character wasn't very appealing. Also, Eastwood's character joins in with the yellow people too easily, after all of his "gook" this and "zipperhead" that comments.
I thought it was weird that it was ok for him to use every Asian racial epithet in the book, but then he calls some black guys the "s" word instead of the "n" word. I guess they felt it would have been detrimental to establishing sympathy for the main character if he was an out and out racist and detract from the story.
Otherwise, it's worth seeing the movie, though the story is pretty sad in that they may have won a small battle, but they're losing the war as far as the Hmong colonization of the American midwest goes.