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Thread: Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 19

  1. #1
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode 19

    [gSS]​ Gundam​ 00​ S2​ -​ 19​ [ACEF1051].​mkv

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    In order to avoid defeat from AoShen, apparently, they went bullet speed this week.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A rather interesting episode, even with the telepathy induced by the 00's trans-am. Lots of betrayals for sure. Looks like Anew was a real mole, after all, not an unwitting one. It was built kind of nicely, leaving it vague until now. Soma is revenge crazy - not so different from Andrei, in the end, but perhaps she still has more potential to get her head straight. At least she has somebody who loves her (even if it makes a funny interaction between them: "Marie!" "It's Soma Peries!" repeated multiple times).

    Graham's horse gets higher and higher episode by episode - I think it would be about the time to get some Ali action for a change. He's far less pretentious.

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Thank god for Nena Trinity.

    The absurd levels of pacifism here really got to me, I'm glad that someone out there is still filled with genuine bloodlust.

    - Seriously, Marina should just go kill herself. Why? Because I know now with that little speech between Shirin and Marina, that Shirin will die and Marina won't. It's probably worse than that, Shirin will die saving Marina. While we should appreciate Marina holding to her ideals in front of the kids (admittedly sound reasoning), you can't protect children if you are not willing to defend them.

    - At least Saji's flavor of pacifism includes that angle. He still doesn't like the killing, and wants peace just as much, but he'll fight in order to save someone. Maybe he'll even convince Soma to stop going on a rampage that will eventually get herself killed from shear recklessness.

    Thank god for Nena though, not as good as Ali, but she'll do in a pinch. What kind of moron (Wang Liu Mei apparently...) uses the same ship that the Trinities used without expecting some form of betrayal. I bet Nena didn't even have to do more than hook up her Haro and name a pre-programmed command. I actually doubt she killed Liu Mei since only Saji and Louise's relatives are allowed to die in this universe outside of a mobile suit. I have to admit, I still love the fake-GN particle flares the Drei makes.

    Concerning Anew, I wouldn't be so quick to say it was real. She was definitely talking strange, very mechanical. Revive is probably puppetting her. There are times when Anew came back from the Veda connection and then she had no clue at all what had just happened. I think that Lyle recognized the resemblance though. He's the only one who did.

    I agree with Kraco, Graham is so full of shit. He calls out Setsuna for not attacking with his full being, while he sat on top of an asteroid the whole freaking time. Maybe you could try attacking? Oh wait, Setsuna hasn't been flying with a bullet in his shoulder, hasn't just run off of Trans-Am, or hasn't left an opening so he could be ambushed.

  4. #4
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Geez... and you go all the way to say I only posted hate about a character on Index's thread. Yet you post at least one Marina-hate line every Gundam 00 thread.

    About the episode...
    Andrei's logic is sick. Basically he know believes Soma is also a traitor based on what he saw. Is he blind? Mannequin defected from A-Laws after that massacre and more and more will start defecting. Louise will probably be next since the others are either innovators or crazy (Bushido)

    Nena owned Wang Liu Mei. Enough said.

  5. #5
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Geez... and you go all the way to say I only posted hate about a character on Index's thread. Yet you post at least one Marina-hate line every Gundam 00 thread.
    I suppose my hypocritical hatred towards Marina as opposed to your blanket hatred of Index is justified because Marina keeps doing stupid shit. Index on the other hand, didn't even appear in half the episodes you posted how much you hated her. Usually along the lines of, "I'm so happy she didn't appear." Marina always appears (much to my dismay) and does something even more annoyingly pacifist and naive, so I go with it.

    I got over what issues we may have had in the Index threads (and earned a community neg rep grudge via random week old posts I had made). No hard feelings?

    Anyhow...Soma/Marie actually is a traitor, unlike Sergei. They faked her death in order to switch to CB. Sure, she may not have been fighting right away, but she sure is now. Andrei is at least a little justified here, though blaming Sergei for Soma's defection sure makes him an asshole.

  6. #6
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    No no... yes I agree Soma did became a traitor. I meant he blamed Sergei for that, as you already pointed out.

  7. #7
    Marina deserves a lot more than just a line of hatred. She really needs to be shot. Soon.

    Why has this show become so gay.......

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    really didn't like this episode. the fact that Anew finally got her "Evil" switch turned on is NOT shocking at all. for god's sake, she looks EXACTLY like the other Innovator! Is Turn A Gundam the only mecha that will ever do good work with the "identical people on different sides of the issue" trope???

    Ribbons simply slapping Regene was pretty pathetic punishment for someone almost destroying your entire plan. also, aside from the fact that they didn't make up and get back together right away, the part with Saji and Louise was completely predictable and standard crap.

    Wang Liu Mei has been standing around making annoying comments and, by and large, wasting our time, only to nearly die this episode (I see nearly because it seems painfully obvious that her bodyguard/brother will die instead, and she'll make it at least as far as getting the Veda info to CB before biting it, but, seriously, what a complete waste of a character she's turned out to be...)

    Andrei steaming, Allelujah whining, Graham preening, Marina bleeting, Setsuna relationship-therapist doing... did I miss anything? This episode sucked.

    I agree, Nena's psychotic betrayal was the best part of the episode, because (like Ali and Hal, who gets the 2nd Best Moment for needlessly ramming a hapless ALAWS pilot) it's too rare for us to get characters doing things in this show without rationalizing it along the lines of "It'd be good for humanity" "It's for peace" "It's for law and order". Nena, Ali and Hal are good old fashioned, "this is what works for me, and I'm going to fucking do it until you shoot me in the face and stop me". In short, they're like most people in the world, not these bleeding heart idealists and twisted elitists.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #9
    ahaha.. Ribbons bitch slapped ftw! 1st Liu Mei 2nd Regena.
    The way Nena Trinity laugh and shoot at the same time is so fcking creepy.
    You can't compare Bush to Hitler cause Bush is the village idiot and Hitler was border line genius, unfortunately he was border line insane also, so sad such a mind went to waste.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Tobydelaroka
    ahaha.. Ribbons bitch slapped ftw! 1st Liu Mei 2nd Regena.
    The way Nena Trinity laugh and shoot at the same time is so fcking creepy.

    Well you know she's next .

  11. #11
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    This episode really prods the question why Nena sided with Wan Liu Mei in the first place. Did she try to be good, wanted someone powerful to get back on track with, or thought Liu Mei could help avenge her brothers? Her cooperation started to go downhill ever since she saw Ali, and knew they were all working together, but that's now what she said when she spammed the ship with lasers.

    Marina will go down in history as the woman who ended the war without holding a gun. What wouldn't be remembered are the people who died protecting her with them.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Mon, 02-16-2009 at 09:50 PM. Reason: changed women to woman

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  12. #12
    Didnt like this episode too much. Best parts were Wang Liu Mei being attacked...though I still do not know why. Maybe I forgot the ancient history they had...she was not responsible for her brothers' deaths was she? I dont get that though it was.

    Then I really got annoyed with Marina...she said she could not look the kids in the face if she held a gun...but HELLO THE LITTLE KID ALREADY HELD A GUN AND WAS READY TO FIRE AT THE BAD GUYS! [/rant]

    And I cant agree more with Buffalo's last post's last sentence. Marina is freaking annoying.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    This episode really prods the question why Nena sided with Wan Liu Mei in the first place. Did she try to be good, wanted someone powerful to get back on track with, or thought Liu Mei could help avenge her brothers?
    I would say its probably the latter. That and she had absolutely no place else to go at the time.

    ...which leaves me to wonder what the heck she plans on doing now? Shes trying to kill the woman thats taken care of her for the last four years, where does she plan to go now? Surely not the Innovators because of the fact that Ali is on that side. So, I guess maybe CB? I find it hard to believe that they would be so willing to accept her though. But then, she did help Setsunna a few episodes ago.

  14. #14
    Diego Quality rockmanj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu

    - Seriously, Marina should just go kill herself. Why? Because I know now with that little speech between Shirin and Marina, that Shirin will die and Marina won't. It's probably worse than that, Shirin will die saving Marina. While we should appreciate Marina holding to her ideals in front of the kids (admittedly sound reasoning), you can't protect children if you are not willing to defend them.
    Yea, I totally agree. Like, she is so disappointing, and its painfully obvious that she should never had been the leader of anything, let alone a country. To me, she represents the worst kind of that values principles over human life (those kids can't be disappointed with her if they're dead, you know; and also, just holding a gun won't kill anyone). She reminds me of those US Senators that didn't allow parallel imports to South Africa on the basis of 'we must uphold the integrity and purity of our copyright law (and let millions die in the process)! I'm just saying, if she cannot just hold a gun in order to give the illusion that she wants to protect the children, then how could she expect them to believe that she wants them to be safe? I feel sorry for Shirin.

  15. #15
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, it's not that "holding a gun will kill someone". It's that holding a gun sends the message that you're willing to fight, harm, and if necessary, kill.

    That's her ideal there: I will do nothing that will hurt others!

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #16
    Those two seconds of Hal were pure win, and it was surprisingly refreshing to see the Throne Drei from Season 1 and Nena's usual bloodthirsty creepy laugh, back in action

    I sympathize with Saji's form of pacifism, you do as much as you can to avoid violence, but will fight for someone you love. Marina is turning out to be another Relena Peacecraft *groan*. I don't mind pacifism, a lot of cool anime characters preach it (i'm thinking Vash the Stampede) but they at least know when the shit hits the fan, you do something!

    I wonder how strong her ideals will hold if the Federation troops are shooting at those children. Will they seriously be thinking "Please don't hold that gun Marina, even to protect us! We'll be disappointed in you, and that's way more important than being protected from those mean soldiers and staying alive!". It will be disappointing that we already know she will never be given this kind of dilemma, and that her views must remain pristine and 'pure'.

    As someone said previously, thank god for Nena Trinity.

    On another note, as cool as Mr. Bushido's gundam is (graham acre died the day his Gn-Flag got shot down), seriously, standing on an asteroid and a line of dialogue...why the heck is he even in this season, he did nothing. Unless he's the final boss gundam, but we already have Ali and possibly Ribbons.

    Decent ep though, I like the cliffhanger and Lockon's expression upon seeing Revive, the next ep should be good.

  17. #17
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I would greatly change my view of Gundam 00 (in a good way) if they do actually put Marina in such a position, and she does give in (I mean resort to some form of violence) but only after some, or all of the children are dead.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  18. #18
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I hope Claus died son Shirin goes berserk on Marina.

  19. #19
    Next ep needs awesomeness :

    Like a Graham - Ali - Setsuna Battleroyale.

    Who agrees ?

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