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Thread: Naruto Chapter 435

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I've considered that as well.

    After all, we've never seen Yahiko perform the god realm moves in Jiraiya's flashbacks.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Actually, I'm guessing towards six bodies being his limit. we already saw him having only six tubes of paynes, and if he was actually a puppeteer, then he's arsenal would probably be wider and he'd make sure to collect special ninjas a specimen, like how Sasori acted.

    so far, the only important body we've seen was Yahiko's body, and nobody recognized the rest of the bodies (other than Inochi saying "that girl! she's a no name dead girl!"), so my guess is that Payne can divide his abilities between up to six bodies, and he needs some sort of cool-down time or a special surgery to get new payne-bodies running.

    still, I think a Jiraya body would better fit Payne than Kakashi.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Death BOO Z

    so my guess is that Payne can divide his abilities between up to six bodies, and he needs some sort of cool-down time or a special surgery to get new payne-bodies running.

    still, I think a Jiraya body would better fit Pein than Kakashi.
    That could also be true. Although that would mean his rinnengan gave him a huge portfolio of abilities instead of getting good at controlling other really talented ninjas with special abilities. I actually think that those ninjas were chosen for their abilities and skills and not just because the way they look or something. Like the one with the pure taiutsu and soul sucking, has that ability already in him when the corpse was sent to pain and he just happened to choose him because of that because it was essential to his recon, fighting and over all portfolio of strong jutsu to have.

    I don't agree with you on the last comment. I still don't think Jiraiya would be stronger than a Kakashi body. Kakashi knows so many jutsus that he's able to fight anyone on almost any playing field no matter what ability they have. The best would be to have both at his disposal and then just go nuts with either of them. Having the two of them, would probably be the greatest thing in Naruto ever to happen in terms of a bad guy getting a power up. I mean could you imagine the shock when the two are summoned like when pain summoned the fat one and the long haired one with the soul sucking ability only Jiraiya and Kakashi? It would be epic. Plus, he would have another set of eyes to copy jutsu from. Granted we don't know if that would be pointless because of the rinnengan. But I still think having both would be best, but in the end, I think he'll end up getting one of them as a new body.

  4. #24
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    Jiraiya recognized several of the bodies as being people he killed.

  5. #25
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Ok, my mistake, it wasn't a well conceived sentence.
    what I meant to say is that the people Payne gathered as his bodies weren't special by themselves, they weren't famed for any sort of power or abilities they might have had (and no one in Konoha recognized the bodies as being famed ninjas), they were chosen because of previous knowledge and acquaintance they had with Payne (or someone close to Payne).

    Sasori (and one piece: Moria), being a Puppeteer, gathered special ninjas as trophies for his doll army, that's not similar to Payne's behavior.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #26
    Either theory is plausible.

    It kind of makes sense, and for an interesting story, if Pein chose bodies based on the abilities they possessed. How cool would that be if he just went around encountering ninja with useful abilities and making them his own? And it explains why Pein had grunts bringing a particular body to him, instead of just using one of the random grunts as a new body.

    But, if that were the case, why would he need Akatsuki? Since he is so much stronger than everyone else (except maybe Madara), why doesn't he just kill them, take their bodies, and use their abilities? He could already have the sharingan if he wanted it because he could have killed Itachi and used his body.
    Also, he doesn't seem too concerned that his bodies are being destroyed. If the bodies' themselves were the source of the abilities, then you'd think he would be a little upset to lose them; especially the one that resurrects the others. I'm sure he'd be more pissed if he just permanently lost the ability to resurrect his bodies, because the ability belonged that body alone.
    Plus, Jiraiya encountered a few of the bodies before. He fought and killed them. If the abilities belonged to the bodies, while they were alive, wouldn't Jiraiya have already known their abilities?

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Sidnne
    But, if that were the case, why would he need Akatsuki? He could already have the sharingan if he wanted it because he could have killed Itachi and used his body. Also, he doesn't seem too concerned that his bodies are being destroyed. Plus, Jiraiya encountered a few of the bodies before. He fought and killed them. If the abilities belonged to the bodies, while they were alive, wouldn't Jiraiya have already known their abilities?
    He doesn't need them. None of the agents in the group need the akatsuki. Does a rebel need a rebellion group? No, but they believe in the cause, and he's clearly S rank, so he joined. So far he's been fine in the choosing of bodies and getting stronger abilities from each one forming a well balanced team. So I really don't think he'll be having problems with people that he needs in the future if any at all (although I have to say, it's about time he used Jiraiya or at least get someone new for his roster) And Jiriya didn't say that he didn't remember or anything, he's old, and it's been a while. For all we know he fought those guys when he was in his mid 20's or 30's. That's a long time ago. Especially since he isn't in his prime anymore. Most of all, he was just worried about not being killed by them and their abilities. So I don't think he cared to have a mini flash back about his past battles. Although it is odd that he didn't recall any of their abilities I'll give you that one.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by poopdeville
    Jiraiya recognized several of the bodies as being people he killed.

    I don't recall Jiraiya saying he killed those people. I thought he just had an encounter wiht them but not kill them.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Dansetsu
    He doesn't need them. None of the agents in the group need the akatsuki. Does a rebel need a rebellion group? No, but they believe in the cause, and he's clearly S rank, so he joined. So far he's been fine in the choosing of bodies and getting stronger abilities from each one forming a well balanced team.......
    What makes you say Pain or anyone in Akatsuki don't need each other. Didn't they recruit Dedeira by force? Also, I think they needed strong enough people to collect all the bijuus(sp?).

    I think everyone in Akatsuki have their own personal agenda. Joining the group at least makes it easier for them to achieve that goal.

    As for Pain, I think he has a major weakness and Madara knows about it. Or either Madara is a master of manipulating people to do his bidding.

  10. #30
    Lots of ineteresting ideas out there. I remember when Inochi, was examining the captured ninja (the one Jiraya caught) while he was in his mind there was something about carrying bodies up into the Tower. So I am thinking something along the lines of a broadcast tower. Or if nothing else a tower that is the epicenter of his power. In other words, he can't control the bodies unless he is in that tower as something there augments it. Otherwise he would be too powerful. Or he would have swapped Jiraya's body with another Pein already. We also know that he can't just use a body that is dead and do a ninjitsu on the spot, either for convience or for another reason, it has to be brought to the tower before it is turned into a body of Pein, so at the very least, we know that Kakashi is not going to be a Pein body instantly. (I assume) I have some other ideas, but i want to see how this one pans out first.

    About 4 pages confirms that it was Inochi and that conversation while they were in that guy's brain, first about carrying bodies and second about how no one else is allowed in there, and third that a rumor exits that Pein lives there.

    Since we know that the 6 Pein bodies are not the "real" Pein, the above three things are beginning to carry weight until proven otherwise.
    Last edited by Patriot; Sun, 02-15-2009 at 08:15 PM.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot
    Lots of ineteresting ideas out there. I remember when Inochi, was examining the captured ninja (the one Jiraya caught) while he was in his mind there was something about carrying bodies up into the Tower. So I am thinking something along the lines of a broadcast tower. Or if nothing else a tower that is the epicenter of his power. In other words, he can't control the bodies unless he is in that tower as something there augments it. Otherwise he would be too powerful. Or he would have swapped Jiraya's body with another Pein already. We also know that he can't just use a body that is dead and do a ninjitsu on the spot, either for convience or for another reason, it has to be brought to the tower before it is turned into a body of Pein, so at the very least, we know that Kakashi is not going to be a Pein body instantly. (I assume) I have some other ideas, but i want to see how this one pans out first.

    About 4 pages confirms that it was Inochi and that conversation while they were in that guy's brain, first about carrying bodies and second about how no one else is allowed in there, and third that a rumor exits that Pein lives there.

    Since we know that the 6 Pein bodies are not the "real" Pein, the above three things are beginning to carry weight until proven otherwise.
    I like the idea of getting control of the bodies through the tower. It makes sense. And I also think that it takes him a long time to do a jutsu on a body to get it as a new body with the rinnengan.

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