I've got a couple minutes of downtime, and I figured it's been a while since I posted anything about stats and forum usage and whatnot, so I might as well while I'm thinking about it. If you like statistics, read on! If not, gtfo now, k?
So I've been running google analytics here since about the middle of April, and have got a bunch of interesting stats to tie in together with my usual stuff. Here's the info I've pulled out of that so far:
In the last 30 days we've gotten 49,453 visits. 38% of them were new (either new ip's or first-time visitors). The average time people spend on the forums is apparently about 6:20, which I guess would incorporate the people who spend hours here and the people who stumble on us in a search and then disappear. That's up a bit from May 2008, where we had 41,852 visits. The overall trend is slowly increasing on average, which is kind of cool.
68% of our visitors are running firefox, with ie holding about a 20% market share. Opera and Chrome are in third and fourth with 5% and 3.5% respectively, and safari's down at 1.5%. We've got someone browsing on a psp, and someone on a ps3. Both seem to stop by regularly for a couple page views about every day.
Back in May, the browser picture was more like 69% firefox, 24% ie, 5% opera and 1% safari. So it looks like Chrome didn't hurt firefox or opera significantly, but took a chunk out of ie's market share. Safari's also on the rise.
Windows is the seriously dominant OS here, with about 94% market share. Mac's got about 4%, with linux clocking in a bit over 1% of our visitors. Pretty much everyone's running 32-bit color depth (93% of visitors), with 5% running 24 bit.
Screen resolutions are particularly interesting, because they're all over the place. There's no clear dominant resolution. 20% of visitors are at 1024x768, while another 20% are at 1280x1024. 15% are 1680x1050, 14% are at 1280x800 and 13% are at 1440x900. My screen res (1600x1200) comes in at number 11 with right around 1% of the visits, while 1% of the visitors here have 1080p tv's they're using as monitors, and 5% have 1920x1200 monitors. From a designer's perspective, looks like a design friendly to 1024x768 is the way to go here: 2.77% of our visitors have displays narrower than 1024 pixels.
We don't really use flash or java here, but a lot of people need to upgrade: 59% of our visitors are running flash 10.0r12 (which is the current stable version for windows: Next most popular is 9.0r124, which is subject to this: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=1189 . You should consider going to adobe's site and updating your player... 'cause for at least a fourth of the people here, you're vulnerable to that exploit. 86% of our visitors have java enabled.
32% of forum visitors come in from the front page. Another 32% of visitors come in directly to the forums. The last third are coming in mainly from google and other search engines. Of those, the top searches are "gotwoot" and "gotwoot forum".
That's all I got from google analytics so far, which is kind of a lot. Should be interesting seeing those trends change over time as the data set gets bigger.
But that's not all I've got. That's just the easy part.
On reputations, 21,352 reputation hits have been given out for a total of 247,255 points of reputation (positive and negative combined). Of that, reputation has largely skewed positive, with a net movement in reputation of 124,229 points since the system was turned on. People have given out 6959 negative reps, 13438 positive, and 955 zero-point reputations. 1134 people have been repped, but only 345 people have given reputation. Don't be shy, folks.
The forums have had a total of 364,824 posts which are still in the database somewhere. Of these, 1909 are owned by userid 0 (which means that they either belonged to a user who was purged for inactivity and low post count (users under like 3 posts who hadn't visited in half a year or more) or they somehow got disassociated from. Digging deeper, nearly 1500 of these posts are that "purged for low count and inactivity" group.
In the last year (jan 2008-jan 2009(, we've had 52,415 posts. where in the year preceeding it (jan 2007-jan 2008) we had 42,176. Of those this year, general discussion has had 14,186 posts, for 27% of the total discussion. General anime comes in second at 9504 posts (18%), where The Flaming Pit is comes in at third with 9418 posts (also 18%). Of course, 90% of the discussion in the Flaming Pit is shitposting, so ..... take it for what it is, I guess. Naruto and Naruto Open Discussion bring up 4th and 5th, with 3475 and 3125 posts each (for just under 13% of the total forum traffic being about Naruto in some way).
Last year (2007-2008), general anime had 9584 posts (23%), General discussion had 9280 (22%), Naruto Manga/Open Discussion came in third with 4063 posts (9.6%) and the flaming pit came in fourth with 3838 posts (9.1%). So the net effect of this is that the flame pit has more than doubled in popularity in the last year. Of course, since the flame pit came into existence on July 31, 2007, it only had 4 months to gain any sort of popularity at all in that stats window. Projecting that, the pit's actually slightly less active than it was when it was first created (expecting nearly 12000 posts in a 1 year span, only getting a bit over 9000).
Anyway, that's all I've thought of to find out so far. Anyone else got any interesting questions that I could rephrase into sql queries?