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Thread: Manga: Veritas

  1. #81
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Wow even though she was drunk Gangryong took her down? He keeps saying he's not that strong yet but his moves are something to watch out for.

  2. #82
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think that was more to remind us that Gangryong has been training the whole time while all this backstabbing and politics goes on. He's still the only successor to ETOL, one of the strongest and most specialized Heaven's Riches class arts. Even if he's still trying to figure it all out, he's making progress.

    Gangryong himself was sure to point out that he had been trying to pull that off the whole time Madoka was grabbing him, but only got the hang of it under pressure. He also remarked that she was not only drunk, she was so beaten up she wasn't in any condition to fight in the first place. If she wasn't drunk, was serious, and was anything like when she faced Guesong, she would have killed him while Gangryong was still trying to work out the move.

    Also, just when I was sort of starting to figure it out, they add more characters and shift everything around.

    Fire Dragon is trying to kill off Vera's allies (one of whom Gangryong is set to fight), and he's trying to recruit Gangryong directly so he can just take ETOL. Which should be impossible for him given that he has artificial ki. Now he has even taken Shinra from Vera. That was somewhat unexpected given how loyal she has always been.

    It's starting to look like Madoka is the only really "good" person in the series. I hesitate to call Gangryong "good" because he is really just more like "pure." Brutal as he may be, he doesn't mean anyone ill will, he just wants to fight. Vera is another case on her own. She seems to just want an ordered and disciplined school, but she sure isn't afraid to kill someone.

    It might just end up Madoka and Gangryong against everyone else. Not allied, but not enemies. Opposing Vera, but defending her as well (at least until Gangryong is strong enough to return the favor).

  3. #83
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Veritas 51
    The end of volume 7.

    An interesting development chapter for Vera. There was a strong impression that she had issues with her sister, but I'm surprised (and at the same time disappointed) that they were this bad. Her sister crippled Vera's ki so that she would never become a threat to her complete dominance.

    What is surprising is that Lightning Tiger didn't even hurt Vera, she was broken to begin with, and clawed her way up to the top, much like we've all been hoping to see Gangryong do. Lightning Tiger had actually saved Vera back during the aftermath of her attack on Lightning Tiger, when her abilities were at their "weakest," and Guesong attempted to take advantage of her.

    She was just starting back from scratch, only finally able to tap into her full potential.

    What is disappointing about it is that it cleans up quite a bit of the animosity that Vera might have with Gangryong. Instead, it would be quite easy to see how they could become allies, rather than Gangryong just sticking it out on his own like Vera apparently had to for all those years. Similar situations in growing up and coming to Reunion, both owe Lightning Tiger a great deal, and both strive to be acknowledged.

    While it was a great chapter, I have mixed feelings about the development. We may see Gangryong-Madoka-Vera after all.

  4. #84
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Did they ever mention what happened to Yuri? I feel like I've heard she died.

  5. #85
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The mysteries of Yuri revealed!

    Veritas 52

  6. #86
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    How did lightning tiger die then? Fire dragon said that he sacrificed his arm for the attack that disabled Yuri, not his life. If that were the case, when Yuri was completely disabled, lightning tiger should still be alive. Did they trade hits causing lightning tiger to die after? If that was the case, the phrase sacrificing his arm would still be odd.

    Could it be that someone else killed lightning tiger after he lost his arm against Yuri?
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  7. #87
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well that would narrow it down to anyone who would have a grudge towards him. I mean if you wanted to take someone down and that person just lost an arm then that would be the time to do it. So it could very well be someone else who killed him.

  8. #88
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Like Fire Dragon? He seems to know a lot about what happened for it to be just hearsay.
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  9. #89
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    I wouldn't be surprised if he really was his killer. In his weakened state Lightning Tiger shouldn't have been that difficult. If he really did it then he really hated him. I mean killing him AND trying to learn EOTL from the Lightning Tiger's disciple.

  10. #90
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Fire Dragon seems more interested in reviving Yuri than he does in simply stealing EOTL. He had Gangryong train the robots to endure the lightning so that they could care for Yuri's unconscious body (because most humans cannot touch her), he mentioned that if it is not possible to learn EOTL, he's just as happy if Gangryong can fix Yuri. If Gangryong can't handle her either, he seems to want Gangryong to take the teachings (centered around the pivotal breathing technique) and give it someone else.

    I wonder if that is his true goal. He was there that day, either he's in love with Yuri, or he wants to see her become a god by harmonizing with nature.

    Since Vera is not the recognized successor, she may not be permitted to perform the ritual, much less know how it is accomplished. I would suspect if it was solely the latter reason that Fire Dragon would be just as content seeing Vera do it. So it may be a mixture of both.

    Shinta is right. It's not the only typo I've been having here. I finally got around to spelling 'EOTL' properly instead of 'ETOL'
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Tue, 09-22-2009 at 04:07 AM.

  11. #91
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    It was Fire Dragon and Lightning Tiger right? Now, I'm not quite sure.
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  12. #92
    I wonder what motivation Gangryong will have in reviving Yuri, considering that it was mentioned that his master died sealing her the way she is, and that you could consider that a part of him is still fighting her as we speak to keep her as is. So why would he go against his master's wishes? Just for revenge? Then that would simply render his master's death meaningless..

  13. #93

    Hayato was the dude that fought one of the Elders right under Vera's intructions? Deleted the chapters so I don't remember well.

  14. #94
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    Yeah, it was Hayato. I gotta read that chapter again so I can properly understand how awesome Fire Dragon is.
    Dreaming impossible dreams.
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  15. #95

  16. #96
    Even better question is why if he helping yuri when his master died to shut her up?

  17. #97
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Yeah Gangryong is pretty bad-ass. He's like a freaking Sayjian! Hayato was right about him being pretty amazing. I mean only at the school for a half year and already at that level without the school's help.

  18. #98
    You guys still reading? 65 recently got released:[HZ].rar

    Good stuff in this chapter, although it was a short one. Fire dragon kicking ass and we finally see Jeeha fight. I don't think we've seen him... maybe a bit against the chick he likes.

  19. #99
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Madoka has been relegated to the role of the character who gets beat up without panels.
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  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Madoka has been relegated to the role of the character who gets beat up without panels.
    To be fair, she was injured... and she's hot.

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