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Thread: Manga: Veritas

  1. #101
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Chapter 72 is out, second chapter following a brief time-skip.

  2. #102
    Really long chapter... I really want to see Gang kicking some real ass. I really am not following much of what is going on, but let's get some interesting fights in here. With the new facility, hopefully we'll see more Vera also.

  3. #103
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The plan by the Nine Dragon's members (Rud, Jahee, Gangryong, Honse, Paul, etc) was to fight the other Student Council Members (Vera, Shinra, Guhoo, Yuhwa, Madoka) so that they could have a high enough voting percentage to oust Vera from the Presidency. They really only need to place Gangryong and Honse on the Council to gain a high enough majority.

    But...Paul has intended to betray the Nine Dragons for a considerable time (loyal to Fire Dragon). Madoka is loyal to Vera's presidency, but she is friendly to the Nine Dragons side of things. Shinra has switched sides to Fire Dragon recently because she now has an option to gain more power than she previously believed. He co-opted her when she was forced into isolation training along with Guhoo by Vera. She intends to use Paul and the Nine Dragons to oust Vera and install herself as a willing puppet to Fire Dragon, who will be training her directly in return.

    So, best guess at the array of various factions and forces:

    Vera's Presidency: Vera, Yuhwa (puppet master), Mu Young (bandage guy), Earth Beast
    (anti-Yuri, anti-Fire Dragon, pro-Vera, generally neutral toward Gangryong)

    Nine Dragons: Rud, Jahee, Honse, Gangryong, Hyunmi (scarf girl), Guesong [deceased]
    (anti-Vera, pro-Gangryong, anti-Fire Dragon)

    Fire Dragon controls Reunion: Fire Dragon, Shinra, Guhoo (following Shinra), Paul
    (very pro-Yuri [just Fire Dragon], anti-Vera, generally anti-Gangryong)

    Neutral: Madoka (pro-Vera, anti-Fire Dragon, pro-Gangryong, idealistically naive).
    Hayato (anti-Vera, anti-Fire Dragon, generally anti-Gangryong, probably anti-Yuri).
    Gangryong (pro-Gangryong, generally neutral toward all others).

    Hayato and Gangryong both want to master their respective arts, and they're happy to defeat anyone who gets in their way. Hayato is more invested toward hating others because he has been affected by them more. Gangryong doesn't have the same weight of the past that Hayato does, so he is very neutral. He wants to defeat Vera, but he doesn't despise her the way the others do.

  4. #104
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Time to update the thread a bit

    73 and 74 are out on OneManga.
    Veritas 73

    And Gangryong is just so fucking boss.

  5. #105
    Yeah, he's awesome. They should make a manga with just him and Oga from Beelzebub.

  6. #106

    Setup chapter... but what a way to end it.

  7. #107
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Always knew Honse had to be some kind of monster. I mean back in the day he was considered to be a major threat to Vera. They had him seal his own Ki to prevent him from overcoming Vera one day. And since his Ki paths were healed some time ago....Let's just say I wonder what kind of awesome arts he would have to stand a chance against Vera. Wouldn't be surprised if it was similar to EOTL

  8. #108
    I think Vera will kick ass easily.

  9. #109
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That Guhoo flashback sure shows how much of a complete bitch Yuri was. Not only will she not allow her little sister to embarrass her through facing a true opponent, she won't even allow the guy doing the dirty work the satisfaction either. She went out of her way to tell him that she is the reason Guhoo beat Ancella.

    Yeah, I also think Vera will win, but I'm not going to say she'll win easily without seeing exactly how Honse fights. It took a whole crew of them to beat him and lock down his Ki channels, as well as betraying him if I remember right.

    But I still think that in order to beat Heaven's Riches, another Ki manipulating art is necessary. EOTL is one of them, Northern Broad Strike being the other.

    I'm rather interested in Gangryong's fight with Yunhwa. She is usually a support fighter, I'm rather curious how she handles the front lines. Gangryong is pretty stupid, so she should trick him once or twice.

  10. #110
    The reason I think Vera will win easily, and if not that, at least quite handily is because she still needs to be seen as real practical impossibility for Gangryong.

    I think Vera will just toy with Honse, and Honse will get a good shots in, then she'll get serious and wipe the floor with him.

    I mean, I think we'll see how badass Honse really is before Vera beats him while showing a big gap between them.

    I also have suspicion that we'll never see that fight because we'll get distracted by something else.

    Those are my current predicted scenarios.

    I also like how everyone keeps making Vera in to the villian, when all is said and done almost none of this have been of her doing... in fact, people going against her wishes. But she just rolls with it and faces all the challenges thrown at her head on.

    I really like here and don't want to see her fight Honse since he's another favorite.

  11. #111
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Yeah i don't think this whole Honse vs Vera fight is going to work out either. Yuri has that "final boss" vibe and i'm almost certain that Gangryong and Vera is going to team up to take her down.

    The problem right now is that nobody really respects Gangryong even though he's pretty damn strong. I mean he improved tremendously but he's definitely no where near Vera level yet, so we might see a break through from him in this coming match.

  12. #112
    You know what I would like? Gangryong going after Honse, beating him and then going after Vera himself to test himself. I mean, he'll probably be pissed that Honse was keeping this a secret from him when he was looking for tough oppenents to test himself with.

  13. #113
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Actually I wouldn't be too surprised if he actually does that. But Honse watched Gangryong train and helped him train aswell. I thought Gangryong also explained a few things bout EOTL to Honse if I recall correctly. And since EOTL is one of the arts that could beat Heaven's Riches, he could very well use a bit of that.

  14. #114
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Isn't the difference there that only Gangryong was taught the breathing technique? Honse belittled it a number of times, but the purity of Gangryong's Ki is what makes EOTL strong. Unless I'm mistaken, Gangryong was instructed to keep that to himself, and has stood by it.

    I'm standing by my suspicion that with Vera getting drained that her strength relies heavily on the same principle of ultra-pure Ki, instead of the multiple sexagenary that everyone else has. Lightinng Tiger may have undone the seal that Yuri placed on Vera, but his attack also left her drained. That let her slowly build back her strength.

    No matter who may seem to have the edge, it is going to be a brutal fight for sure.

  15. #115

    I don't know how I feel about them fooling them from the beginning... I thought it would've been more badass if Honse would've simply recovered somehow. But whatever, loved Vera's reaction at the end.

    Last edited by Munsu; Tue, 08-10-2010 at 10:26 AM.

  16. #116
    Here's 78:

    Things look to be getting exciting, I really want to see Gangryong fight against one of these guys.

  17. #117
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Unless I misunderstood something, I was assuming the reason Fire Dragon wanted Gangryong on the roof was a last-ditch effort to wake Yuri up. Fire Dragon is touching her, and the Ki is not electrocuting him. I was under the impression that Gangryong barely drained her of the overflowing energy. He took a moderate amount out and at the same time managed to survive. Wasn't she still loaded with energy?

    There's no way to be sure though. Fire Dragon is always pretty opaque about his motives aside from pro-Yuri and anti-Vera.

    Either that or he's hoping Gangryong displaying Lightning Tiger's skills will startle them enough for him to escape with Yuri.

  18. #118
    Chapter 79

    Bad ass chapter.

  19. #119
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Shit just got real! Fun to see how the only one who is a actual traditional martial artist is Gangryong.

  20. #120
    And this is how shit really hits the fan... it kinda reminds me of Berserk.

    From what I understand there are only 2 chapters left in what is considered Part 1 of the series.

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