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Thread: Manga: Veritas

  1. #41
    The Fallen Abdula's Avatar
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    I was expecting him to lose, it was apparent from the start that that guy was completely different from the girl Gangryong fought before and Gangryong just doesn't have anything strong enough to take him out yet. So like I said I was expecting him to lose and get beaten up pretty badly but tattooing him to the ceiling was a bit much.

    That said I'm really starting to like these guys, I thought the nine dragons were mostly just full of it but if Gangryong joins up with them they could be a real powerhouse.
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  2. #42
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Damn...he seriously got his ass kicked. Not just a little. The -get-kicked-into-the-ceiling-and-staying-there kind of ass kicked. Damn...he's barely alive. But on the brightside we see someone who seems to know something bout the Lightning Tiger. That's what I think anyway.

  3. #43
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 05-22-2009 at 12:37 PM.

  4. #44
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Geusong is really weird. The dumbass mask he wears makes me want to hate him, but I guess that is the idea, no one would take him seriously, the same way Gangryong always surprises them (and occasionally wins) because they all think he is a jackass.

    Young Madoka and young Shinra were cute. Back before Shinra turned into a total bitch. I like that Madoka's mission is to reunite the two factions so everyone has the possibility to be friends again, rather than the arrogant separatists they have become. Her vision is a little naive after what we've already seen in flashbacks, but it seems she has nasty skills to back it up with.

    If Gangryong ever perfects his breathing techniques, and maybe figures out the lightning bolt attacks, he is going to be a true force to contend with. I wonder how someone in the higher levels with some absurd number of sexangery worth of "dirty" artificial ki will act once they see the effects of his ultra-purified ki? Of course, he'd still have to fight like a rabid dog, or he wouldn't be the Gangryong we all know and love.

  5. #45
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    More rabid dog goodness.

    Veritas 36


    Very much an exposition chapter. Detailing the inner working of Gangryong's ki. I do like that because of what Vera did to him, the other damage he has sustained, and then combined with the fact that he waited so long to begin training...actually makes his ki that much purer. It is dramatically harder for him to get quantities of ki, but when he does get it, he can pull nearly as much energy out of it that the artificial users with huge quantities can.

    ...Now that I look at it, pretty much what I said right above, and Shinra will be the first of the well-informed Reunion fighters to see it.

    Judging by the chapter titles, this will be a very Madoka heavy volume, which is never a bad thing.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 05-28-2009 at 08:22 PM.

  6. #46
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Is this a sign of a huge power-up? Has Gangryong's Ki channels finally opened? As much as I enjoy his rabid dog fighting style, he has never really used EOTL effectively, mainly because he can only use such a limited amount of skills. Maybe this is the turning point where he can start doing fancier and more powerful attacks.
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  7. #47

  8. #48
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I hope he learns to use this skill. I hate skills that only come out because of luck or strong emotion. Unreliable weapons are not weapons at all.
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  9. #49
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Veritas 38


    Interesting to say the least.

    It is starting to make me wonder if Lightning Tiger and Gangryong aren't the only ones who seem to realize that artificial ki isn't the right way to go. Shinra seems content to avoid it due to the now-obvious risks that are involved in using it improperly. But after this chapter, even though it was on the subject of fairness to other students, Vera has not showed that she particularly cares about that sort of thing when it concerns the development of her skills or Reunion's cause.

    Maybe her Heaven's Riches art also required purified ki instead of just huge amounts of it. Her specailized techniques are no less flashy and than high-level ETOL and also use energy blasts rather than direct or close contact.

    I don't remember if they ever mentioned a quantity of sexagenry worth of ki for her, so I could be wrong.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Thu, 06-11-2009 at 06:35 PM.

  10. #50
    Can you refresh me on how Anichella lost? Did they cheat to beat her? Can't remember the details well, other than Rud blaming himself or something.

    Interesting that the two guys that plotted against Honse are the two that seem closest to him currently (Madoka and Guesong) from the old Council.

  11. #51
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I don't think it was mentioned. it will probably be clarified later on.
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  12. #52

  13. #53
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That was a really intense chapter.

    I'm really confused as to who is allied to whom, and who we should root for aside from Gangryong. Madoka seemed like she was very close to Vera before, but when she first appeared, she seemed like she would be an enemy to Vera. Now I really have no idea where she stands. Honse is probably the closest thing to an ally, but he's clearly opposed to Vera and her faction. At the same time, Vera isn't directly opposed to Gangryong, she's just after ETOL and about keeping order. She's even done a *few* minor things to aid Gangryong (like not kicking him out or calling off vengeance). Shinra doesn't seem to be that bad of a person either, she certainly pays her debts, and she's simply fiercely loyal to Vera. Rudd and friends seem more and more like they are just using Gangryong to get back at Vera and her underlings. Fire Dragon (or whatever his name is) is just using Gangryong to get the secrets of ETOL before Vera does, but at least Gangryong already recognizes this.

    ...and clearly, Guesong is the worst of all of them.

    As for this chapter itself, Vera came off very cool. She called out Guesong's selfishness perfectly. Vera might be rather authoritarian, but she definitely belongs at the top, and possesses the demeanor and insight to be there. Vera earned her place.

    The inter-personal relationships are a total mess now that we are learning a little bit more how things really are. I'm sure they will throw us for many more twists in who is "good" and who is "evil." The more we see, it's only becoming more obvious how little we know, and much much less Gangryong will know. Hopefully he won't get used too badly.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    That was a really intense chapter.

    I'm really confused as to who is allied to whom, and who we should root for aside from Gangryong. Madoka seemed like she was very close to Vera before, but when she first appeared, she seemed like she would be an enemy to Vera. Now I really have no idea where she stands. Honse is probably the closest thing to an ally, but he's clearly opposed to Vera and her faction. At the same time, Vera isn't directly opposed to Gangryong, she's just after ETOL and about keeping order. She's even done a *few* minor things to aid Gangryong (like not kicking him out or calling off vengeance). Shinra doesn't seem to be that bad of a person either, she certainly pays her debts, and she's simply fiercely loyal to Vera. Rudd and friends seem more and more like they are just using Gangryong to get back at Vera and her underlings. Fire Dragon (or whatever his name is) is just using Gangryong to get the secrets of ETOL before Vera does, but at least Gangryong already recognizes this.

    ...and clearly, Guesong is the worst of all of them.

    As for this chapter itself, Vera came off very cool. She called out Guesong's selfishness perfectly. Vera might be rather authoritarian, but she definitely belongs at the top, and possesses the demeanor and insight to be there. Vera earned her place.

    The inter-personal relationships are a total mess now that we are learning a little bit more how things really are. I'm sure they will throw us for many more twists in who is "good" and who is "evil." The more we see, it's only becoming more obvious how little we know, and much much less Gangryong will know. Hopefully he won't get used too badly.
    I don't have anything to add. I'm as confused as you are, especially when you consider how the characters are allied at the moment. Don't know why Honse would be hanging out with Guesong. Also, I have my doubts that Honse is fully fucked up.

  15. #55
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    How can Guesong actually rape Vera? Wouldn't he get killed the moment he tries to open his fly? Knocking her out first is one thing, but doing it while she is conscious is suicide.

    Gangryong needs some more interaction with the opposite sex. While it is slightly amusing, I'm tired of him hanging out with Honse 90% of the time.
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  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    How can Guesong actually rape Vera? Wouldn't he get killed the moment he tries to open his fly? Knocking her out first is one thing, but doing it while she is conscious is suicide.

    Gangryong needs some more interaction with the opposite sex. While it is slightly amusing, I'm tired of him hanging out with Honse 90% of the time.
    Well, isn't Vera kinda messed up at the moment hence why everyone is doing all these backhanded stuff to ensure that she wins?

  17. #57
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Oh, was that mentioned before? Or is it speculated from how everyone is acting? Maybe I skipped a chapter or something.
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  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Oh, was that mentioned before? Or is it speculated from how everyone is acting? Maybe I skipped a chapter or something.
    It was mentioned when she refused to take artificial ki in the hospital, and she has been beating everyone in the tournament without using her ki. That she's actually still messed up is another thing, but I don't think Guesong would have gone as far as he has gone if Vera had been at the top of her game, especially with Madoka being in there also.

  19. #59
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Oh, was that mentioned before? Or is it speculated from how everyone is acting? Maybe I skipped a chapter or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    It was mentioned when she refused to take artificial ki in the hospital, and she has been beating everyone in the tournament without using her ki. That she's actually still messed up is another thing, but I don't think Guesong would have gone as far as he has gone if Vera had been at the top of her game, especially with Madoka being in there also.
    When Lightning Tiger attacked her in a earlier flashback chapter, which they didn't show again, he gave her the scar that rips down her back, but as we learned in the previous chapter, it also temporarily destroyed/sealed all of her ki at the worst possible time, right before a tournament. It's what we've seen Gangryong do to a few level 6's, but on an astronomically larger scale.

    But Munsu brings up a good point, Vera isn't completely helpless now either. She got up to the semi-finals in the tourament with traditional (non-energy) attacks all on her own. Her "friends" only had to intervene at the upper level. While Guesong with energy attacks is probably stronger than she is now, she certainly is far from helpless.

    Somehow they did manage to cram him into an isolation chamber, which Shinra remarked he escaped from some time since they put him into it and present day.

  20. #60
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, I forgot all about her Ki channels being sealed by Lightning Tiger.

    I still hope that Vera didn't get violated. That would suck. I'm pretty sure Madoka will make Guesong suffer either way, but I don't want Vera suffering such a fate.
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