Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:04 AM
Thanks a bunch, I'll make some stuff up, throw some subjects at me 
Err I also edited the first one, It might sound better
A Life Long Wait
Never wanting to hurt you I did.
Afraid that you weren't happy,
I ran from the problems there were.
We need each other more then ever,
But forever didn't seem for sure.
No matter what I said I will stay,
Just because I always need you,
Yet I know you need me too.
As I lay in the damp grass I pray,
Only to be there when you see,
There I will be, waiting under that tree.
Staring into the abyss,
Waiting for the day we'll be together again.
That day where we can share that kiss,
We shared with each other long ago.
For I hope that day will come soon,
But for now I can only wait for you.
Neither of us feel at home,
Because we both know we're alone.
K :-/
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:07 AM
Lets see can you write a poem about having sex..but making it clean
or a poem about ninjas
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:12 AM
Hmmm... Lets see... Ninjas I'll make sex next 
There they wait in the sky...
Stealth like a bird,
Then begin to fly.
From house to house,
From roof to roof;
They show off talents,
Then begin to move.
Striking last of their prey,
They have no longer to stay.
No sweat on their face,
They leave with no trace.
Stealth Ninjas own. 
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:13 AM
ANBU Captain
Tippo <span style='color:green'><span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!</span></span>
That ninja poem was great!!!
*shining teeth*
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:15 AM
You are my god!! That was great! I can't wait for the sex poem now
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:23 AM
Lol, thanks a bunch... Ok I'll try with sex. lol.
A silent kiss with tender care,
Lures itself into a slender lair.
Soft as a bunny,
Hard as a rock.
They begin to move,
Resembling a flock.
Passion rises as they fall,
With love all over,
They begin to crawl.
Heat steams the room,
With sweat all over...
They can just resume.
Finally it ends,
With a kiss and a shove.
Just goes to show,
How people make love.
Hehehe, I totally did this one fast.
Hope you like it.
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:26 AM
You are the greatest!!! Give me some of your talent!!!!!!! Please
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:30 AM
Rawr I wish I had the ability to win back girls >:|
Well thank you very much
*Hands over a lump of brain*
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:30 AM
I Once Kissed You[U]
I once kissed you
Now I scorn you
You once gave me everything
Now you give me nothing
We once cared about how and where the sun rised and set in our skies
Now we could care less if it even came up at all
I once held you in my small arms
Now I would strangle you with the hands that are bound by them
You once cried when I almost left this world
Now you would laugh
We once created memories together
Now we try desperately to make them disappear
Ok I am not as talented as you help me!!! I have another one I wrote when I was a senior in high school..it is funny..if i find it i will post
now write about drinking apple juice
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:31 AM
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:35 AM
Oh boo. Haha, I'll try even though I've only surfed a few times.
As the bright sun hits the water,
Wave by wave goes in.
Awaiting the time of sin.
Taking to water,
You're determined to win.
You fight the waves with great power,
Yet the ocean starts it's devour.
Slowly it comes to an end,
Heart beating fast,
The ocean becomes your friend.
Erm I wouldn't know, so I hope you like it.
(school sucked
Wed, 12-03-2003, 02:37 AM
have fun at school!! thanks for being so kind!
well i guess i should go to bed too! can't wait for those poems tommorrow
Wed, 12-03-2003, 03:07 AM
WOW! tippo you are a seriously talented man. The same goes for you gamakichi. have faith in your self.
P.S. Any one can post there peorty in this thread?
Wed, 12-03-2003, 03:14 AM
Yes. done with homework now bed.
Anything you want to post, just make it clean
Its fun and gets your nerves out
Wed, 12-03-2003, 04:35 AM
"I am the shadow walking around..
I am the shadow evry one is talking about.
I am the shadow who walkes silently around.
Even the cat dont notise me now.
I walk in the late night.
Even in the rain.
I walk around in the forrest,
and the trees wiphers my name."
I always walk in total black with a long black cope.
Evry body in the neighborhood is afraid of me.
So this is my poem.
Wed, 12-03-2003, 04:45 AM
ANBU Captain
ghehe, this is like a 2 person tread
Wed, 12-03-2003, 09:08 AM
I had to make sure that you were really my poetry god!! Your great!! Elite Hentai: Yeah but I think it would be great if more people put some stuff up..and everyone that has is very talented!
Wed, 12-03-2003, 10:40 AM
ok i have a short break between classes and i was bored! thank you for being so sweet to me.I just have to tell you all that you have mad skills!!!!
Tippo: can you write a poem about surfing?
I surf all the time but i can't think of a cool way to put it into writing..please help me God!!
Wed, 12-03-2003, 12:50 PM
I'm sure lots of people out there are GREAT at poetry. My time for forgetting begins.
Wed, 12-03-2003, 01:20 PM
You know what, I'm suprised nobody even put one up. I bet lots of you out there are gifted poets. So put up your poetry
I just whiped this one up quickly.
Never wanting to hurt you I did.
Afraid that you weren't happy,
I ran from the problems there were.
We need each other more then ever,
But forever didn't seem for sure.
No matter what I say I will stay,
Just because I always need you.
In the green grass I shall lay,
Only to be there when you see,
There I will be forever under that tree.
Staring into the abyss,
Waiting for the day we will be together again.
That day where we can share that kiss,
We shared with each other long ago.
For I hope that day will come soon,
But for now I can only wait for you.
Show us what you're made of!
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