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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Fansubs 2009

  1. #1

    Naruto Shippuuden Fansubs 2009

    Well DB is apparently not doing Naruto anymore. Use this thread to comment on the different fansubs coming out, and I would appreciate it if people gave their impressions on the releases they've been watching.

    So in other words, what version of Naruto should I be watching from now on? I'm not up to date on the anime, so it's a bit hard for me at the moment to check all this versions out.

  2. #2
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I have watched the last couple of eps from HorribleSubs. They are just crutchroll rips but good enough for me. So, the quality of subs is that of usual commercian subs. Most importantly, they are out fast.

  3. #3
    I'm see Taka being mentioned frequently... are they translating themselves? Using crunchyroll subs? How are those comparing to the rest?

  4. #4
    I have been grabbing the 1080p releases from HorribleSubs and I think they are at least in terms of the quality of the subs equal to what DB has had in the past if not maybe a tad bit better? Definite like the fonts a lot better. Also did a quick comparison between DB episode 91 and HS episode 91 and it could be because of the 1080p vs non 1080p, but when full screened on my monitor the 1080p version looks a bit sharper. So I am definitely liking the image quality.

  5. #5
    You're guessing that in a comparison between 1080p and non-1080p there is a slight chance the reason that the 1080p one is sharper is because of the resolution (1080p)?


    Personally I just stream the videos from whatever site pops up first in google, can't even remember which ones I usually come across. Naruto just isn't worth the space anymore after all the filler hell, early shippuuden drawing out and now refillering when they have enough material to go at an insanely awesome manga chapter to episode ratio which would make the episodes action packed like no other anime. But they're not, because they're milking it for all it's worth and I don't care enough to keep the episodes anymore.

    </bitter rant>
    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  6. #6
    Ha funny but the thing it is upscaled to that resolution I am sure of it. And not all upscales are of high quality. If however the source stream was @ 1080p, then the quality is actually pretty bad. Hence why I posted what I posted.

  7. #7
    By upscaled do you mean that you set it to full screen? Sure the resolution matches your desktop which is higher than the video but the crispness of higher resolutions can't be so easily duplicated as upscaling.

    I guarantee you that DB did nothing that increased the resolution near 1080p, you can tell this by the native resolution of the movie file. Right click the video, properties, Summary. If they purposefully reduced the resolution to the 480 that they release at there is no way way to get it back from that file. You can interpolate but it isn't the same at all.
    Last edited by Jessper; Sat, 01-17-2009 at 09:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Haha. Upscaling means the encoder (could be even the original ripper) takes a video (raw) of lesser resolution and during encoding increases the resolution to whatever is desidered. This, of course, brings no new information to the video and thus doesn't actually increase the quality at all, unless some filter configuration benefits from the increased resolution.

    Upscaling was more common in the past when HD airings of shows weren't yet so regular and thus some episodes aired in SD were upscaled for whatever reason to HD. Also, sometimes DVD rips were upscaled to HD as if that would somehow make them cooler.

  9. #9
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Upscaling doesn't happen during the encoding process >_>, it happens during the decoding process.
    And an upscaled picture can ( and most times does) look better because most of the time it goes through motion compensation, noise reduction and image sharpness enhancement.

  10. #10
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I bow to your wisdom, DS. Obviously you were behind those fake HDs back then.

  11. #11
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    , you got me...

  12. #12
    So are all of these new releases using the scripts from crunchyroll? Any comments on the typesetting? On the timing? Editing/translations? Encoding is the least of my worries at the moment.

  13. #13
    @munsu, they are doing a good enough job. It is comparable to DB, but a tad better IMHO.

    As for the other guys talking about encoding, I admit I am a bit of a newb to it all. But upscaling can sometimes potentially look crisp, depends on what is doing the upscaling. I have my drivers set to upscale instead of having my monitor handling it on its own. My native resolution is 2560 x 1600 so going up from 1920 x 1080 its quite a big jump. Bascially when it gets upscaled from the default resolution, with the HorribleSubs releases I dont see any increased artifacts at all. However I did with the DB releases since they were a lot smaller in resolution anyway. SO I guess the moral of the story is upscaling can only do so much. I am quite interested if the HorribleSubs folk take the same source as DB used to and if they just re-encode it and release it at 1080p...or whether they are actually using a 1080p source....

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by digitalrurouni
    @munsu, they are doing a good enough job. It is comparable to DB, but a tad better IMHO.
    better in what way?

    .................................................. sig made by KitKat ..................................................

  15. #15
    Watched HorribleSubs release of episode 92 and noticed some timing issues, otherwise a solid release.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Oniken
    Watched HorribleSubs release of episode 92 and noticed some timing issues

    ...and you didnt give us the playback time of them? have you no attention to detail?

  17. #17
    I already watch HS release. It's okay for me. I also curious to know about Taka release. Any comment about Taka compared to HS release?

    I also read a comment from mininova. They said AnimeBento version is just like DB version. So, lets check to it.

    Already watch AnimeBento release. It's a colourful subs. Each character with different color. Sometimes i'm not feel comfortable to read the subs.
    Last edited by capoi; Sun, 01-18-2009 at 08:52 AM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Mugen
    better in what way?
    Well I like their fonts better for a start and thats a personal thing. And their translation seems a bit more accurate than some of DB's stuff. But I guess the biggest thing for me is the 1080p...I am a resolution whore therefore I lean a bit more towards HS. That answer you question?

  19. #19
    HS ftw in my opinon. I was about to start a topic about this and ran into this. I say, what it took DB 200 episodes to do, HS will figure out next epidsode or two. Just go back to Db's start and compare the two. Night and day difference. I did notice a timing difference and the translations weren't as crisp, but still it didnt' take away from the actual anime, which is the whole point.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot
    HS ftw in my opinon. I was about to start a topic about this and ran into this. I say, what it took DB 200 episodes to do, HS will figure out next epidsode or two. Just go back to Db's start and compare the two. Night and day difference. I did notice a timing difference and the translations weren't as crisp, but still it didnt' take away from the actual anime, which is the whole point.
    Easier when you don't do any of the actual work I suppose.

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