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Thread: RideBack

  1. #61
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Hey guys, what subbers do you recommend? Both HD and SD if groups are releasing one format exclusively, if you don't mind, since I'm low on downloads.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #62
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Stick with Frostii (Froth-bite / Ureshii). Most people in the thread seem to be sticking with them now that I-Z fell behind. I've been archiving Frostii anyway.

    Frostii releases in both definitions.

  3. #63
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Thanks for that. I'll probably catch up with you guys in a week or two.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  4. #64
    I have been using Seriously's fansubs and they are doing an awesome job as well. Definitely archiving them. Though I am a stickler for details and they have not subbed the first few episodes so to make my collection homogeneous I may have to go with Frostii...

  5. #65
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by digitalrurouni
    I have been using Seriously's fansubs and they are doing an awesome job as well. Definitely archiving them.
    I'll have to give them a shot I suppose.

  6. #66
    I just downloaded the subs from Frostii and their quality is pretty awesome. They sure have spent some time getting all the japanese texts in the show trnslated in english as well. I am switching over!

  7. #67
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Yeah, frostii is the best, but they are slooow at releasing.

  8. #68
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    aw dang. what an episode. episode 6 was awesome.

    this is actually what i was expecting the entire series to be like from the start.. kinda sad it doesn't get here until ep 6, and i doubt we'll see more episodes like this.

    at the beginning when the reporter guy is like "oh hey, i found that rideback girl" and starts telling the female reporter about it, i was so glad. That's how it should have been done at the beginning. not have the female reporter run off to interview the blond rideback chick who wasn't involved. I'm glad they added that, because it fixes my main complaint about the previous episode...

    lol, i kind of wonder what stemmed this rampage through the town.. it would have been better to get a bit more info on the background of it i guess, in stead of just showing the little brother at the arcade, and then next thing you know they're just breaking cars with bats and pipes.. it was awesome, just kinda seemed unwarranted. but awman, when the dude was surrendering, and then the whiterider just slashed him, that was intense. and it shows the watch on the ground.

    i didn't get the white riders at all.. at first i thought they were fully robot, but then at one shot it was like they had riders, so i thought they were just normal ridebacks with cops riding them. but then you realize that they were just parked on the side of the road in the back of a truck? how/why would the riders be there in the truck? but then it shows the rider on the ground coughing up blood, which settles it but still leaves the previous question unanswered.

    overall it was an awesome episode, with awesome music and animation.

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  10. #70
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Uhhuh. I thought it pretty obvious whoever got the bikes for the gang was working for the military. He simply looked for some hooligans, gave them the bikes in return for some vandalism, and then informed the military everything was set for the first test. The military was then obviously waiting for with the white ridebacks. At least it very much seemed that way to me.

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Uhhuh. I thought it pretty obvious whoever got the bikes for the gang was working for the military. He simply looked for some hooligans, gave them the bikes in return for some vandalism, and then informed the military everything was set for the first test. The military was then obviously waiting for with the white ridebacks. At least it very much seemed that way to me.
    Yep agreed as well. They were just bait, scape goats, fall guys, etc etc

  12. #72
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Uhhuh. I thought it pretty obvious whoever got the bikes for the gang was working for the military. He simply looked for some hooligans, gave them the bikes in return for some vandalism, and then informed the military everything was set for the first test. The military was then obviously waiting for with the white ridebacks. At least it very much seemed that way to me.
    well yeah, i figured that was the reason that the guy gave them the bikes and flares and stuff.

    but what drives them to bash in some random persons windshield? maybe it's just teenage angst coming out, or they're just simple delinquents.. really i guess it's not that strange that they would do it. since basically Rin's brother seemed like the only one who wasn't a regular delinquent.

    after giving it some thought i don't think it's that out of place.

    user posted image

  13. #73

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by narutosharingan
    I'm curious to see what happens to the club leader, and it's weird that he's a leader of a school club. Is he the same age as those around him but has all that military experience, or is he just an older person who is in charge of the club?
    In episode 5 a report shows that he's 37 years old.

    I checked out SRSLY and I like their quality for a quick release. Since I love this show and I'm willing to watch it more than once, I've been watching the quick release from SRSLY and then watching Frostii's release. Frostii does a better job, but SRSLY is way better and faster than I-Z.

    Episode six made me giddy. I especially loved when Rin did that twirl on the ground and tripped the white RideBack.

    I'm downloading episode 7 by Desire-Anon right now to check out it's quality. Once it gets done I'll watch it and edit this post. If it's good I post links to their torrent.

    Edit: I didn't like how they handled some of the names in the translation, personally. It's always been a pet peeve of mine when they translate stuff like Kawai-senpai as Mr. Kawai. The font was horrible. But other than that, it was okay to watch. I'm going to compare it to SRSLY's episode 7 tomorrow.

    [Desire-Anon] RideBack 07 [1280x720][h264].​mkv
    Last edited by RedneckNoob; Mon, 03-02-2009 at 05:14 AM.

  15. #75

  16. #76
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Just watched ep 7 (no SD-version of 8 yet), and...DAMN, i hate Rin. Seriously, SHE is the one character in this show that´s only messing around...and now we, the watchter, are supposed to feel bad for HER situation?
    The one i feel really bad for is her brother. Btw he should have been the lead for this show.
    Call me when there are rape-doujins with Rin, will read day one.

    Also, that military GGP woman looks like a pure whore,....if we´re already talking about pervert things...oh well.

    Or a bit more constructive criticism: I wished this show had more realism. No, of course not "completely" realistic, that´d be boring. But a girl that´s simply breaking into a terrorist attack area, that´s toying around with the military AND is messing with the police force (though that is the only action i accept, because she wanted to help her brother from certain death, if otherwise) and people that accept all that. All that while we have her brother, who´s actually interested in Ride Backs, but gets the backseat AND, for an unknown reason, didnt instantly join the Ride Back-club that Rin got pushed into...oh yeah.

    Maybe "realism" isnt what i want, but...cohesivism. On one hand we have that 100% serious government "side" of the show, on the other we have Rin, who´s acting as if this is some kind of low quality shounen series. Doesnt fit too well, imo.

  17. #77
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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  18. #78
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pandadice
    there's the sd for 8.
    Not actually released by SRSLY, though.

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    oh opps, you're right. says it's unofficial.

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  20. #80
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Just watched ep 7 (no SD-version of 8 yet), and...DAMN, i hate Rin. Seriously, SHE is the one character in this show that´s only messing around...and now we, the watchter, are supposed to feel bad for HER situation?
    The one i feel really bad for is her brother. Btw he should have been the lead for this show.
    Call me when there are rape-doujins with Rin, will read day one.
    I think that's the idea actually. Rin hasn't had any idea what she wants to do with herself since she failed at ballet. Maybe she likes the sensation she gets driving Ridebacks, or maybe it's just the vibrations. Rin was languishing around doing nothing, with no ambitions at all anymore until she accidentally wandered into the Rideback Club's garage.

    The whole series seems to be about Rin finally finguring out what she wants to do with herself, whether she's found a new passion, or maybe even a cause to support. Should she go against the GGP, should she just enjoy Ridebacks for the hell of it like Tamayo?

    As for her brother, while I did feel pretty bad for him the way they were torturing him (permanent hearing loss anyone?), he deserves to be the main character the least. He'd be just another cookie-cutter shonen retard hero. The kind that is really passionate about something already, but doesn't have the money to get into it, then suddenly gets something handed to him. Yeah, he's soooo much more interesting.

    Also, that military GGP woman looks like a pure whore,....if we´re already talking about pervert things...oh well.
    The first time we saw her, the first second thing that popped into my head was how horribly unprofessional she looked for being in the miltary. I love anime chicks with the mole on their cheek like hers, but even if she is a spy (Intelligence Division it seems), no proper military would tolerate that much cleavage in dress uniform. I guess that goes into your realism/cohesiveness complaint.

    All that while we have her brother, who´s actually interested in Ride Backs, but gets the backseat AND, for an unknown reason, didnt instantly join the Ride Back-club that Rin got pushed into...oh yeah.
    Her brother is in high school, Rin and the rest of the Rideback Club are all in University. He lives at home further away, she lives in the dorms and he never talks to yeah.

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