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Thread: RideBack

  1. #41
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    I just watched the first episode of this with my weekly anime group, and got positive responses from everyone (which is actually pretty hard to accomplish with such a varied group as we have) so we'll definitely keep following this one.

  2. #42
    Episode 4 by some random group called Fansubbing Taken Seriously. Watch at your own risk:

  3. #43
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Eh, I'll wait on I-Z. They should be back from Sapporo tomorrow.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Marik
    Eh, I'll wait on I-Z. They should be back from Sapporo tomorrow.
    Man I was waiting for I-Z to do a proper release. They are doing a bangup job as far as I am concerned...Do they have a website by any chance? I tried googling but my google skills seem to suck unfortunately

  5. #45
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Nah, no website, they only have IRC. #infinite-zero @ The last time I went to their IRC they had this message "Episode 4 delayed until next week. Going to Sapporo and will be back Tuesday."

  6. #46
    They have a forum, but the forum is a dead zone and they rarely update it. The forum is always updated last though, so there's better methods of keeping up.

    I'm going to watch the episode 4 and check out the quality and report back on it. If it's poor I'll just stick with Frostii, since their translations make a lot more sense than IZ's.

  7. #47

  8. #48
    Thanks Redneck...I am interested in your feedback.

    Marik what do you think about the random group that is doing the subbing for Rideback?

  9. #49
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    I haven't tried their releases yet. I may take a chance on them soon, if nothing else comes along.

    Edit: Ep 4 by Frostii

    [Frostii]​ RideBack​ -​ 04​ [720p][DEE3ED30].mkv
    [Frostii]​ RideBack​ -​ 04​ [480p][3DC04E19].mp4
    Last edited by Marik; Thu, 02-12-2009 at 06:14 PM.

  10. #50
    Checked out the Fansubbing Taken Seriously releases, and they're actually good. Spotted a couple of spelling/grammar errors, but other than that they seemed to be fine. Probably about the same as I-Z or even a little better.

  11. #51
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I watched Frostii's ep 4, and I have to say Rin is one reckless gal. The soldiers must be predecessors to stormtroopers with their level of accuracy, but I suppose it would have made an even shorted series if they had realistic skills. Despite that, the military was shown in a rather good manner. Or peacekeeping force, whatever they were.

    Ridebacks are really nice machines. This episode showed quite impressive handwork on their part yet again.

  12. #52
    That's ridiculous of Rin. A misunderstanding you can easily resolve. But nooo, she has to get off from some cheap thrill and put her friend in danger. Yeah, if it was realistic they'd be swiss cheese way earlier. (Episode 4 Reactions)
    Last edited by animus; Sat, 02-14-2009 at 01:06 PM.

  13. #53
    I checked out Fansubbing as well and their releases are pretty darn good! Episode 4 was a bit weak...but I can kind of see what it was all about. I just dont think there was any other way around the episode being like that...not something unexpected I guess given the tie-in of the heroine, hostage situation, friend and rideback being right almost expected that to happen. Though I must say that dude with the black rideback...his machine looked like the brand new for this year Ducati street fighter

  14. #54
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 5 by Frostii and Episode 6 by Fansubbing Taken Seriously

    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 02-18-2009 at 07:42 PM.

  15. #55
    Hey thanks for that Marik! I am quite surprised episode 6 is out already! thats what happens when I get a holiday from work on Monday...throws off my sense of time! :P

  16. #56
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    okay episode. i just hope her brother isnt turned into some unimportant side-character, its kind of unfair when a series makes his sister the main character, when he´s really interested in that stuff. oh well, maybe he can become her mechanic later on or such.

    im also glad that she´s finally been captured...or at least i hope thats what happens at the beginning of ep 7. ep 5 was rather ridiculous how she escaped from the whole military, and in this episode it seemed as if a whole fighting-lesson comes with ballet, lol.

    enough childs play :P

  17. #57
    Good episode, shit's starting to hit the fan.

  18. #58
    SRSLY (Fansubbing Taken Seriously) is actually giving us good subs. I'm surprised, to me, they are good enough. Wait, no, they are really good.

    About the show itself. Ridebacks are actually something between Robots and Bikes. It could only be more awesome if it had tits and was on fire.

  19. #59
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I feel bad for Shouko, she's totally traumatized from the attack. Can't really blame her either. Many people were completely crushed by falling debris no less than a 50 feet behind her in the initial attack.

    It seemed like Rin's brother was going to get involved with the terrorists. If they are after Rin too for her riding abilities, she'll probably get lured in having to save her brother or something like that.

    I'm a little dumbstruck that the reporter went after Tamayo (hot dress before the OP btw) instead of Rin. She has the damn photo, and she stood no less than 5 feet from someone who was wearing the same exact dress and sporting the correct hair length. She goes after Tamayo because of the relation her brother has with the GGP. If she only knew who Rin's mother was...

  20. #60
    I have to agree that Rin is ridiculously reckless. That being so, she seems to be pulled into these events because those around her are affected. I'm curious to see what happens to the club leader, and it's weird that he's a leader of a school club. Is he the same age as those around him but has all that military experience, or is he just an older person who is in charge of the club?

    I'm still not sure how Tamayo figures into all of this. Is she spying for her brother, or just looking out for strange events?

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