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Thread: RideBack

  1. #81
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    He'd be just another cookie-cutter shonen retard hero. The kind that is really passionate about something already, but doesn't have the money to get into it, then suddenly gets something handed to him. Yeah, he's soooo much more interesting.
    Well, imo, there are far too few of such shows nowadays. Majority of today´s anime features female leads, which really annoys me by now. And its not as if you couldnt splice up such "typical" scenarios.

    I guess that goes into your realism/cohesiveness complaint.
    That, too, though i was talking more about Rin´s behaviour.

    Her brother is in high school, Rin and the rest of the Rideback Club are all in University. He lives at home further away, she lives in the dorms and he never talks to yeah.
    Ah, i forgot that. Was it mentioned why they didnt talk to each other? Living far from each other isnt really an explanation for that imo.
    And if Ride Back"ing" is as popular in this world as we´re made to believe, i find it hard to believe that there´s no "proper" Ride Back club in her brother´s home area. Oh well...

  2. #82
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Was it mentioned why they didnt talk to each other? Living far from each other isnt really an explanation for that imo.
    And if Ride Back"ing" is as popular in this world as we´re made to believe, i find it hard to believe that there´s no "proper" Ride Back club in her brother´s home area. Oh well...
    She's the semi-famous daughter who was following in her super famous mother's footsteps...and he's her younger, untalented (classical talents anyway) brother, who probably didn't get too much attention from their mother before she died. There's a good chance he's a little resentful. He's also of the age where teenage boys get rebellious, especially if they lack a father figure and live with their grandmother.

    As for why there's no proper RideBack club where he goes to school, remember that these are more expensive versions of sport motorcycles. Did you know anyone who owned a street bike when you were in the last years of high school? I knew two in a school of ~3000 at legal driving age. Most people Rin's brother's age can't afford something that expensive. It also looks like they cost a lot of time and money to maintain, more like helicopters or racing bikes than a normal street bike.

    Except for Tamayo's and Okakura's, the RideBacks used by the club are communal. Rin gets to use Fuego more exclusively because she's the only one who can actually keep it upright.

  3. #83

  4. #84

  5. #85
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    oh crap.. i saw the [Desire] release of episode 10 and got it thinking it was the next one.. after watching it I went to my MAL to update, and I noticed it still said 8, so I was like "huh. guess i never updated?" and so i checked my files to see if I had ep 9, and i don't...

    so i just skipped ep 9 and watched 10... dang it, thats annoying.

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  6. #86
    heres the link for episode 10 by Desire, its DDL:
    "Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)

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  7. #87

  8. #88
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It was obvious what would happen as soon as the protesters started confusing Suzuri for The RideBack Girl, but I didn't expect them go down that road. On the other hand, I'm also pleasantly surprised that Rin's reaction to all this is to retreat even further from wanting to get back onto Feugo. She blames herself for encouraging her, and setting an example for recklessness. It's also far more natural reaction for someone like Rin's character, as opposed to the more commonly seen Anger and Revenge cycle. Suzuri is the kind of person who would do that anyway, but it's the appropriate reaction for Rin to take.

    Shouko is going to need so much therapy after all that she's been through in the past few months.

    I was surprised that the GGP Whore (still haven't figured out her name) is out to depose her own boss for reasons mostly unknown at this point. Everyone is against that Authoritarian backstabber.

  9. #89
    Please, dont let them bring the dead back to life. It would feel terrible.

    " Oh it was just a flesh wound. "
    " Oh noes decoy shi- Rideback. "

  10. #90
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    I really dont like how one-dimensional all of the story is. Of course, there´s some mystery going on in the background, but as far as it is related to Rin....WHAT kind of super-pussying was that scene, where the 2 guys and Suzuri kept talking about HOW great Rin is? SIGH. That scene was awful.

    And then Suzuri...i really hoped she´d become a more integral part of the story, looking back how she was introduced in the very first episode. Now, she´s been sed as a plot device, and in the cheapest possible way. It was totally "NO, KRILLIN!", only that she wont be coming back.
    At least...well,...was she beheaded? To me it really looked like they cut off her head, at least the flying helmet and the big blood fountain would imply that. Rather gross way for an official police unit to stop someone.
    Last edited by MFauli; Sat, 03-21-2009 at 08:15 AM.

  11. #91
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 9 by Frostii

    Last edited by Marik; Sun, 03-22-2009 at 07:22 PM.

  12. #92
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Episode 11 by SRSLY & 10 by Frostii

    Last edited by Marik; Fri, 03-27-2009 at 05:34 PM.

  13. #93
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    [Desire] RideBack 12 [h264][1280x720][DBC22AB3].​mkv
    [Desire] RideBack 12 [XviD][LoReZ].​avi


    I was thinking about waiting for Frostii, but with so many series dropping soon, I figured it'd be better to get some shows finished up first.


    well, I enjoyed these last two episodes. The series really did not start off as I was expecting, and I was highly contemplating whether or not to drop it up to like episode 5 or so. I'm glad a stuck with it, because it really made a comeback, and though most of the time I didn't really care for it, it did have those moments when I thought it was fantastic.

    I'm gonna give it a 6/10.

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  14. #94
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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