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Thread: Asu no Yoichi!

  1. #81
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    American Empire
    As city ninja/samurai series go, no matter how badly they mutilated the manga in these last three episodes, this one was still worlds better than Kage Kara Mamoru.

    Ayame will still always be the best, and as I continue to read the manga, I'm still praying for her ultimate victory.

    While there were plenty of episodes showing that Ayame might not really have the confidence to go for it and win, Ibuki has only shown that she might be Yoichi's choice because she's the de facto leader of the sisters, as with the date episode. She heard Yoichi was going on a date, even if it ultimately was a trap, and she insisted that he go on a "practice date" with her using the excuse that he would embarrass himself, and therefore the school.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sun, 03-29-2009 at 06:23 AM.

  2. #82
    Wait, so what the hell was Torigaya?

  3. #83
    It feels like nothing happened in this series. There were episodes and bad guys. But nothing felt resolved or there felt like there was no real plot.

    And is there going to be a 2nd season?

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