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Thread: Asu no Yoichi!

  1. #61
    For a Wa-san episode, it sure was good. A little history about his past and a famous shounen quote: "When you have someone to protect, you become stronger." I do kind of feel sorry for Wa-san though because he is also falling for the wrong girl with her violent tendencies that dote on Yoichi, who didn't even do anything perverted this episode, but I guess he has his own "good" reasons for those feelings.
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  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yoichi himself isn't actually chasing anybody even though he surely likes to see girls in compromised clothing. I wonder why. Or maybe it's just because he likely won't end up with anybody during the show, following traditional harem comedy traditions.

    A pretty good episode. Too bad for Tsubasa, though.

  3. #63
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The series will likely end before they get to any sort of definitive challenge between Ibuki and Ayame for his affections. Though Wa-san encourages her, Ayame is still way too much in her tsun-tsun phase to try anything. I do love how depressed she gets when she finally builds up enough courage to interact with Yoichi, only to blurt out some nasty lines about how much she hates him on accident. I'm still praying for an Ayame victory though.

    More Angie embarassment too.

  4. #64
    Maybe Ayame is changing her mind after this Wa-san episode. Maybe we'll see. Poor Yoichi has to suffer through Ibuki's crazy violence.

  5. #65
    [CoalGuys-Doremi] Asu no Yoichi! - Episode 9: Download


    Nice episode, but the confusion was certainly not good. I'm glad that Wa-san decided to blurt it out as a misunderstanding, but to hurt Ayame's feelings was just too much. Fortunately, he apologized afterwards.

    The villains finally revealed their faces, and yet another person has been captivated by Ibuki's "charms". That poor fellow doesn't even know the true side to her...
    Last edited by Nadouku; Tue, 03-10-2009 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Added an episode synopsis.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  6. #66
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Is this series seriously driving Ayame and Wa-san together, or just fooling around? Well, despite the short moment of sympathy, Wa-san isn't really interested at all, so I guess it's a moot point. Harder to say about Ayame, with the tsundere tangle of emotions.

    Popsicle seemed to be good, in any case.

  7. #67
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's not the way I took it. Wa-san felt bad about hurting Ayame that way, hitting her weak point about being inferior to Ibuki, but he was able to pinpoint what her issues actually were in a remarkable display of insight.

    Rather than sympathizing with her, he actually insulted her more by calling her a coward who gives up before she starts because she thinks she might lose. He gives her a gift then by running off with Ibuki. He satisfies his objectives, and gives Ayame a hand in her crush.

    From Ayame's standpoint, I don't think it is a matter of love no matter what. This was more an issue of her inferiority complex towards Ibuki than matters of love. She was more shocked by the fact that the confession wasn't for Ibuki, and crushed when she found out it was. Then she was surprised that he apologized for it, and gave her a little advice. I doubt she'll be falling in love with him any time soon. For how embarrassed she still gets over Yoichi, she's got a long way to fall for Wa-san instead. He basically called her out for declaring a loss before the race started. I think that her push for Yoichi's affections may finally start in earnest.

    As much as Ayame is still my favorite, the best part of this episode was Sexy Catgirl Angie.

  8. #68
    Crazy theory, but putting it out there...

    6:51: You seem to be getting smaller and smaller lately.

    The fact that Torigaya is shrinking in height may prove to be a factor later in the story. Plus, in the OP (1:10), he is shown to be wearing a cat-ear hat during a short transition with a fox-like facial expression.

    Maybe I am overanalyzing it too much, but it seems that Torigaya is a shady character (with his brilliant insight as demonstrated in this episode by explicitly explaining to Washizu that Ayame has feelings for Yoichi [which is considered to be above-average intelligence in regards to a harem-comedy anime]).

    I feel that he is actually a cunning man who used Washizu's trick to get Yoichi and Ibuki together during the Summer festival in order to for them to win the planted Hot Springs Prize. Something tells me that Torigaya is actually a henchman of the Saginomiya's. After all, is there not a similarity between the fox masks the Saginomiya's and the hat that Torigaya wears? In addition, maybe his ninja arts and whatnot has repercussions of a shrinkage in height. Finally, if Washizu has no friends due to his infamous delinquency, how and why is Torigaya reaching out to Washizu as a friend in the first place?

    Aside from my crazy antics, the episode was fairly enjoyable and I more or less hope that Ukyo does not end up becoming friends with the Ikaruga's and Yoichi, which would destroy the entire plot of the series so far.

  9. #69
    It's hard to compare Torigaya because he usually stands at an awkward angle, but at 5:43, when he is shown with Wa-san, he's actually below Wa-san's shoulder length, which leads me to suspect that he's already a small character to begin with. Also, at 21:23, Torigaya is shown to be almost the same height as Chihaya, but that doesn't tell us much, or does it?

    You just might be overanalyzing, but it's hard to rub my eyes off the truth that he does transition into a fox-like face in the opening. However, not enough evidence is shown, so I do not believe that he's part of the Saginomiya plans (until further proven by latter episodes).

    Quote Originally Posted by enkoujin
    Finally, if Washizu has no friends due to his infamous delinquency, how and why is Torigaya reaching out to Washizu as a friend in the first place?
    During a flashback in episode 8, Torigaya admired Wa-san's strength, so he was the first person that ever approached Wa-san calmly and... Wa-san had a friend. His first friend.
    I am training in the shadows.
    Currently playing: All of your games, probably.

  10. #70
    [Chihiro] Asu no Yoichi! - Episode 10 AVI: Download
    [Chihiro] Asu no Yoichi! - Episode 10 MKV: Download


    The usual "hot spring" episode, but gearing more towards Ayami x Yoichi, which is far more interesting than Ibuki, who just really isn't a likable character.

    Of course, the villains messed up on the personality traits, so Yoichi was better prepared, and recycling through all of the enemies was pure comedy.
    Last edited by Nadouku; Sun, 03-15-2009 at 04:24 AM. Reason: Added an episode synopsis.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  11. #71
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    aw, a Ping Pong episode, I loved it!

    the ending was good too, can't wait for the next ep.

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  12. #72

  13. #73
    I like Ukyou's plan of deception as a way to mentally destroy Yoichi, but at least he regained his confidence to fight for Ibuki again (which is kind of a sad thing when she returns to her normal thrashing about). It's interesting to see almost all of the characters prepare for the final fight, so the next episode should be interesting, to say the least.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  14. #74
    Damn, Yoichi didn't end up with Angie. Foiled again!

  15. #75
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Episode 10 - CoalGuys-Doremi
    Episode 11 - CoalGuys-Doremi

    Damn, ep 11 showed some uber lousy script writing. I almost dropped the show when Ukyou talked Yoichi into abandoning the sisters. He's supposed to be an honourable samurai yet the rich boy's shit talk convinved him without a single objection. I think the mangaka had been testing some wits lessening drugs on himself prior to writing this particular arc.

  16. #76
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    He's supposed to be an honourable samurai yet the rich boy's shit talk convinved him without a single objection. I think the mangaka had been testing some wits lessening drugs on himself prior to writing this particular arc.
    I probably shouldn't be the one to say this considering the dumb things I have said based off being largely uninformed/misinformed/heresay/etc.

    The equivalent manga chapters of these last three episodes run completely different to the anime adaptation presented here. It's actually two separate mini-arcs. The first true appearance of the siblings ends in chapters 9-11 as part of the Tropical Island vacation.

    The current drug-induced storyline doesn't appear until chapter 15-16, where Sakon is involved by herself, and the Summer Festival, Chihaya Bullied at School, and Revenge on Wa-san chapters lie in between.

    You should see the considerable difference in how these arcs take place before accusing the mangaka of this terrible writing.

  17. #77
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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  18. #78
    Dear Heavens! [Spoilers below]:

    That was just awful - with 20:48 foreshadowing a second season, an approximate one-minute and 33-second final boss battle, and a deux ex machina ending to boot for recovering Ibuki's memories. Torigaya's gender change (if applicable) was never explained, there was no explanation for the revival of the Tsubame Flowing Style martial arts, Ukyou still lusts after Ibuki and had a terrible back history as a "good guy" becoming corrupted by money, Sakon still lusts after her own brother, no pairings have been officially set, and lastly, Yoichi remains as the strongest character in the series - having little or no obstacles in the entire storyline!

    Very disappointed in the series and the ending, but I suppose the comedy and fan service was what prevented this series from being a failure, so I believe it served its purpose.

  19. #79
    I guess Torigaya turning smaller and smaller with each passing episode was true. It's just that he stands at an ackward angle in all the other episodes, so it was hard for me to analyze him. Also, he did revert back to his normal size the other few times, so that lead to the mass confusion. Toward the end, however, I found his gender-bending self quite funny when Wa-san was surprised, or perhaps lusting over him.

    Other than that, the episode itself was quite fine until Ukyou fought against Yoichi. IT WAS TOO SHORT! They also rushed the ending, so that made it quite bland. Still, the series was enjoyable enough, although Ibuki was the only character I disliked throughout the entire series, with Yoichi being the best overall character they made him to be.
    Last edited by Nadouku; Sat, 03-28-2009 at 04:27 PM. Reason: Removed another "also" and reworded my first paragraph.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  20. #80
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    meh. thought the ending ep was okay. it wasn't anything amazing. the series is definitely about a 6 or something. nothing really special.

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