I thought that new ending was pretty horrible. It was really cheesy
I thought that new ending was pretty horrible. It was really cheesy
Originally Posted by ASSpirine
Yes...it looks like Bill already answered that question...And don't forget to quote, "or the people who make Naruto." I'm also thinking it's possible when putting in subs, DB would have some sort of power to tailor it to GW liking.
She isn't dancing. But she IS on the ending.Originally Posted by Archangel
ten ten could be a really cool character... but they didn't manage to show that.
I wouldn't mind if they really show us how well she can handle so many weapons together with tai-jutsu... she is the ideal character for that (Chun Li!!)
Nah. This series only expand a characters role if they do well on a poll.
Well that does make sense doesn't it? At least Kishi is giving the fans what they want.Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Bad point is the japs love Sasuke too much.
Point takenOriginally Posted by RyougaZell
Not to spoil or anything but i'm pretty sure that due to recent events on the manga Naruto's popularity rating is gonna sky rocket in the next poll
Last edited by Archangel; Mon, 01-12-2009 at 11:16 AM.
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Your referral to the Japanese can be quite offensive.
He has facts to back him up, emo boy had the last 2 first places in the popularity polls.Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
I believe he was refering to the use of 'japs' which like 'nips' or 'japos' is often considered a negative term.Originally Posted by Archangel
lol, i think azon is a right.Originally Posted by Archangel
I was wondering what you were talking about at first, then i figured it out and lol
Arch just assumed you werent talking about something retarded. He shouldve known better.
I got what he meant right away and even thought it was pretty odd for Ryouga to use it before lil posted.Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
I guess its just a case of 'do you think there are "bad" words?'. Apparently you do.
Edit: Whatever this is offtopic and I don't care anymore.
Last edited by Jessper; Tue, 01-13-2009 at 01:38 AM.
Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Care to enlighten me on how addressing an issue of a racial slur is retarded?
If you can, then that's cool. But don't be such a dick if you don't have to.
the fact that you immediately assume he was being derogatory towards japs just shows where your mindset is at. he shortened a word and you call it a racial slur? alright...?
I know its not "politically correct" to call someone a jap, but do you blindly follow everything you're taught to do and not to do? havent you ever thought... "hmm that doesnt make sense at all, I dont need to listen to the majority and I can think for myself."
wellllll maybe you just dont agree with me that words like "jap" have no meaning or any real malicious intent behind it. its not like we enslaved their people and called them all japs for hundreds of years while they were working for nothing.
anyway, from a quick look at a few of the polls im happy to see my boy shikamaru up there. yeah sasuke's an emo tool, but hes our emo tool.. and he gives the show some depth and range in personality.
quick response...i was letting him know, that in case he didn't know, the use of the word "jap" is derogatory.
and now after reading...
In case You didn't know, America has treated the Japanese-Americans very cruelly after the Pearl Harbor incident. Also, some asians were used as slaves. Another thing was trafficking asians to build railroads and shit.
And, if you look at it from a Japanese point of view, back then, the use of the word "jap" was always synonymous with derogatory terms. So, in that sense, if I am Japanese and others refer to me as a "jap," I'd be insulted because that's how others refer to me out of disrespect. It's almost similar to how in Asian culture, older parents would feel disrespected if they were addressed by their first name by a young child, not necessarily their own child. I also know someone close to me who hates being addressed as a "jap."
So before you talk to me about blindly following the majority opinion, get out into the real world and start opening your eyes.