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Thread: Best Anime 2008

  1. #1
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Best Anime 2008

    As it says, what's your list? As a general rule, for an anime to be eligible, it'll have to finish airing in 2008, or maybe a few days after. If your list shows otherwise, just give us a yell on how you classified things.

    My take was:

    First Place: Code Geass R2
    Runner up: Macross Frontier

    This one was really hard for me. I remember when I first watched both endings, Macross was definitely the one I was most pleased with. But after that, R2's finale got a few more replays than Frontier's. CG for the actual scenes and story, Macross for the music. I guess missile spamming gets less exciting the more you watch it, while Removed spoiler CG's last scene still remains captivating. It's marginal, but it sits better with me to name R2 on top of Macross.

    Next top 5 (in random order):

    Clannad (1st Season)
    Gundam 00 (first season)
    Allison & Lillia
    Vampire Knight Season 1
    Ga-Rei Zero

    (ef - a tale of melodies would most likely be on the list, but I haven't finished that yet)

    People be smart about it. Don't fucking spoil in this thread. Don't give details out about endings, etc. from the series you're commenting on. Use some common sense.
    Last edited by Munsu; Wed, 01-07-2009 at 07:18 AM.

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  2. #2
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    My top 3.

    True Tears
    The Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk

    The rest.

    Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
    Itazura na Kiss
    Wagaya no Oinari-sama
    Strike Witches
    Last edited by Marik; Wed, 01-07-2009 at 06:50 AM.

  3. #3
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well...I can't pick between these two, I liked them equally for different reasons:

    ARIA the Orgination
    Itazura na Kiss

    Aria was the first anime title to actually, truly shock me. With a plot twist in a slice of life series no less! Especially one typically known for a lack of developments. Racing heartbeat, stunned expression, the works. I found it shocking enough that I couldn't get to sleep for two hours after. For a series I usually used to unwind and relax right before bed, this was no small feat. That alone blew me away, but the series still carried an awesome air of peace, and finished it all off with an excellent time jump conclusion. There's a lot more to this series' final 5 episodes if you listen carefully into the dialogue.

    Itazura na Kiss on the other hand, was a really excellent romantic comedy. A series that goes beyond high school and even into married life (gasp!). Nana Mizuki playing the lead Kotoko however, sold the series completely. She mixed a perfect balance of emotion during serious parts, and humor during the rest. I doubt any other actress could have played the role as well as she did. Funny, touching, endearing.

    Runners up (no order):

    Macross Frontier
    Kyouran Kazkoku Nikki
    Ga-Rei Zero
    Bamboo Blade
    Real Drive

    Macross Frontier fulfilled my needs for action. I've always been a fan of Macross series over other mecha, it's probably entirely because the VF-class planes. I liked the music more than most other series, I'm still listening to Diamond Crevasse and Northern Cross (the two EDs) months later, and it's really hard to beat a Yoko Kanno soundtrack. I found myself looking forward to this series the most too. While Code Geass was the MUST SEE Sunday series, the beginning and middle of R2 was so weak and poorly written that the entire series soured for me. That keeps it off my list. A pathetic season with a kickass ending doesn't make up for shortcomings. There were far too many questions unanswered, and the episodes before the finale were filled with way too many decoy ships, horrible plot holes, and too-abrupt "twists" we all saw coming. Sure, Macross F has a non-commital ending (but we all know he totally picks Sheryl ),

  4. #4
    I'd pick Kara no Kyoukai but it's still "ongoing" I guess depending on how you view it other than that.

    In no particular order:

    Natsume Yuujinchou
    xxxholic kei
    Bamboo blade
    Kamen no Maid Guy
    Itazura no kiss
    You are here alone again
    In your sweet insanity
    All too calm, you hide yourself from reality
    Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?
    When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

  5. #5
    People be smart about it. Don't fucking spoil in this thread. Don't give details out about endings, etc. from the series you're commenting on. Use some common sense.

  6. #6
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    i really don't think there was a single anime that finished in '08 that I found that compelling or awesome... I enjoyed parts of Geass R2, Gundam00, but I'm a mecha fan boy... There are a few shows still airing that I'm really enjoying (Eve no Jikan, Casshern Sins, Tytania), but in a year where I watched less anime than ever before, I really can't think of anything that stood out.

    Ga-Rei Zero, however, deserves an award for the best opening hook I've seen in an anime, possibly ever.

    If I had to choose one anime from 2008 that I've enjoyed the most, it would actually be the zany, lolicon-catering, social commentary harem show that is, without a doubt, the most difficult thing to watch (and probably fansub) that I've ever seen in anime.
    Of course, I'm talking about Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

    Something about the off-color yet insightful humor, the frantic pace, the absurd everything, the endearing archetype characters, the Family Guy-esque storm of references, it just endures to me. God knows I need a CAT scan.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  7. #7
    Can only list the ones that I've actually tried, so many of the ones that have been mentioned in this thread already won't appear on my list. But I have to say that 2008 overall was a weak anime year. I didn't watch much anime, but last season was quite better, hence quite a few that I will mention are still ongoing so might not be the best choices to consider as 2008 anime.

    In order of prefference:

    The Daughter of Twenty-Faces
    Bounen no Xamdou
    Toaru Majutsu no Index
    Casshern Sins
    One Outs
    Tower of Druaga
    Soul Eater
    Allison & Lillia
    Library War
    Spice and Wolf
    Yakushiji Ryoko no Kaiki Jikenbo

    Many of these I haven't finished because for some reason I find it really difficult to watch final episodes. But up to the point that I've seen of each, those are my clear leaders. Of course I have no doubt that Code Geass R2 and Macross would've been on the list if I had watched them.

  8. #8
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    its always difficult to watch the final episode because then u have to say good bye to something u like ^^

    best 2008 was with no doubt code geass r2

  9. #9
    Missing Nin
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    As a preliminary list not actually having a list of shows that would qualify I'll go with these.

    1. Macross Frontier
    2. Kannagi
    3. Spice and Wolf
    4. Clannad 1st Season
    5. Shigofumi

  10. #10
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    with Tessa.
    I'll go with the finished airing anime for 2008. My pick will definitely be Code Geass R2. Currently, I can't really think of any other anime that can rival Code Geass R2 though.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  11. #11
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Spice & Wolf
    Code Geass R2

    ...and Strike Witches, because it had a prominent Finnish character.

  12. #12
    Kyōran Kazoku Nikki - ending surprised me in a bad way, but overall refreshing.
    Hyakko - great cast and comedy. Lovin' Andō Nene.
    Ga-rei Zero - nice action and drama.
    Chaos;Head - psychologic thriller, but second-half of the series were bland.

    There were plenty of other animes that I liked, but these top it off.
    I am training in the shadows.
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  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Spice & Wolf
    Minami-ke (2nd anime)
    Macross Frontier
    Code Geass
    True Tears

    in random order.
    but Macross Frontier and Code Geass are in the lower half, even though I like Mecha series. (ok, the order I've listed them is pretty much how I would rank them IF I had to )

    Tower of Druaga is not good enough to mention here in my opinion.. it was decent

    I don't know why we shouldn't mention ongoing animes though, since they also count as animes released in 2008

  14. #14
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Number 1:

    One Outs (I doubted this series because of the baseball setting. really dont like that sport. But as a big fan of Akagi and Kaiji i watched it...and its just as awsome as the precedessors. I can only hope that the guys responsible for these 3 animes are going to make more awsome series)

    Rank 2 - 4:

    Code Geass
    True Tears (damn, was that 2008? feels like i saw it years ago)
    Itazura na kiss (i couldnt say why, but i simply honestly enjoyed this series)

    Other mentions:

    Casshern (great beginning, but now the "lots of little stories" feel repetitive)
    Chaos Head (also great beginning, then losing all originality in the second half)
    Tytania (love it so far, but wont praise it any higher because i need to see how it pans out)

  15. #15
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33
    I don't know why we shouldn't mention ongoing animes though, since they also count as animes released in 2008
    You can, just tell us that's how you're doing things. I've kept to anime finished in 2008 simply because I believe you shouldn't judge it till it's over.

    That's simply my personal preference, so do what you want

    If it's not Isuzu-chan Mii~

  16. #16
    Due to the time-frame in which I started following anime consistently I consider the anime 'year' to run from fall season to fall season and group series based on when they began. Thus '2008' for me covers shows starting Fall 2007-Fall 2008. Sadly, I felt this period was rather light on ZOMG AWESOME series once 2008 proper came along.

    My favorites would be (I don't believe in 'best'):
    ef - A Tale of Memories - Shaft being Shafty
    Genshiken 2 - Comedy Gold
    Minami-ke S1 - Comedy Platinum
    Mnemosyne - Dark and edgy action with lots of graphic sex and violence, creepy at times but overall an interesting OVA series.
    Druaga - Aegis of Uruk - Action/Adventure/Comedy/GUTS!!!!!
    Kamen no Maid Guy - Comedy Diamond/Adamant
    Macross Frontier - Singing + Mecha + Klan > (Emo + Whining) * 2 + Whining

    Using the ended in 2008 scheme I'd add in
    Ga-rei Zero

  17. #17
    In order:

    Spice and Wolf
    ef - Tale of Melodies
    Code Geass R2
    True Tears

    I omitted some of the titles others have mentioned (e.g. ef - Memories) because didn't finish airing in 2008.

  18. #18
    Awesome user with default custom title Pandadice's Avatar
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    mmmm, there are so many anime which came out this year which I want to see v_v.

    if Eve no Jikan and Candy boy were finished, they'd be on the list. and I'm sure if I watched The Sky Crawlers, then it'd be on the list too.

    Kaiji was probably my top favorite of the year. Closely followed by Detroit Metal City.

    I really liked Nabari no Ou, but I haven't finished it yet.

    then some other favorites would be (in no order)

    Naisho no Tsubomi
    Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
    and Ef - a Tale of Melodies

    user posted image

  19. #19
    In no particular order...

    Macross Frontier
    Kamen no Maid Guy
    Code Geass R2
    Yakushiji Ryoko no Kaiki Jikenbo
    Library War

    They top my list usually for being really well drawn and/or making me laugh... which are the two main reasons I've watched anime all these years.

  20. #20
    My favorites were Clannad and Itazura na Kiss. I loved both of them. Code Geass certainly was good for the most part, and Kannagi was pretty fun as well.

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